What Is A "Jury of your peers"?

I was on a jury and the case concerned a black male who climbed into the window of an elderly woman’s 2nd floor apartment and ransacked the place. He was caught climbing out just as the police arrived (as a neighbor saw it and called 911).

We were hung 11-1. And why? A libtard on the jury refuses to convict because “he never knew his father and grew up poor.” She wouldn’t budge.

That was more than 40 years ago. The public defender, a young guy in his 20s about my age, told me as we were walking out that he was shocked that we didn’t convict given all the hard evidence.
Did they retry? Sounds like they should have. What was the case? Where?
Did they retry? Sounds like they should have. What was the case? Where?
I have no idea if they retried, but with an 11-1 for conviction, my guess would be they would. Cant have a dangerous lowlife on the street to break into another person’s house.

This was in one of the most liberal counties in a deep blue state.
Shows everyone how out of touch with responses to the topic you are.

Not on topic as to peer
Lib babble rant instead
I have no idea if they retried, but with an 11-1 for conviction, my guess would be they would. Cant have a dangerous lowlife on the street to break into another person’s house.

This was in one of the most liberal counties in a deep blue state.
So, only one? Trump couldn’t even get one in an area where statistically he should have had at least 2 of his voters on the jury. Even the guy that said he listened to right wing news didn’t hang the jury! :dunno:
If Biden is calling the shots, why is his son facing a felony trial? Double whammy fake-out? If you believe that, you’ve been MAGA too long! :rolleyes-41:

First off, the Hunter Biden case is where it is because Biden & Co tried to pull a fast one so that Hunter could never be charged and the judge figured out what they were doing. The fix had been in for Hunter but the judge put the kaibash on it. Now they are forced to throw Hunter under the bus in order to make the Trump cases look more legit.
Trumps been a New Yorker forever

Trumps lawyers picked half the jurors

You don’t know how wealthy the jurors were

Trump ran around ny showing us ny ers love him. Was that a lie?
I keep telling you, you'll have to ask him in the next meeting during Q&A.
I don't understand the term. Would black people say that when a black person is tried with an all white or mostly white jury that it would be called a jury of your peers? What about if you are a staunch Republican (we'll just call him Donald J Trump) and you have a trial in a deep blue city inside a deep blue state (with a deep blue DA and deep blue prosecutors and a deep blue judge)? Would that be called a jury of your peers? What in the hell is a peer?
THEY did go to great lengths to try and get the fairest trial possible. IF the trial was in Alabama how far( given there track record) do you think they would go for a fair trial. Be honest.
THEY did go to great lengths to try and get the fairest trial possible. IF the trial was in Alabama how far( given there track record) do you think they would go for a fair trial. Be honest.
That's exactly the point. The trial would not have been fair in a deep red area, just as it wasn't fair in a deep blue area.
That's exactly the point. The trial would not have been fair in a deep red area, just as it wasn't fair in a deep blue area.
SO what you are saying is the citizens of our country have been SO damaged by people putting party over country
that We are destroying our country? And be honest, WHO have been the loudest voices.
would it be fair to say its not the Republicans or the democrat's, ITS the MAGA group?
Liar. You have not a single shred of evidence that Biden or anyone in his administration created or directed the plea agreement that the special prosecutor offered.

That was a lie that you pulled right out of your ass.
LOL. Yeah, it was Trump who tried rigging the plea deal for Hunter.
SO what you are saying is the citizens of our country have been SO damaged by people putting party over country
that We are destroying our country? And be honest, WHO have been the loudest voices.
would it be fair to say its not the Republicans or the democrat's, ITS the MAGA group?
I see what you're saying. You're saying the trial would have still been fair in a deep red area.
First off, the Hunter Biden case is where it is because Biden & Co tried to pull a fast one so that Hunter could never be charged and the judge figured out what they were doing. The fix had been in for Hunter but the judge put the kaibash on it. Now they are forced to throw Hunter under the bus in order to make the Trump cases look more legit.
Hunter was getting what every defendant gets, until MAGA started whining. I hope you enjoy the increased vigilance in gun law enforcement, since that’s what MAGA’s apparently espousing. Does the NRA know about this?! :biggrin:

LOL. Yeah, it was Trump who tried rigging the plea deal for Hunter.
Or nobody at all, and simply a mistake in syntax by the legal support team of the special counsel who is now taking Hunter to trial.

You just can't seem to escape your bubble of delusion and paranoia. This more obvious and correct option did not even occur to you.
Those ARE the facts. The fix was in for Hunter, the judge figured it out and put a stop to it, and that's why we are where we are at today.
You can't believe that. Yes, they gave him a deal, because of who he is. Sort of like how Michael Cohen went to jail for 3 years but Trump won't.

But then Republicans played politics with this. Put the kabosh on the deal. Now that was political. But we won't care. Biden will just pardon him.

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