What about the precedent that the zionist ideology in Palestine sets for the rest of the world?

Now, since we came from Asia, across the Bering Straight, would this ideology not give Americans the right to demolish homes in Asia today, demolish entire cities even? Can we go on to murder and expel those living there today? If any remain, can we imprison them behind walls? Can we use our military to enforce a new government upon them based on our laws, in our cities built where theirs just stood?

Well, first of all, you are conflating a number of peoples. When you say "Americans" do you mean the First Nations peoples? Or the European immigrants? Or the more recent immigrants from, well, pretty much everywhere?

When you say "Asia" do you mean Russia, Mongolia, China, Japan or somewhere else? Its a pretty big place.

AND you seem to be missing an essential point -- it is the retention and continuity of culture which is the basis for defining a people. If you could find a group of ancient, First Nations peoples of the Americas who had distinct and notable cultural similarities to, say, an ancient pre-Japanese culture on the islands of Japan, you could make a case for those Nations to have self-determination in their ancestral territory. I don't think you will find such a thing, though.
Or are you saying the jews are analogous to a foreign group bringing their military in and stealing land and murdering everyone etc.?
No way, I have been clear that we are talking about zionism and people that came from a completely different continent. Read writings from before the zionists came, from Muslims, Christians and Jews who all lived in peace for the most part for centuries. They tell stories of dinners at each others homes and praise the others for their kindness and generosity. Their children played together.

I don't think you can cleanly excise Zionism from the mix and label it as the ideology that destroyed Eden. You had competing forces at work, and the European immigration did not substantially impact those who already lived there. You also had immigration of Arabs from surrounding countries who came for the jobs. Why is one bad and the other not? It also ignores the larger picture of what was happening in the region and around the world with the collapse of empires, the ending of foreign control, and the subsequent rise of nationist movements all over. The Pan Arab Nationism vs the Jewish Nationalism. I'm curious why no one has a problem with Arab nationalism resulting in states while the same goal for Jewish Nationalists is condemned. I think we need to move past this narrative.

For instance -- RIGHT NOW -- the Homeland market is crowded with potential buyers. You have the Kurds -- who by ALL MEASURES are entitled to a bit of separation between themselves and that monstrous Shia/Sunni roving apocalypse that they have suffered thru.

You have the Rohingah being expelled from Myanmar in a controlled ethnic cleansing. Who MIGHT assimilate into a suitable Muslim country somewhere in the region, but are DISTINCT enough to consider themselves a nation. You also have several tiny Christian sects that need sanctuary from persecution in Africa, that could join together in a "homeland deal"..

And probably 3 or 4 other DISTINCT "nations" of people who are tired of renting in hostile neighborhoods. The only way a "homeland realtor" can help ANY OF THESE is to understand how to make "land swaps" with enough neighbors to come with a large enough piece of CONNECTED land to be the lot that the homeland gets created on.

Movements like Zionism are HOW displaced nations organize and lobby for deals. There's a lot of work involved. And it takes leadership and PROCESS. The Kurds are advertising on American TV.. They HAVE leadership and organization. What are the Palestinians doing to ORGANIZE for nationhood?? Other than sucking down UN/Intl funding and pooping it away? When was the LAST Pali election or "central meeting"??

That is a good way to put it - excellant!
Well, you are suggesting that a group of men from one continent can give another group of men from their continent, the land where others have lived for centuries on another continent.

That in itself seems like a dangerous precedent indeed.

That's the history of the world dude. Where ya been? Not so much since the "game" has wound down into more stability. But that's the way, it "developed". It's now a MATURE neighborhood. With less and less "homeland" fixer upper opportunities. Times' a'wasting for the Pali cause. They don't SEEM to be in any kind of rush. But they better realize this can't go another generation without THEM buying into statehood and stability..
I find it disgusting how zionists blame the victim and all that changed, 'dude,' after Nuremberg. At least the international community believed that it had. Continuing to promote this dangerous ideology is what must stop.

Not following that. Zionists blaming what victim? The British established 2 homelands in THEIR territory. There were no real victims. IN FACT -- prior to the 67 war, the Palis had the ENTIRE WEST BANK, financing from Jordan and representation in the Jordanian govt. You aware of how all that "bliss" ended up -- right????
The British established 2 homelands in THEIR territory.
It was not British territory. Britain was the trustee. Trustees administer but do not own.

No dear -- the British ESTABLISHED a trustee for the territority. It was rightfully in their power to dispose of it as they ANALYZED and decided to do..
Not true. One of the tenets of the mandate was non annexation of territory. Palestine was not Britain's to give away.
What are the Palestinians doing to ORGANIZE for nationhood?? Other than sucking down UN/Intl funding and pooping it away?
Yup, the zionist has to blame the victim. It has to be done constantly.

You can only be a victim for so long. Part of the Palestinian's problem is their lack of political organization. They have got to show political unity and maturity in order to call for their rights. There isn't even one spokesman so how can you negotiate? But I think things are changing. Because they are calling for non-violent protests. If they can work towards a political solution, maybe directly with the UN then they are moving beyond victimhood.
Really, the indigenous people disagree as explained above,

Not all them. Many Arabs are full Israeli citizens. Some sit in the Knesset. There were decisions to be made. Like stay or fight or flee. And MANY chose to stay. And they live very well in Israel... Better than any group of Jews in an Arab country.. Many of those who LEFT made TONS of money selling their land stakes to new Israelis..
So much BS and so little time. The Arabs were there continuously for at least 1000 years. There was a smaller group of Christians during this time and a minute to nonexistent Jewish population for most of that time. Again, the Hebrew language was not even spoken there for centuries.

7) After Not Being Spoken for Two Millennia, It Was Dramatically Revived.

Hebrew had not been a spoken language for two millennia, and yet at the end of the 19th century, European Jews dreaming of a cultural renaissance in Palestine began to resurrect the language.

7 Things You Should Know About Hebrew | My Jewish Learning

Stop with zionist talking points and go study!

Coyote, here is a perfect example of an attempt to disenfranchise the Jewish people. The claim that Hebrew was not spoken for two millennia is so blatantly false it is astonishing someone would (repetitively) make that claim. The point, of course, is that since Hebrew wasn't spoken, the people ceased to be Jews and lost all rights. See what I am up against? Its ridiculous.

I agree and I've been seeing the double standard, particularly in attempting to divide Jews into "Jews" and "not real Jews". When they talk about Palestinian rights and discard Jewish rights in the same sentence it's pretty hypocritical.
That's the history of the world dude. Where ya been? Not so much since the "game" has wound down into more stability. But that's the way, it "developed". It's now a MATURE neighborhood. With less and less "homeland" fixer upper opportunities. Times' a'wasting for the Pali cause. They don't SEEM to be in any kind of rush. But they better realize this can't go another generation without THEM buying into statehood and stability..
I find it disgusting how zionists blame the victim and all that changed, 'dude,' after Nuremberg. At least the international community believed that it had. Continuing to promote this dangerous ideology is what must stop.

Not following that. Zionists blaming what victim? The British established 2 homelands in THEIR territory. There were no real victims. IN FACT -- prior to the 67 war, the Palis had the ENTIRE WEST BANK, financing from Jordan and representation in the Jordanian govt. You aware of how all that "bliss" ended up -- right????
The British established 2 homelands in THEIR territory.
It was not British territory. Britain was the trustee. Trustees administer but do not own.

No dear -- the British ESTABLISHED a trustee for the territority. It was rightfully in their power to dispose of it as they ANALYZED and decided to do..
Not true. One of the tenets of the mandate was non annexation of territory. Palestine was not Britain's to give away.

Of course it was. WHO was stopping the British from executing the Mandate? They had de facto control and responsibility for the entire region?? Not gonna do this again for the 217th time..
What are the Palestinians doing to ORGANIZE for nationhood?? Other than sucking down UN/Intl funding and pooping it away?
Yup, the zionist has to blame the victim. It has to be done constantly.

You can only be a victim for so long. Part of the Palestinian's problem is their lack of political organization. They have got to show political unity and maturity in order to call for their rights. There isn't even one spokesman so how can you negotiate? But I think things are changing. Because they are calling for non-violent protests. If they can work towards a political solution, maybe directly with the UN then they are moving beyond victimhood.
The Palestinians are doing many things to put Palestine back on the map. BDS is only one of those things.
Really, the indigenous people disagree as explained above,

Not all them. Many Arabs are full Israeli citizens. Some sit in the Knesset. There were decisions to be made. Like stay or fight or flee. And MANY chose to stay. And they live very well in Israel... Better than any group of Jews in an Arab country.. Many of those who LEFT made TONS of money selling their land stakes to new Israelis..

But many were also forced to flee - and Israel legislated a series of laws such as absentee landowner laws making it very difficult for them to reclaim their property and easier to confiscate it.
What are the Palestinians doing to ORGANIZE for nationhood?? Other than sucking down UN/Intl funding and pooping it away?
Yup, the zionist has to blame the victim. It has to be done constantly.

You can only be a victim for so long. Part of the Palestinian's problem is their lack of political organization. They have got to show political unity and maturity in order to call for their rights. There isn't even one spokesman so how can you negotiate? But I think things are changing. Because they are calling for non-violent protests. If they can work towards a political solution, maybe directly with the UN then they are moving beyond victimhood.
The Palestinians are doing many things to put Palestine back on the map. BDS is only one of those things.
Islamic terrorist attacks seem like a good way to put Pal’istan back on the map.
So much BS and so little time. The Arabs were there continuously for at least 1000 years. There was a smaller group of Christians during this time and a minute to nonexistent Jewish population for most of that time. Again, the Hebrew language was not even spoken there for centuries.

7) After Not Being Spoken for Two Millennia, It Was Dramatically Revived.

Hebrew had not been a spoken language for two millennia, and yet at the end of the 19th century, European Jews dreaming of a cultural renaissance in Palestine began to resurrect the language.

7 Things You Should Know About Hebrew | My Jewish Learning

Stop with zionist talking points and go study!

Coyote, here is a perfect example of an attempt to disenfranchise the Jewish people. The claim that Hebrew was not spoken for two millennia is so blatantly false it is astonishing someone would (repetitively) make that claim. The point, of course, is that since Hebrew wasn't spoken, the people ceased to be Jews and lost all rights. See what I am up against? Its ridiculous.

I agree and I've been seeing the double standard, particularly in attempting to divide Jews into "Jews" and "not real Jews". When they talk about Palestinian rights and discard Jewish rights in the same sentence it's pretty hypocritical.
I always thought of them as native Jews and colonial Jews. Two separate and distinct people.
What are the Palestinians doing to ORGANIZE for nationhood?? Other than sucking down UN/Intl funding and pooping it away?
Yup, the zionist has to blame the victim. It has to be done constantly.

You can only be a victim for so long. Part of the Palestinian's problem is their lack of political organization. They have got to show political unity and maturity in order to call for their rights. There isn't even one spokesman so how can you negotiate? But I think things are changing. Because they are calling for non-violent protests. If they can work towards a political solution, maybe directly with the UN then they are moving beyond victimhood.
The Palestinians are doing many things to put Palestine back on the map. BDS is only one of those things.

IMO...what they need to do is hold elections, take what territory they have and adminster it in a responsible way. Hamas came into power largely due to the corruption in Fatah. They need to show they can govern, not claim victimhood. I think the time for that is past. And I think that also means stop rewarding violence. If they did this - with the financial support of the Arab states, they would be in a much stronger bargaining position for a state and for territory.
It takes two to perpetrate a conflict.
Yada yada zionist talking point. After the Europeans were no longer welcome which was made known by the inhabitants of all the religions in the region, they forced themselves on these people. Had that not happened, we would not have this forum.

The "europeans" were but the LATEST in an UNBROKEN string of Empires that "forced themselves" on the Region. Who destroyed the 2nd Temple in Jerusalem? Europeans? (well kinda) Actually "proto-Euros" or Romans,

The people in the region were CONSTANTLY OVER-RUN because they NEVER ORGANIZED. Their was never a Holyland Defense Army or a govt with any appreciable reach or powers. The folks in that region would have CONSUMED into the neighboring countries or just become a haven for Barbary Pirates. "Those people" would NOT be here today as a nation..
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As I just had to explain to Shusha, Hebrew was not even spoken there for centuries...
Jews have been in Palestine CONTINUOUSLY since they were defeated by the Romans.
Around 1600, they formed about 25% of the population.

I suggest you read the whole entry.. but an excerpt I post here.
ALL your posts are Misleading or Outright Lies.

History of the Jews and Judaism in the Land of Israel - Wikipedia

A Large Jewish community existed in Ramle and smaller communities inhabited Hebron and the coastal cities of Acre, Caesarea, Jaffa, Ashkelon and Gaza. Al-Muqaddasi (985) wrote that "for the most part the assayers of corn, dyers, bankers, and tanners are Jews."[87]
Under the Islamic rule, the rights of Jews and Christians were curtailed and residence was permitted upon payment of the special tax.

Between the 7th and 11th centuries, Masoretes (Jewish scribes) in the Galilee and Jerusalem were active in compiling a system of pronunciation and grammatical guides of the Hebrew language. They authorised the division of the Jewish Tanakh, known as the Masoretic Text, which is regarded as authoritative till today.[88]
"The 16th-century nevertheless saw a resurgence of Jewish life in Palestine. Palestinian rabbis were instrumental producing a universally accepted manual of Jewish law and some of the most beautiful liturgical poems. Much of this activity occurred at Safed which had become a spiritual centre, a haven for mystics. Joseph Karo's comprehensive guide to Jewish law, the Shulchan Aruch, was considered so authoritative that the variant customs of German-Polish Jewry were merely added as supplement glosses.[125]Some of the most celebrated hymns were written in Safed by poets such as Israel Najara and Solomon Alkabetz.[126] The town was also a centre of Jewish mysticism, notable kabbalists included Moses Cordovero and the German-born Naphtali Hertz ben Jacob Elhanan.[127][128][129]A new method of understanding the kabbalah was developed by Palestinian mystic Isaac Luria, and espoused by his student Chaim Vital.

In Safed, the Jews developed a number of branches of trade, especially in grain, spices, textiles and dyeing. In 1577, a Hebrew printing press was established in Safed. The 8,000 or 10,000 Jews in Safed in 1555 grew to 20,000 or 30,000 by the end of the century.

In around 1563, Joseph Nasi secured permission from Sultan Selim II to acquire Tiberias and seven surrounding villages to create a Jewish city-state.[130] He hoped that large numbers of Jewish refugees and Marranos would settle there, free from fear and oppression; indeed, the persecuted Jews of Cori, Italy, numbering about 200 souls, decided to emigrate to Tiberias.[131][132] Nasi had the walls of the town rebuilt by 1564 and attempted to turn it into a self-sufficient textile manufacturing center by planting mulberry trees for the cultivation of silk. Nevertheless, a number of factors during the following years contributed to the plan's ultimate failure. Nasi's aunt, Doña Gracia Mendes Nasi supported a yeshiva in the town for many years until her death in 1569.[133]

In 1567, a Yemenite scholar and Rabbi, Zechariah Dhahiri, visited Safed and wrote of his experiences in a book entitled Sefer Ha-Musar. His vivid descriptions of the town Safed and of Rabbi Joseph Karo's yeshiva are of primary importance to historians, seeing that they are a first-hand account of these places, and the only extant account which describes the yeshivaof the great Sephardic Rabbi, Joseph Karo.[134]

In 1576, the Jewish community of Safed faced an expulsion order. 1,000 prosperous families were to be deported to Cyprus, "for the good of the said island", with another 500 the following year.[135] The order was later rescinded due to the realisation of the financial gains of Jewish rental income.[136] In 1586, the Jews of Istanbul agreed to build a fortified khan to provide a refuge for Safed's Jews against "night bandits and armed thieves."[135]

In 1569, the Radbaz moved to Jerusalem, but soon moved to Safed to escape the high taxes imposed on Jews by the authorities.

In 1610, the Yochanan ben Zakai Synagogue in Jerusalem was completed.[137] It became the main synagogue of the Sephardic Jews, the place where their chief rabbi was invested. The adjacent study hall which had been added by 1625 later became the Synagogue of Elijah the Prophet.[137]
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Now, since we came from Asia, across the Bering Straight, would this ideology not give Americans the right to demolish homes in Asia today, demolish entire cities even? Can we go on to murder and expel those living there today? If any remain, can we imprison them behind walls? Can we use our military to enforce a new government upon them based on our laws, in our cities built where theirs just stood?

Well, first of all, you are conflating a number of peoples. When you say "Americans" do you mean the First Nations peoples? Or the European immigrants? Or the more recent immigrants from, well, pretty much everywhere?

When you say "Asia" do you mean Russia, Mongolia, China, Japan or somewhere else? Its a pretty big place.

AND you seem to be missing an essential point -- it is the retention and continuity of culture which is the basis for defining a people. If you could find a group of ancient, First Nations peoples of the Americas who had distinct and notable cultural similarities to, say, an ancient pre-Japanese culture on the islands of Japan, you could make a case for those Nations to have self-determination in their ancestral territory. I don't think you will find such a thing, though.
Jews were not a first nations people from that land. People were there when they arrived,

Or are you saying the jews are analogous to a foreign group bringing their military in and stealing land and murdering everyone etc.?
No way, I have been clear that we are talking about zionism and people that came from a completely different continent. Read writings from before the zionists came, from Muslims, Christians and Jews who all lived in peace for the most part for centuries. They tell stories of dinners at each others homes and praise the others for their kindness and generosity. Their children played together.

I don't think you can cleanly excise Zionism from the mix and label it as the ideology that destroyed Eden. You had competing forces at work, and the European immigration did not substantially impact those who already lived there. You also had immigration of Arabs from surrounding countries who came for the jobs. Why is one bad and the other not? It also ignores the larger picture of what was happening in the region and around the world with the collapse of empires, the ending of foreign control, and the subsequent rise of nationist movements all over. The Pan Arab Nationism vs the Jewish Nationalism. I'm curious why no one has a problem with Arab nationalism resulting in states while the same goal for Jewish Nationalists is condemned. I think we need to move past this narrative.

For instance -- RIGHT NOW -- the Homeland market is crowded with potential buyers. You have the Kurds -- who by ALL MEASURES are entitled to a bit of separation between themselves and that monstrous Shia/Sunni roving apocalypse that they have suffered thru.

You have the Rohingah being expelled from Myanmar in a controlled ethnic cleansing. Who MIGHT assimilate into a suitable Muslim country somewhere in the region, but are DISTINCT enough to consider themselves a nation. You also have several tiny Christian sects that need sanctuary from persecution in Africa, that could join together in a "homeland deal"..

And probably 3 or 4 other DISTINCT "nations" of people who are tired of renting in hostile neighborhoods. The only way a "homeland realtor" can help ANY OF THESE is to understand how to make "land swaps" with enough neighbors to come with a large enough piece of CONNECTED land to be the lot that the homeland gets created on.

Movements like Zionism are HOW displaced nations organize and lobby for deals. There's a lot of work involved. And it takes leadership and PROCESS. The Kurds are advertising on American TV.. They HAVE leadership and organization. What are the Palestinians doing to ORGANIZE for nationhood?? Other than sucking down UN/Intl funding and pooping it away? When was the LAST Pali election or "central meeting"??

That is a good way to put it - excellant!
It is a juvenile way of looking at it. No land was 'available' and men from one continent giving land to other men from there, the land of others from another continent completely is ludicrous and thanks to Nuremberg, against international law.

Not true. One of the tenets of the mandate was non annexation of territory. Palestine was not Britain's to give away.
FACT! It is yet another international crime to move a civilian population on to occupied lands. I am shocked that international law allows these occupiers civilian status.

You can only be a victim for so long.
The zionists used 3000 years of Jewish, not zionist, suffering for their land grab.

Part of the Palestinian's problem is their lack of political organization. They have got to show political unity and maturity in order to call for their rights. There isn't even one spokesman so how can you negotiate? But I think things are changing. Because they are calling for non-violent protests. If they can work towards a political solution, maybe directly with the UN then they are moving beyond victimhood.
A zionist blaming the victim.

Not all them. Many Arabs are full Israeli citizens. Some sit in the Knesset. There were decisions to be made. Like stay or fight or flee. And MANY chose to stay. And they live very well in Israel... Better than any group of Jews in an Arab country..
They chose to live as a second class on their own land and BS, Jews lived in peace on most Arab lands until zionism. Like when Jewish terrorists were bombing Jewish targets in Iraq in the 50s.

I would love for even one zionist to go read some actual history, compare it to what they have been taught, and then to check back to this forum after at least a few weeks.
So much BS and so little time. The Arabs were there continuously for at least 1000 years. There was a smaller group of Christians during this time and a minute to nonexistent Jewish population for most of that time. Again, the Hebrew language was not even spoken there for centuries.

7) After Not Being Spoken for Two Millennia, It Was Dramatically Revived.

Hebrew had not been a spoken language for two millennia, and yet at the end of the 19th century, European Jews dreaming of a cultural renaissance in Palestine began to resurrect the language.

7 Things You Should Know About Hebrew | My Jewish Learning

Stop with zionist talking points and go study!

Coyote, here is a perfect example of an attempt to disenfranchise the Jewish people. The claim that Hebrew was not spoken for two millennia is so blatantly false it is astonishing someone would (repetitively) make that claim. The point, of course, is that since Hebrew wasn't spoken, the people ceased to be Jews and lost all rights. See what I am up against? Its ridiculous.

I agree and I've been seeing the double standard, particularly in attempting to divide Jews into "Jews" and "not real Jews". When they talk about Palestinian rights and discard Jewish rights in the same sentence it's pretty hypocritical.
I always thought of them as native Jews and colonial Jews. Two separate and distinct people.

They are all Jews and 75 years later it shouldn't matter. I just find it ironic that people constantly make that argument but ignore the Arab immigration that occurred into Palestine (just like the Pro-Israeli's like to point out the Arab immigration as a means of disenfranchising the Palestinians but ignore the Jewish immigration).
Now, since we came from Asia, across the Bering Straight, would this ideology not give Americans the right to demolish homes in Asia today, demolish entire cities even? Can we go on to murder and expel those living there today? If any remain, can we imprison them behind walls? Can we use our military to enforce a new government upon them based on our laws, in our cities built where theirs just stood?

Well, first of all, you are conflating a number of peoples. When you say "Americans" do you mean the First Nations peoples? Or the European immigrants? Or the more recent immigrants from, well, pretty much everywhere?

When you say "Asia" do you mean Russia, Mongolia, China, Japan or somewhere else? Its a pretty big place.

AND you seem to be missing an essential point -- it is the retention and continuity of culture which is the basis for defining a people. If you could find a group of ancient, First Nations peoples of the Americas who had distinct and notable cultural similarities to, say, an ancient pre-Japanese culture on the islands of Japan, you could make a case for those Nations to have self-determination in their ancestral territory. I don't think you will find such a thing, though.
Jews were not a first nations people from that land. People were there when they arrived,

Or are you saying the jews are analogous to a foreign group bringing their military in and stealing land and murdering everyone etc.?
No way, I have been clear that we are talking about zionism and people that came from a completely different continent. Read writings from before the zionists came, from Muslims, Christians and Jews who all lived in peace for the most part for centuries. They tell stories of dinners at each others homes and praise the others for their kindness and generosity. Their children played together.

I don't think you can cleanly excise Zionism from the mix and label it as the ideology that destroyed Eden. You had competing forces at work, and the European immigration did not substantially impact those who already lived there. You also had immigration of Arabs from surrounding countries who came for the jobs. Why is one bad and the other not? It also ignores the larger picture of what was happening in the region and around the world with the collapse of empires, the ending of foreign control, and the subsequent rise of nationist movements all over. The Pan Arab Nationism vs the Jewish Nationalism. I'm curious why no one has a problem with Arab nationalism resulting in states while the same goal for Jewish Nationalists is condemned. I think we need to move past this narrative.

For instance -- RIGHT NOW -- the Homeland market is crowded with potential buyers. You have the Kurds -- who by ALL MEASURES are entitled to a bit of separation between themselves and that monstrous Shia/Sunni roving apocalypse that they have suffered thru.

You have the Rohingah being expelled from Myanmar in a controlled ethnic cleansing. Who MIGHT assimilate into a suitable Muslim country somewhere in the region, but are DISTINCT enough to consider themselves a nation. You also have several tiny Christian sects that need sanctuary from persecution in Africa, that could join together in a "homeland deal"..

And probably 3 or 4 other DISTINCT "nations" of people who are tired of renting in hostile neighborhoods. The only way a "homeland realtor" can help ANY OF THESE is to understand how to make "land swaps" with enough neighbors to come with a large enough piece of CONNECTED land to be the lot that the homeland gets created on.

Movements like Zionism are HOW displaced nations organize and lobby for deals. There's a lot of work involved. And it takes leadership and PROCESS. The Kurds are advertising on American TV.. They HAVE leadership and organization. What are the Palestinians doing to ORGANIZE for nationhood?? Other than sucking down UN/Intl funding and pooping it away? When was the LAST Pali election or "central meeting"??

That is a good way to put it - excellant!
It is a juvenile way of looking at it. No land was 'available' and men from one continent giving land to other men from there, the land of others from another continent completely is ludicrous and thanks to Nuremberg, against international law.

Not true. One of the tenets of the mandate was non annexation of territory. Palestine was not Britain's to give away.
FACT! It is yet another international crime to move a civilian population on to occupied lands. I am shocked that international law allows these occupiers civilian status.

You can only be a victim for so long.
The zionists used 3000 years of Jewish, not zionist, suffering for their land grab.

Part of the Palestinian's problem is their lack of political organization. They have got to show political unity and maturity in order to call for their rights. There isn't even one spokesman so how can you negotiate? But I think things are changing. Because they are calling for non-violent protests. If they can work towards a political solution, maybe directly with the UN then they are moving beyond victimhood.
A zionist blaming the victim.

Not all them. Many Arabs are full Israeli citizens. Some sit in the Knesset. There were decisions to be made. Like stay or fight or flee. And MANY chose to stay. And they live very well in Israel... Better than any group of Jews in an Arab country..
They chose to live as a second class on their own land and BS, Jews lived in peace on most Arab lands until zionism. Like when Jewish terrorists were bombing Jewish targets in Iraq in the 50s.

I would love for even one zionist to go read some actual history, compare it to what they have been taught, and then to check back to this forum after at least a few weeks.

“They chose to live as a second class on their own land and BS, Jews lived in peace on most Arab lands until zionism”

I’m hoping you can explain the system of dhimmitude that was in place during Ottoman rule.
What are the Palestinians doing to ORGANIZE for nationhood?? Other than sucking down UN/Intl funding and pooping it away?
Yup, the zionist has to blame the victim. It has to be done constantly.

You can only be a victim for so long. Part of the Palestinian's problem is their lack of political organization. They have got to show political unity and maturity in order to call for their rights. There isn't even one spokesman so how can you negotiate? But I think things are changing. Because they are calling for non-violent protests. If they can work towards a political solution, maybe directly with the UN then they are moving beyond victimhood.
The Palestinians are doing many things to put Palestine back on the map. BDS is only one of those things.

IMO...what they need to do is hold elections, take what territory they have and adminster it in a responsible way. Hamas came into power largely due to the corruption in Fatah. They need to show they can govern, not claim victimhood. I think the time for that is past. And I think that also means stop rewarding violence. If they did this - with the financial support of the Arab states, they would be in a much stronger bargaining position for a state and for territory.
The Palestinians cannot hold fair elections as long as they are under foreign control. So, the Palestinians are blowing past their so called leadership and doing their own thing.
So much BS and so little time. The Arabs were there continuously for at least 1000 years. There was a smaller group of Christians during this time and a minute to nonexistent Jewish population for most of that time. Again, the Hebrew language was not even spoken there for centuries.

7) After Not Being Spoken for Two Millennia, It Was Dramatically Revived.

Hebrew had not been a spoken language for two millennia, and yet at the end of the 19th century, European Jews dreaming of a cultural renaissance in Palestine began to resurrect the language.

7 Things You Should Know About Hebrew | My Jewish Learning

Stop with zionist talking points and go study!

Coyote, here is a perfect example of an attempt to disenfranchise the Jewish people. The claim that Hebrew was not spoken for two millennia is so blatantly false it is astonishing someone would (repetitively) make that claim. The point, of course, is that since Hebrew wasn't spoken, the people ceased to be Jews and lost all rights. See what I am up against? Its ridiculous.

I agree and I've been seeing the double standard, particularly in attempting to divide Jews into "Jews" and "not real Jews". When they talk about Palestinian rights and discard Jewish rights in the same sentence it's pretty hypocritical.
I always thought of them as native Jews and colonial Jews. Two separate and distinct people.

They are all Jews and 75 years later it shouldn't matter. I just find it ironic that people constantly make that argument but ignore the Arab immigration that occurred into Palestine (just like the Pro-Israeli's like to point out the Arab immigration as a means of disenfranchising the Palestinians but ignore the Jewish immigration).
It is a myth that there was a large Arab immigration.

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