What about the people of Sudan. Why are we not sending money to a military group in Sudan that will fight for equal rights


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

Do you see inside the eyes of the Sudanese refugees is Jesus himself. And what will the world say to this issue. The United States claims to be fighting fighting for freedom around the world maybe there is something to be had in Sudan for us to get involved and to help those women and children.

Sudan is in complete chaos. It’s a country that historically has had a lot of trouble in poverty what if this is an opportunity for the USA to try and figure out some sort of a pro freedom group to student affectively take the country.?

Say $25 billion worth of military equipment to those of Sudan who will fight for freedom and equality.

Look at the conditions of Sudanese refugee camps


It’s time that the US starts supporting people like those we see above know who can argue against us. Who can say there a human being who can look into a refugee a fellow Christian as well in these Sudanese people they turn away. I certainly think that government should do something to Try To help Sudan… show the world what it means for the US to make a positive difference.

There’s cases of major powers of history helping out other powers often smaller ones

Many of those in Sudan are very modest and traditional this is something to deeply respect.


These are not Nazis or racists. Or communists for that matter.

If the US says it’s helping out other countries of the world for military matters for terms of humanitarianism then what in the world is to be sad for Sudan and our role in it. Because there’s great people in Sudan and what can we do to help them perhaps they are actually the country to support.
Probably because we gave our last dimes to the Money Launderer of Ukraine and every other ungrateful, crap hole, dirtbag nation around the globe.
I imagine this is what a FEMA camp will look like here in America when the Marxist Dems "finish the job."

View attachment 782860

Do you see inside the eyes of the Sudanese refugees is Jesus himself. And what will the world say to this issue. The United States claims to be fighting fighting for freedom around the world maybe there is something to be had in Sudan for us to get involved and to help those women and children.

Sudan is in complete chaos. It’s a country that historically has had a lot of trouble in poverty what if this is an opportunity for the USA to try and figure out some sort of a pro freedom group to student affectively take the country.?

Say $25 billion worth of military equipment to those of Sudan who will fight for freedom and equality.

Look at the conditions of Sudanese refugee camps

View attachment 782861

It’s time that the US starts supporting people like those we see above know who can argue against us. Who can say there a human being who can look into a refugee a fellow Christian as well in these Sudanese people they turn away. I certainly think that government should do something to Try To help Sudan… show the world what it means for the US to make a positive difference.

There’s cases of major powers of history helping out other powers often smaller ones

Many of those in Sudan are very modest and traditional this is something to deeply respect.

View attachment 782862

These are not Nazis or racists. Or communists for that matter.

If the US says it’s helping out other countries of the world for military matters for terms of humanitarianism then what in the world is to be sad for Sudan and our role in it. Because there’s great people in Sudan and what can we do to help them perhaps they are actually the country to support.

Amazing how much you want to do for the Sudanese, and how little for the refugees on your Southern Border.

I guess it's easy to feel compassion when there is no chance they'll want to come to the USA.
What do all of the posters with Ukrainian flags in their avatar think about the situation in Sudan …. they were told by CNN and the neo conservative that this ukraine thing is about humanitarianism. Well what about Sudan?
“ arm Ukraine”

But why not “ arm Sudan “

Everyone with a Ukrainian flag in their avatar keeps on telling us all what they’re being told by CNN and Republican neoconservatives which is that we’re in Ukraine for humanitarian values. To pro Ukraine people we see the evidence staring us in the face of the tragedy unfolding in the Sudan… don’t you folks think we should consider sending weapons to Sudan and see if we could have success there maybe we could have a lot more success in Sudan then we could in Ukraine.
What do all of the posters with Ukrainian flags in their avatar think about the situation in Sudan …. they were told by CNN and the neo conservative that this ukraine thing is about humanitarianism. Well what about Sudan?

Is the Lord's Resistance Army still in Sudan?

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