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What a great man.... HAPPY 100th Ronald Reagan, you are truly missed.

Poor ignorant Infidel doesn't even know how to spell a three letter word like hug. So typical of the right wingers.
Newsflash Nimrod:
1. Trees help cool the planet.
2. Trees absorb carbon dioxide (the greenhouse gas).
3. Trees emit oxygen (that pesky thing we breathe).
No trees equal a dying planet.
Reagan: Killer, Coward, Con-man


Greg Palast » Reagan: Killer, Coward, Con-man

"In Chaguitillo, all night long, the farmers stayed awake to guard their kids from attack from Reagan's Contra terrorists. The farmers weren't even Sandinistas, those 'Commies' that our cracked-brained President told us were 'only a 48-hour drive from Texas.' What the hell would they want with Texas, anyway?

Nevertheless, the farmers, and their families, were Ronnie's targets.

In the deserted darkness of Chaguitillo, a TV blared. Weirdly, it was that third-rate gangster movie, "Brother Rat." Starring Ronald Reagan.

Well, mis amigos, your kids can sleep easy tonight. The Rat is dead.

All week you're going to hear about how Reagan restored America's sense of patriotism - as if heartless slaughter, Club Med wars and making racism respectable are patriotic . (When they said "small town values" you know the color of the town, don't you?).

I wonder if the Reaganauts can recognize any of the weapons they sold the mullahs when they see students gunned down in Teheran.

I do plan a memorial, for the victims, not the victimizer.

Please join me in commemorating the ill star that brought us a celluloid cowboy on his movie-set horsey by lighting a candle for a mom from Chaguitillo."
Reagan: Killer, Coward, Con-man


Greg Palast » Reagan: Killer, Coward, Con-man

"In Chaguitillo, all night long, the farmers stayed awake to guard their kids from attack from Reagan's Contra terrorists. The farmers weren't even Sandinistas, those 'Commies' that our cracked-brained President told us were 'only a 48-hour drive from Texas.' What the hell would they want with Texas, anyway?

Nevertheless, the farmers, and their families, were Ronnie's targets.

In the deserted darkness of Chaguitillo, a TV blared. Weirdly, it was that third-rate gangster movie, "Brother Rat." Starring Ronald Reagan.

Well, mis amigos, your kids can sleep easy tonight. The Rat is dead.

All week you're going to hear about how Reagan restored America's sense of patriotism - as if heartless slaughter, Club Med wars and making racism respectable are patriotic . (When they said "small town values" you know the color of the town, don't you?).

I wonder if the Reaganauts can recognize any of the weapons they sold the mullahs when they see students gunned down in Teheran.

I do plan a memorial, for the victims, not the victimizer.

Please join me in commemorating the ill star that brought us a celluloid cowboy on his movie-set horsey by lighting a candle for a mom from Chaguitillo."

omg, you are spreading this crap all over the board.
Reagan: Killer, Coward, Con-man

There were atrocities on both sides, as is the case in any war. The problem with the left is they seem to have selective outrage with this stuff. as an example.. they point out and magnify the all of these types of things that happened in Vietnam, but they totally ignore the millions and millions of people that were murdered in that region once we left. Go peddle your crap somewhere else loon.:cuckoo:
Reagan: Killer, Coward, Con-man

There were atrocities on both sides, as is the case in any war. The problem with the left is they seem to have selective outrage with this stuff. as an example.. they point out and magnify the all of these types of things that happened in Vietnam, but they totally ignore the millions and millions of people that were murdered in that region once we left. Go peddle your crap somewhere else loon.:cuckoo:

Selective outrage? My party has grown a cancer of selective responsibility. It is like we have discovered the fountain of youth. Remarkably the rhetoric has evolved/devolved to that of a spoiled five year old. "They did it too/first". I long for a republican leadership that demands consistency of an American purpose and morality in the face of the opposite.

A good example might be when Patton was dressed down for slapping a soldier suffering from PTSD in a hospital. Eisenhower was absolutely correct in telling Patton, a great general, to knock that shit off.

American exceptional-ism is not a one way street. Being above the rest of the world requires BEING ABOVE THE REST OF THE WORLD in all of our endeavors.
Reagan: Killer, Coward, Con-man

There were atrocities on both sides, as is the case in any war. The problem with the left is they seem to have selective outrage with this stuff. as an example.. they point out and magnify the all of these types of things that happened in Vietnam, but they totally ignore the millions and millions of people that were murdered in that region once we left. Go peddle your crap somewhere else loon.:cuckoo:

Selective outrage? My party has grown a cancer of selective responsibility. It is like we have discovered the fountain of youth. Remarkably the rhetoric has evolved/devolved to that of a spoiled five year old. "They did it too/first". I long for a republican leadership that demands consistency of an American purpose and morality in the face of the opposite.

A good example might be when Patton was dressed down for slapping a soldier suffering from PTSD in a hospital. Eisenhower was absolutely correct in telling Patton, a great general, to knock that shit off.

American exceptional-ism is not a one way street. Being above the rest of the world requires BEING ABOVE THE REST OF THE WORLD in all of our endeavors.

This is hard to argue with. But sometimes it is also a matter of perception and perspective. Was Patton's soldier slapping incident intended to disrespect the soldier? Or to make him into a soldier? Public outrage took the former perspective. But sizing up Patton overall, I tend to think his motive was the latter. Wrong way to deal with it? Absolutely. But severe enough to compromise a man's entire career? I struggle with not allowing anybody any flaws, any weakness, any shortcomings and seeing those as negating all the greatness that also exists.

Saints are in short supply these days.
There were atrocities on both sides, as is the case in any war. The problem with the left is they seem to have selective outrage with this stuff. as an example.. they point out and magnify the all of these types of things that happened in Vietnam, but they totally ignore the millions and millions of people that were murdered in that region once we left. Go peddle your crap somewhere else loon.:cuckoo:

Selective outrage? My party has grown a cancer of selective responsibility. It is like we have discovered the fountain of youth. Remarkably the rhetoric has evolved/devolved to that of a spoiled five year old. "They did it too/first". I long for a republican leadership that demands consistency of an American purpose and morality in the face of the opposite.

A good example might be when Patton was dressed down for slapping a soldier suffering from PTSD in a hospital. Eisenhower was absolutely correct in telling Patton, a great general, to knock that shit off.

American exceptional-ism is not a one way street. Being above the rest of the world requires BEING ABOVE THE REST OF THE WORLD in all of our endeavors.

This is hard to argue with. But sometimes it is also a matter of perception and perspective. Was Patton's soldier slapping incident intended to disrespect the soldier? Or to make him into a soldier? Public outrage took the former perspective. But sizing up Patton overall, I tend to think his motive was the latter. Wrong way to deal with it? Absolutely. But severe enough to compromise a man's entire career? I struggle with not allowing anybody any flaws, any weakness, any shortcomings and seeing those as negating all the greatness that also exists.

Saints are in short supply these days.

True dat!

Patton used the "hospital incident" in full view of reporters. I think THAT rules out any effort to "help" the soldier involved.
Maybe, but Patton wasn't the kind of guy who had a lot of P.R. savvy. That got him into a lot of trouble. Did he love to win? Absolutely. Did he hate to hold back and let somebody else have the glory? No way. Did he have utmost respect for his troops, the fighting men on the front lines? He absolutely did. So I don't think his track record suggests that he slapped that shoulder for P.R. reasons. But I could be wrong.

It's the same with Reagan. He made a lot of mistakes. He most likely even did some things that were outside of the law. But I never questioned his motives. I never got the sense he was playing to the crowd at the expense of his true convictions. I think whatever he said was from the heart. I think whatever he did, he felt in his heart it was the right thing to do. But I could be wrong.
Maybe, but Patton wasn't the kind of guy who had a lot of P.R. savvy. That got him into a lot of trouble. Did he love to win? Absolutely. Did he hate to hold back and let somebody else have the glory? No way. Did he have utmost respect for his troops, the fighting men on the front lines? He absolutely did. So I don't think his track record suggests that he slapped that shoulder for P.R. reasons. But I could be wrong.

It's the same with Reagan. He made a lot of mistakes. He most likely even did some things that were outside of the law. But I never questioned his motives. I never got the sense he was playing to the crowd at the expense of his true convictions. I think whatever he said was from the heart. I think whatever he did, he felt in his heart it was the right thing to do. But I could be wrong.

All good points. History is the judge. I rarely use Hitler as any kind of an example but as an extreme one...what if The Japs hadn't attacked us and Hitler had won his war in Europe? We wouldn't have even been involved other than to sell/give supplies to England. If Hitler had won the Germans would have thought him a hero. Many here would have thought him a hero. Even in their hearts. I believe Hitler was sincere in his beliefs. Being true to one's belief system is not any reason for me to adulate. I try to look at the bigger picture(even though some may disagree with that statement..:lol::lol:) A president's actions and inn-actions sets the bar and precedent for future administrations and greatly affects our country long term. A thread such as this is a call to reflection on what Reagan actually did for better or worse.
Hitler made good speeches too. Is that necessarily the measure of a good president? And how was Kennedy dangerous?

I don't suppose Viet Nam rings any bells.
What's Truman's War got to do with Kennedy?????


"Ho Chi Minh asked the Americans to honor their commitment to independence, citing the Atlantic Charter and the U.N. Charter on self-determination. However, by the end of the war, the U.S. government had begun to redirect its foreign policy from the wartime goal of the liberation of all occupied countries and colonies to the postwar anti-communist crusade, which became the Cold War. In France, where communists had led the resistance to the Nazi occupation, American policy supported General Charles de Gaulle and his anti-communist "Free French." De Gaulle aimed to restore the glory of France, which meant the return of all former French colonies. U.S. relations with the Vietnamese turned sour. President Truman refused to answer letters or cables from Ho. Instead, the U.S. began to ship military aid to the French forces in Indochina."

"There were atrocities on both sides, as is the case in any war."

there was no war until reagan started it.
What a great man.... HAPPY 100th Ronald Reagan, you are truly missed.


March 25, 2011

"Also on Friday, the National Air Traffic Controllers Association urged that staffing be doubled at other airports that have one person in the tower during overnight shifts. The controllers union said those include San Diego; Sacramento; San Juan, Puerto Rico; Tucson; Orlando; Reno, Nev.; and Burlington, Vt.

“We believe one-person mid[night] shifts, and one-person shifts anytime, are unsafe,” said Doug Church, a union spokesman. “We must have two. Some large airports currently have more than that. . . . [Chicago’s] O’Hare has three on its mid shift, plus a supervisor makes four total personnel.”

What a great man.... HAPPY 100th Ronald Reagan, you are truly missed.


March 25, 2011

"Also on Friday, the National Air Traffic Controllers Association urged that staffing be doubled at other airports that have one person in the tower during overnight shifts. The controllers union said those include San Diego; Sacramento; San Juan, Puerto Rico; Tucson; Orlando; Reno, Nev.; and Burlington, Vt.

“We believe one-person mid[night] shifts, and one-person shifts anytime, are unsafe,” said Doug Church, a union spokesman. “We must have two. Some large airports currently have more than that. . . . [Chicago’s] O’Hare has three on its mid shift, plus a supervisor makes four total personnel.”


political bloggers that live in the past = gay.

Its 2011 s0n..............2008 is a distant memory. And you know it..........:D:boobies::fu::up: You can win every argument on this cheesdick board but when you wake up tomorrow AM, your side is still bent far over at the waist from a November kick square to the ball sack.
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