What Is A "Jury of your peers"?

C’mon…..they couldn’t even prove ONE underlying crime, so the judge named three they could pick from, like ordering from a Chinese menu, and they didn’t have to agree. The case was so weak, and there was no evidence of the underlying crime, they were just allowed to split the difference.

Proving another crime isn't the requirement for the enhancement. As you know proving INTENT to commit, aid or conceal another crime with the falsification of records is the requirement.

You're offering us a legal strawman. And delightfully pseudo-legal one, as nothing you've described is actually a legal requirement under NY law.

There's no 'pretzel twisting'. The felony enhancement is right there in 175.10. The jury unanimously found Trump falsified records. AND unanimously found that he did so with the INTENT to commit, aid or conceal another crime.

Its not particularly complicated. Especially for the jury.
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The exact opposite is going on. That kind of talking point is ridiculous. No one believes it, and you are extremely stupid if you do.
If Biden is calling the shots, why is his son facing a felony trial? Double whammy fake-out? If you believe that, you’ve been MAGA too long! :rolleyes-41:

Trump did not get a jury of his peers. He should use that in his appeal.
He most certainly did! He got a variety if citizens who live in the same district, where he lives and the crimes were committed. THAT is the LEGALLY DEFINED jury of his peers.

  1. jury of one's peers

Definition from Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary​

The constitutionally guaranteed right of criminal defendants to be tried by their equals, that is, by an impartial group of citizens from the legal jurisdiction where they live. This has been interpreted by courts to mean that the jurors should include a broad representation of the population, particularly with regard to race, national origin, and gender. Notice that this doesn't mean that, for example, women are to be tried by women, Asians by Asians, or African Americans by African Americans. When selecting a jury, the lawyers may not exclude people of a particular race or intentionally narrow the spectrum of possible jurors.
Definition provided by Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary.
Nope. They were overwhelmingly liberal, and Trump-haters. That doesn’t qualify as an impartial jury. And of course the “judge” was horribly biased.

There is no question this miscarriage of justice will be overturned. The only questions are:

1. If the NY appeals court appeals it, will they drag it out until after the election to allow Dems to campaign on the false “convicted felon” nonsense?

2. if the NY appeals court is also too biased to do its job and this goes to the SCOTUS, then same question: Will they get it in time to overturn the verdict?
Geez Lisa, where in the world did you get that they were all Trump haters or liberals....? Seriously?

I hate to bust your narrative that you've been given to say and repeat.... But two were likely Trump supporters, the jurors who listed on the questionnaire that Truth Social was their primary source of where they get their news and the other with FOX News as their primary news source.

Trumps defense lawyers got to reject the jurists that he thought could not be fair in their verdicts.

Being liberal or conservative or libertarian or green has zip to do with being able to determine whether the prosecution has presented a case for a guilty verdict beyond a reasonable doubt in the trial.

Are you saying you would not honor your jury duty if the defendant were a liberal or democrat? You would disregard what you were sworn to do, the oath you took, if it were Biden on trial?

WOW! I really have misread you....!!! I didn't think you were that scuzzy!! :(
Basically Merchant of Death told jury to just go find Trump guilty

He did what a total piece of shit!

Yeah, legal definitions are so boring. Making up nonsense based on your personal opinion must be so much more entertaining.

Legal definitions are so boring and this isn't even a legitimate issue. The jury pool process is what it is. Use up your little strikes and you are then stuck with whomever is left. Those are your jury.
Legal definitions are so boring and this isn't even a legitimate issue. The jury pool process is what it is. Use up your little strikes and you are then stuck with whomever is left. Those are your jury.
And the deck is stacked against you when the pool comes from a jurisdiction which is almost 90% libtard.
Many people are unfit to sit on a jury but get selected anyway.
I was a jury foreman and some of the people that were in the jury were absolutely clueless.
I presume you consider yourself to be the other half of the equation I mentioned. That’s what jury foremen are for, to guide the less able, but they’re still our peers under law. Thank you for your service.
I was a jury foreman and some of the people that were in the jury were absolutely clueless.
I was on a jury and the case concerned a black male who climbed into the window of an elderly woman’s 2nd floor apartment and ransacked the place. He was caught climbing out just as the police arrived (as a neighbor saw it and called 911).

We were hung 11-1. And why? A libtard on the jury refuses to convict because “he never knew his father and grew up poor.” She wouldn’t budge.

That was more than 40 years ago. The public defender, a young guy in his 20s about my age, told me as we were walking out that he was shocked that we didn’t convict given all the hard evidence.
I know it has been posted, but it deserves repeating that the Manhattan jury were truly Trump’s peers. He made his name in Manhattan and has been part of that City’s social, civic and business life for the past 60 years. Trump’s attorneys were involved in choosing the jury And we’re satisfied with them.

It is typical Trumpist racket to blame the system for Trump’s failing rather than Trump himself. It is rather sad and pathetic.
I was on a jury and the case concerned a black male who climbed into the window of an elderly woman’s 2nd floor apartment and ransacked the place. He was caught climbing out just as the police arrived (as a neighbor saw it and called 911).

We were hung 11-1. And why? A libtard on the jury refuses to convict because “he never knew his father and grew up poor.” She wouldn’t budge.

That was more than 40 years ago. The public defender, a young guy in his 20s about my age, told me as we were walking out that he was shocked that we didn’t convict given all the hard evidence.
This proves my point. Thanks.
I don't understand the term. Would black people say that when a black person is tried with an all white or mostly white jury that it would be called a jury of your peers? What about if you are a staunch Republican (we'll just call him Donald J Trump) and you have a trial in a deep blue city inside a deep blue state (with a deep blue DA and deep blue prosecutors and a deep blue judge)? Would that be called a jury of your peers? What in the hell is a peer?
In my opinion, "peers" indicates folks similar to you in most ways: financial/social status, regional locale, etc. Inner-city, Communist thugs are not Trump's "peers."

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