What a disaster this president is!


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Obama's strategy: more fear mongering, more class / race warfare, but this time this BS artist won't be able to get away with it. While he talks of "protecting the middle class" what he really means is creating more poor and those that are dependent on govt. in other words, more Obama voters. Why don't blacks realize that 50 years of investing in the democratic party has left them holding the bag and things have gotten only worse for the black community during this presidency?

In 08 Obama inherited two battlefronts - Iraq and Afganistan, of which we were clearly winning wars in, now moral in the military has never been lower, and while Obama goes around either showing total lack or leadership, inaction, or apologizing for America he has turned a winning situation into about 7 countries we are loosing or about to enter into a war with: Afganistan, Iran, Syria, Egypt, Tunisia, Iraq, Libya, and North Korea has turned totally belligerent, threatining to test intercontinental missiles that are capable of reaching US soil. Which means they can nuke a US city soon.

Oh, but it's all somebody else's fault. Things were worse than Obama thought when he took over, the republicans are voting against everything, the Japanese Earthquake / Tsunami / nuclear reactor, blah blah blah. It's never his fault. He's perfect. But we thought he was going to change all of this didn't we? No, instead we have the Obama brigade, the so called "99% people" a mini civil war started by this administration by having people rioting in the streets of America, pooping and destroying people's properties. Later determined that most of these rioters are communists, anarchists, anti capitalists, Islamists, Neo Nazis, and your average American hater. So no, in no way shape or form do they represent America.

Well, let's also not forget that suddenly he thinks what he always thought of himself, he's something of a king or messiah, more powerful than even the US Supreme Court, if they dare strike down his beloved Health Care law for being unconstitutional, which it is. Had he had any real "concern for middle class Americans" he wouldn't have spent two and a half years of his presidency trying to shove his socialist agenda down America's throat by force, while the economy of the country had hit an iceberg.

Anybody who votes for this man for another four years has to be out of his or her friggin' mind. You will not recognize this country once he's done with it.
Yeah.........fuk em.

So we should replace the guy who got us OUT of Iraq and is slowly fixing the economy and put BACK the people who lied us into war in the first place and nearly threw us into another Great Depression?

Boy, you CONZ sure are smart. Doing the same thing over and hoping for a different outcome.
Obama's strategy: more fear mongering, more class / race warfare, but this time this BS artist won't be able to get away with it. While he talks of "protecting the middle class" what he really means is creating more poor and those that are dependent on govt. in other words, more Obama voters. Why don't blacks realize that 50 years of investing in the democratic party has left them holding the bag and things have gotten only worse for the black community during this presidency?

In 08 Obama inherited two battlefronts - Iraq and Afganistan, of which we were clearly winning wars in, now moral in the military has never been lower, and while Obama goes around either showing total lack or leadership, inaction, or apologizing for America he has turned a winning situation into about 7 countries we are loosing or about to enter into a war with: Afganistan, Iran, Syria, Egypt, Tunisia, Iraq, Libya, and North Korea has turned totally belligerent, threatining to test intercontinental missiles that are capable of reaching US soil. Which means they can nuke a US city soon.

Oh, but it's all somebody else's fault. Things were worse than Obama thought when he took over, the republicans are voting against everything, the Japanese Earthquake / Tsunami / nuclear reactor, blah blah blah. It's never his fault. He's perfect. But we thought he was going to change all of this didn't we? No, instead we have the Obama brigade, the so called "99% people" a mini civil war started by this administration by having people rioting in the streets of America, pooping and destroying people's properties. Later determined that most of these rioters are communists, anarchists, anti capitalists, Islamists, Neo Nazis, and your average American hater. So no, in no way shape or form do they represent America.

Well, let's also not forget that suddenly he thinks what he always thought of himself, he's something of a king or messiah, more powerful than even the US Supreme Court, if they dare strike down his beloved Health Care law for being unconstitutional, which it is. Had he had any real "concern for middle class Americans" he wouldn't have spent two and a half years of his presidency trying to shove his socialist agenda down America's throat by force, while the economy of the country had hit an iceberg.

Anybody who votes for this man for another four years has to be out of his or her friggin' mind. You will not recognize this country once he's done with it.

Good post and I concur 100%. Look what the fuck has done to NASA, after his pro NASA speeech at KSc in '08.

A true pathological new age liar. Fuck him.

And look at this mirage: $15,000,000,000,000+ in debt and counting at 9 million a minute, new agey anti capitalism and even the Saudi oil minster threatened to flood oil to the three big world powers with a 35% production increase, to flood the market and force the issue for oil and gas prices to come down.........wow

And now, look, we are riding ex-Russian ICBMs once targeted on the US, to the ISS just to get there. And this from the greatest space faring nation the world has ever seen.

This fuck is a nation wrecker and needs to be impeached. Now!

Robert, what did Bush do to get the space program going? Nothing. Reduced taxes on the wealthy, failed to get Bin Laden with one war, and started another war on the basis of lies. Then the chickens came home to roost of the GOP's repeal of the Glass-Steagal, and we had a near depression.

First the economy, then back into space.
Yeah.........fuk em.

So we should replace the guy who got us OUT of Iraq and is slowly fixing the economy and put BACK the people who lied us into war in the first place and nearly threw us into another Great Depression?

Boy, you CONZ sure are smart. Doing the same thing over and hoping for a different outcome.
Historic revisionism? Regardless of the merits of why we went into Iraq, Bush eventually turned the war around with his "surge" which idiot Obama was totally against and called it "doubling down". He then took control of Afganistan and wiith his incompetence has managed to turn a winning situation where we had the Afganis with us to a loosing situation with the Afganis, and our military demoralized because of his constant demonization of US forces and apologizing. His inexperience and weak leadership has caused Egypt to fall into the hands of Islamists who are holding our diplomats hostage (yes, the same Egyptians we are sending 2 billion per year), and we are on the verge of war with Iran ( while he thumbed his nose and turned his back on the Iranian protests in 09).

"This president cannot run on his record".

And I'm not a republican either.
Yeah.........fuk em.

So we should replace the guy who got us OUT of Iraq and is slowly fixing the economy and put BACK the people who lied us into war in the first place and nearly threw us into another Great Depression?

Boy, you CONZ sure are smart. Doing the same thing over and hoping for a different outcome.
We are smarter than you libtard idiots, idiot.
Robert, what did Bush do to get the space program going? Nothing. Reduced taxes on the wealthy, failed to get Bin Laden with one war, and started another war on the basis of lies. Then the chickens came home to roost of the GOP's repeal of the Glass-Steagal, and we had a near depression.

First the economy, then back into space.
Another blame Bush bullshit lying session. Obamaturd is a lot worse.
Robert, what did Bush do to get the space program going? Nothing. Reduced taxes on the wealthy, failed to get Bin Laden with one war, and started another war on the basis of lies. Then the chickens came home to roost of the GOP's repeal of the Glass-Steagal, and we had a near depression.

First the economy, then back into space.
First the economy? Why did Obama spend the first two and half years of his presidency fiddling with the Health Care Bill while the economy of the country was in flames? Did somebody tell him it would turn around anyhow, or maybe he that's what he wanted, more poor people that will vote for him, which means he doesn't give a shat about the welfare of people?
Yeah.........fuk em.

So we should replace the guy who got us OUT of Iraq and is slowly fixing the economy and put BACK the people who lied us into war in the first place and nearly threw us into another Great Depression?

Boy, you CONZ sure are smart. Doing the same thing over and hoping for a different outcome.
Historic revisionism? Regardless of the merits of why we went into Iraq, Bush eventually turned the war around with his "surge" which idiot Obama was totally against and called it "doubling down". He then took control of Afganistan and wiith his incompetence has managed to turn a winning situation where we had the Afganis with us to a loosing situation with the Afganis, and our military demoralized because of his constant demonization of US forces and apologizing. His inexperience and weak leadership has caused Egypt to fall into the hands of Islamists who are holding our diplomats hostage (yes, the same Egyptians we are sending 2 billion per year), and we are on the verge of war with Iran ( while he thumbed his nose and turned his back on the Iranian protests in 09).

"This president cannot run on his record".

And I'm not a republican either.

Yes, President Obama will run on his record. And win the election as the GOP continues to alienate more people every day.
Yeah.........fuk em.

So we should replace the guy who got us OUT of Iraq and is slowly fixing the economy and put BACK the people who lied us into war in the first place and nearly threw us into another Great Depression?

Boy, you CONZ sure are smart. Doing the same thing over and hoping for a different outcome.
That's what liberals do when they press for socialism. It has failed repeatedly and the stupid fuckin' liberals still want it installed here.
Robert, what did Bush do to get the space program going? Nothing. Reduced taxes on the wealthy, failed to get Bin Laden with one war, and started another war on the basis of lies. Then the chickens came home to roost of the GOP's repeal of the Glass-Steagal, and we had a near depression.

First the economy, then back into space.
First the economy? Why did Obama spend the first two and half years of his presidency fiddling with the Health Care Bill while the economy of the country was in flames? Did somebody tell him it would turn around anyhow, or maybe he that's what he wanted, more poor people that will vote for him, which means he doesn't give a shat about the welfare of people?

Because our Health Care System is a major part of the economy, and a very disfunctional part. It delivers very poor service for a very high price compared to other industrialized nations Health Care Systems.

As far that the space program is concerned, for eight years Bush knew the shuttle fleet was aging, and we needed a new launch system. And did absolutely nothing. So don't lecture me on what President Obama has not done.
Yeah.........fuk em.

So we should replace the guy who got us OUT of Iraq and is slowly fixing the economy and put BACK the people who lied us into war in the first place and nearly threw us into another Great Depression?

Boy, you CONZ sure are smart. Doing the same thing over and hoping for a different outcome.
That's what liberals do when they press for socialism. It has failed repeatedly and the stupid fuckin' liberals still want it installed here.

Failed, eh? Every industrial nation delivers better health care for less money than the US. They have longer life spans, and far better infant mortality rates. If those systems are socialism, then by all means, let us have that area socialized. For the good of all of our citizens.

No bankruptcies due to medical bills, while we have at least 750,000 families bankrupt a year from medical bills.
So we should replace the guy who got us OUT of Iraq and is slowly fixing the economy and put BACK the people who lied us into war in the first place and nearly threw us into another Great Depression?

Boy, you CONZ sure are smart. Doing the same thing over and hoping for a different outcome.
Historic revisionism? Regardless of the merits of why we went into Iraq, Bush eventually turned the war around with his "surge" which idiot Obama was totally against and called it "doubling down". He then took control of Afganistan and wiith his incompetence has managed to turn a winning situation where we had the Afganis with us to a loosing situation with the Afganis, and our military demoralized because of his constant demonization of US forces and apologizing. His inexperience and weak leadership has caused Egypt to fall into the hands of Islamists who are holding our diplomats hostage (yes, the same Egyptians we are sending 2 billion per year), and we are on the verge of war with Iran ( while he thumbed his nose and turned his back on the Iranian protests in 09).

"This president cannot run on his record".

And I'm not a republican either.

Yes, President Obama will run on his record. And win the election as the GOP continues to alienate more people every day.
So far he's running away from his record and attacking the republicans. It won't work this time, mainly because American's are on to him. In 08 he was something of a blank slate that was good at bullshitting people, and he won in a very close election because people were fed up with Bush and John Mc Cain unwisely chose Palin as his running mate. Ain't gonna happen this time with Romney.
Yeah.........fuk em.

So we should replace the guy who got us OUT of Iraq and is slowly fixing the economy and put BACK the people who lied us into war in the first place and nearly threw us into another Great Depression?

Boy, you CONZ sure are smart. Doing the same thing over and hoping for a different outcome.

Yesw should replace Obama with someone else. Obama is a great 'deciever', he stated mant things in his initial campaign and has gone back on most if not all. But the biggest problem is his total ignorance(?) or total disregard by design of the Constitution. Here is a man who yesterday gave the SCOTUS a warning about 'non-elected ' officials turning back/nullifying legislation. He is supposed to be a Constitutional Scholar, a supposed Professor of Constitutional law. It seems he was absent the day there was a discussion of Maybury in which the president of Judicial Review by the SCOTUS was established. All this man wants to do is what he wants to do- he has a better idea of how this country should be run, whatb is good for its citizens and by god he wants it done his way regardless of that pesky document the Constitution. So yes any one would be a better replacement and would be able to work with Congress more that his dictatorial methods.
So we should replace the guy who got us OUT of Iraq and is slowly fixing the economy and put BACK the people who lied us into war in the first place and nearly threw us into another Great Depression?

Boy, you CONZ sure are smart. Doing the same thing over and hoping for a different outcome.
That's what liberals do when they press for socialism. It has failed repeatedly and the stupid fuckin' liberals still want it installed here.

Failed, eh? Every industrial nation delivers better health care for less money than the US. They have longer life spans, and far better infant mortality rates. If those systems are socialism, then by all means, let us have that area socialized. For the good of all of our citizens.

No bankruptcies due to medical bills, while we have at least 750,000 families bankrupt a year from medical bills.

Because everybody pays for it. That is socialism, which we do not want. Like, move.
Robert, what did Bush do to get the space program going? Nothing. Reduced taxes on the wealthy, failed to get Bin Laden with one war, and started another war on the basis of lies. Then the chickens came home to roost of the GOP's repeal of the Glass-Steagal, and we had a near depression.

First the economy, then back into space.

He (BUSH) proposed Orion and Dragon to name a few as a seamless transition of Shuttle to next gen. Obama shot both programs down as well as many others. No matter, between the Russians and Chinese and the myriad of space companies all working to get a Earth to Orbit going it will get done.

We seem to be the greatest "faring" people ever to evolve on the planet and it seems to be in our blood. I know its in mine and I am a 6th gen American. We are crazy and we push, push the envelope by our nature.

I think it will all play itself out okay, and we will be living on Mars within 40 years or sooner.

I also predict, that we will receive an artificial message in the next 5 years, from out there. Why? Its now been 50+ years since we broadcasted radio. Within 50 LYs of us are 91 Class M planets like Earth, who about now out to 5 more years should be seeing, hearing or listening to those broadcasts.

Can't wait till they get a load of "I love Lucy" and then, looking back down the long corridor back to us and say, "WTF?"

Good retort by you and thank you.

Robert, what did Bush do to get the space program going? Nothing. Reduced taxes on the wealthy, failed to get Bin Laden with one war, and started another war on the basis of lies. Then the chickens came home to roost of the GOP's repeal of the Glass-Steagal, and we had a near depression.

First the economy, then back into space.
First the economy? Why did Obama spend the first two and half years of his presidency fiddling with the Health Care Bill while the economy of the country was in flames? Did somebody tell him it would turn around anyhow, or maybe he that's what he wanted, more poor people that will vote for him, which means he doesn't give a shat about the welfare of people?

Because our Health Care System is a major part of the economy, and a very disfunctional part. It delivers very poor service for a very high price compared to other industrialized nations Health Care Systems.

As far that the space program is concerned, for eight years Bush knew the shuttle fleet was aging, and we needed a new launch system. And did absolutely nothing. So don't lecture me on what President Obama has not done.


A slight correction: Atlantis and Endeavour are new birds, with barely 1/3 of their operating life spent when retired. Your lover, the communist, has lied.

And why has it been discovered that everything in this quadrant of the universe is racing at 6% the speed of light to an unknown place called The Great Attractor, 256 million LYs off to the northeast of us and we are accelerating......... towards it. And know one knows why. Yea, I'd cut NASA about now......

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Robert, what did Bush do to get the space program going? Nothing. Reduced taxes on the wealthy, failed to get Bin Laden with one war, and started another war on the basis of lies. Then the chickens came home to roost of the GOP's repeal of the Glass-Steagal, and we had a near depression.

First the economy, then back into space.

He (BUSH) proposed Orion and Dragon to name a few as a seamless transition of Shuttle to next gen. Obama shot both programs down as well as many others. No matter, between the Russians and Chinese and the myriad of space companies all working to get a Earth to Orbit going it will get done.

We seem to be the greatest "faring" people ever to evolve on the planet and it seems to be in our blood. I know its in mine and I am a 6th gen American. We are crazy and we push, push the envelope by our nature.

I think it will all play itself out okay, and we will be living on Mars within 40 years or sooner.

I also predict, that we will receive an artificial message in the next 5 years, from out there. Why? Its now been 50+ years since we broadcasted radio. Within 50 LYs of us are 91 Class M planets like Earth, who about now out to 5 more years should be seeing, hearing or listening to those broadcasts.

Can't wait till they get a load of "I love Lucy" and then, looking back down the long corridor back to us and say, "WTF?"

Good retort by you and thank you.


There is no possible way humans will be living on Mars in 40 years...

200 years would be more plausible.

Sure, if someone said we would visit Mars in the next 40 years I wouldn't doubt that idea, but living on Mars is a totally different scenario.
Robert, what did Bush do to get the space program going? Nothing. Reduced taxes on the wealthy, failed to get Bin Laden with one war, and started another war on the basis of lies. Then the chickens came home to roost of the GOP's repeal of the Glass-Steagal, and we had a near depression.

First the economy, then back into space.
First the economy? Why did Obama spend the first two and half years of his presidency fiddling with the Health Care Bill while the economy of the country was in flames? Did somebody tell him it would turn around anyhow, or maybe he that's what he wanted, more poor people that will vote for him, which means he doesn't give a shat about the welfare of people?

The stimulus was passed in 2/2009, idiot, and health care was signed after 13 MONTHS, moron. Spent most of that time trying to get some Pubs on board a PUB PLAN ferchrissake. They stalled and pretended, then were snapped back by Pub leadership. Pure poppycock. Since 2/2010 Pubs have allowed NOTHING to pass. Now they pay for no compromise, "un-American (TIME) disfunction. Total A-HOLES. Only total moron dupes like you can still mouth their ridiculous party line...

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