WHAT An Arrogant SOB!!!

Lets see Libo

Ya got the Golf, ya got the Teleprompter

You forgot the Birth Certificate

This guy knows as much about running a Business as you do...Absolutely NADA! He has only hurt American Businesses. And the only thing his "Jobs Czar" GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt has done is create more jobs in China. So in essence he's really China's Jobs Czar. This guy needs to quit all the pompous preaching about laziness & incompetence. He just doesn't have a strong record on that subject.

What the hell does running a business have to do with running a country?

It helps to know what the hell you're talking about. Unless you're his "Jobs Czar" Jeffrey Immelt. How many more jobs will him and GE be shipping over to China? So please,spare us all the pompous preaching. This President has only been bad for American Business.
You wrote:"Considering how much more we consume than produce you bet you ass we're going to have to buy it from somewhere"

Why don't you do a little research regarding "how much we consume/vs produce???

Known USA reserves: 6.5 Trillion barrels.
2.8 billion in 100 feet or less off Gulf coast
.3 billion in Virginia
10.0 billion in Alaska National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR) Alaska Oil Anwar
500.0 billion in Bakken Formation
6,000.0 billion barrels of oil equivalent.

Again the MATH is irrefutable!
Even if only 50% of the 2.5 trillion is used
at 20 million barrels a day domestic consumption (NOW we domestically produce 10 million)
that is with simple math enough oil to last 344 years!!

WITHOUT importing ONE drop and we still have 1.2 trillion to sell at $100/barrel MAKING USA exporter of oil or nearly $120 trillion!

Why are you against that?
For anyone who has travelled outside the US, you'll realize how much the Bush Administration alienated America's traditional allies, not to mention the rest of the world.

Obama may be under seige in his own country - but for most foreigners, he's the only sign of an "intelligent lifeform" amongst its current leadership!

What the hell does running a business have to do with running a country?

According to liberals? Absolutely nothing. This is the precise attitude that has gotten this nation in a shitload of economic trouble.

You are right!

This gigantic idiot WANTS single payer health insurance..
well guess what? WHere will he make up the $100 billion in lost federal,state,local income taxes, plus sales taxes and watch your local property taxes go up ... why ?
Because 1,400 insurance companies will be bankrupt due to ObamaCARE!

That money was NEVER calculated in the CBO scoring!

OBAMA the ignorant ALSO said:
"So, if somebody wants to build a coal[electric utility] plant, they can it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!"
Obama: We’ll bankrupt any new coal plants « Hot Air

HOW Absolutely STUPID wanting businesses to go bankrupt!
You are right!

This gigantic idiot WANTS single payer health insurance..
well guess what? WHere will he make up the $100 billion in lost federal,state,local income taxes, plus sales taxes and watch your local property taxes go up ... why ?
Because 1,400 insurance companies will be bankrupt due to ObamaCARE!

That money was NEVER calculated in the CBO scoring!

OBAMA the ignorant ALSO said:
"So, if somebody wants to build a coal[electric utility] plant, they can it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!"
Obama: We’ll bankrupt any new coal plants « Hot Air

HOW Absolutely STUPID wanting businesses to go bankrupt!

Well add in that the CLASS act (which was the only reason why Obamacare scored well at all by the CBO) has now been shit-canned which takes the economic impact from bad to completely disastrous. But when have liberals ever worried about such things? Their solution to being to being broke is to spend even more money.
You wrote:"Considering how much more we consume than produce you bet you ass we're going to have to buy it from somewhere"

Why don't you do a little research regarding "how much we consume/vs produce???

Known USA reserves: 6.5 Trillion barrels.
2.8 billion in 100 feet or less off Gulf coast
.3 billion in Virginia
10.0 billion in Alaska National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR) Alaska Oil Anwar
500.0 billion in Bakken Formation
6,000.0 billion barrels of oil equivalent.

Again the MATH is irrefutable!
Even if only 50% of the 2.5 trillion is used
at 20 million barrels a day domestic consumption (NOW we domestically produce 10 million)
that is with simple math enough oil to last 344 years!!

WITHOUT importing ONE drop and we still have 1.2 trillion to sell at $100/barrel MAKING USA exporter of oil or nearly $120 trillion!

Why are you against that?

Against what. Estimates of our petrol reserves? Drilling in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico? Production in the Bakken formation?

First, production is what matters not what is estimated that we have in the ground.

Secondly our peak production was 10 million per month in Oct and Nov of 1970 (41 years ago). Today it about 5.7 million, or about a third of what we consume.

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

Anything else?
Secondly our peak production was 10 million per month in Oct and Nov of 1970 (41 years ago). Today it about 5.7 million, or about a third of what we consume.

Anything else?

Well, dude. Our oil production decreased not because of necessity but because of choice. In 1971 Nixon took the United States dollar off the gold standard. To protect it he struck a deal with the Saudi royal family to ensure that OPEC would only trade oil in exchange for American dollars and only on the London and New York exchanges. In essence he took us off the gold standard and put us on the oil standard. Now we have a situation where foreign commodities are backing our currency, so of course you will reduce domestic production because we will make a ton more money that way. We get paid every time an OPEC nation sells oil to anyone so why on Earth would we sell our own product? It's better to simply make the profits off OPEC's product.
Was he getting hammered at the 19th Hole Bar when he preached this nonsense? Americans lazy? Is he sure he wants to go there?
Secondly our peak production was 10 million per month in Oct and Nov of 1970 (41 years ago). Today it about 5.7 million, or about a third of what we consume.

Anything else?

Well, dude. Our oil production decreased not because of necessity but because of choice. In 1971 Nixon took the United States dollar off the gold standard. To protect it he struck a deal with the Saudi royal family to ensure that OPEC would only trade oil in exchange for American dollars and only on the London and New York exchanges. In essence he took us off the gold standard and put us on the oil standard. Now we have a situation where foreign commodities are backing our currency, so of course you will reduce domestic production because we will make a ton more money that way. We get paid every time an OPEC nation sells oil to anyone so why on Earth would we sell our own product? It's better to simply make the profits off OPEC's product.

Even if the above were the only reason for the production decline since 1970, this make the current President and arrogant SOB how exactly?
Even if the above were the only reason for the production decline since 1970, this make the current President and arrogant SOB how exactly?

I don't recall being the one making the charge that he was an arrogant SOB (although i think he is). I was simply pointing out that in regard to your specific point of a decrease in domestic oil production there's a reason why we decreased production. At the time we made more money by not producing oil. Frankly we still do, but other problems have arisen that makes that profit less attractive in the grand scheme.
"We’ve been a little bit lazy over the last couple of decades. We’ve kind of taken for granted — ‘Well, people would want to come here’ — and we aren’t out there hungry, selling America and trying to attract new businesses into America.""
Breitbart.tv » Obama: America’s ‘Been A Little Bit Lazy’

WHAT AN ARROGANT STUPID President and much less American!

A) He took an apology tour of the world!
B) We want to be your BEST customers!
C) He shuts down a pipeline that will ENSURE America OIL from Canada!

AND This >>>>ho.. President SAYS THIS???

You know, I tire of the conservative penchant for jumping on the outrage-of-the-day bandwagon. It's old. It's tired. It's damn pathetic, is what it is.

Fact: The USA has been number 1 for a long time. However, we (the collective we) have grown complacent. And while we (again, the collective we) were engaged in political infighting, and conservatives were hell bent on driving President Clinton from office with the help of Ken Starr and his nonstop years-long, open-ended, investigation back in the 1990s, and later while Bush pressed an unnecessary war in Iraq, and everyone (seemingly) was fascinated with "Survivor" or "Dancing With The Stars," countries like China, and India, and Brazil were catching up with us with the very real intention of PASSING us.

So, don't give me your bullshit outrage because this so-called outrage is exactly the kind of distraction which only serves to help other countries as they improve their educational systems and invest in the technology of tomorrow. And if you don't believe that, guess how much China invested in solar power last year! It was $30 Billion.

THAT is what you should be worried about. America's educational standing (and scholastic scores in every subject) is slipping compared to the rest of the world while our competitors are racing to not only catch up, but also pass us.

Meanwhile, talk radio hosts making millions of dollars a year end up wasting everyone else's time with BS side issues that only serve to stir the pot without fixing anything.
Imagine DA BOOOOSH calling folks lazy?? The Left/Democrat nutters would probably be calling for Impeachment right now. This guy needs to get off the Golf Course and get to work himself. He just sounds stupid.
Imagine DA BOOOOSH calling folks lazy?? The Left/Democrat nutters would probably be calling for Impeachment right now. This guy needs to get off the Golf Course and get to work himself. He just sounds stupid.

Bush might just be the laziest person who's ever been president in the past 100 years.

He was lazy BEFORE he was president with a job history that showed VERY little work that was anything other than a succession of sweetheart deals.

He was lazy AS president with more vacation time than anyone who ever held the office, (INCLUDING Reagan, who was not only much older, but who was also shot and wounded barely two months into office).

And he's been lazy in his post presidential years.
Even if the above were the only reason for the production decline since 1970, this make the current President and arrogant SOB how exactly?

I don't recall being the one making the charge that he was an arrogant SOB (although i think he is). I was simply pointing out that in regard to your specific point of a decrease in domestic oil production there's a reason why we decreased production. At the time we made more money by not producing oil. Frankly we still do, but other problems have arisen that makes that profit less attractive in the grand scheme.

It is the title of the thread. (On that the president never once appologized on the ME tour. We have to buy crude oil somewhere. The delay in the pipeline will not cut off our imports from Canada) I don't know President well enough to declare he is an arrogant SOB or not but the OP's reasons do not hold up.

While taking us off the Gold Standard 41 years ago is one of the reasons for spiking gas prices it is not the main reason US production has fallen. The only new sources for cheap oil (easily extracted) in the US are cut off by protectionist and the old ones are producing less each year. We are drilling more and producing more thanks to the Bakken oil shale and various deep water projects, but those rely on high crude oil prices.

"Forecasts of peak oil are highly controversial—not because anyone thinks oil will last forever, but because no one really knows how much oil remains underground and thus how close we are to reaching the halfway point. So-called oil pessimists contend that a peak is imminent or has actually arrived, as Husseini believes, hidden behind day-to-day fluctuations in production. That might help explain why crude oil prices have been rising steadily and topped a hundred dollars a barrel early this year.

Optimists, by contrast, insist the turning point is decades away, because the world has so much oil yet to be tapped or even discovered, as well as huge reserves of "unconventional" oil, such as the massive tar-sand deposits in western Canada. Optimists also note that in the past, whenever doomsayers have predicted an "imminent" peak, a new oil-field discovery or oil-extraction technology allowed output to keep rising. Indeed, when Husseini first published his forecasts in 2004, he says, optimists dismissed his conclusions "as curious footnotes."

World Oil - National Geographic Magazine
Imagine DA BOOOOSH calling folks lazy?? The Left/Democrat nutters would probably be calling for Impeachment right now. This guy needs to get off the Golf Course and get to work himself. He just sounds stupid.

Bush might just be the laziest person who's ever been president in the past 100 years.

He was lazy BEFORE he was president with a job history that showed VERY little work that was anything other than a succession of sweetheart deals.

He was lazy AS president with more vacation time than anyone who ever held the office, (INCLUDING Reagan, who was not only much older, but who was also shot and wounded barely two months into office).

And he's been lazy in his post presidential years.

Well at least he doesn't screech about how lazy Americans are. He could be the laziest man in History for all i care,just as long as he's not out there calling others lazy. This current President loves his Vacations and Golf Outings so he can spare us all the preaching about how lazy others are. It's definitely a 'Pot meet Kettle' scenario. He should just stick to reading his Teleprompter because when it's turned off he sounds incredibly stupid.
Democrat plan is high taxes and free trade, that'll create millions of jobs! .........
This coming from the Vacationer in Chief? He's not only arrogant,he's a huge hypocrite.
So, a legally elected black man to the Presidency (Harvard Law Review editor, former Senator) is arrogant because he's smart and actually has opinions and observations....and *gasp* has actually had some success in his first term?

As opposed to 8 years of the moron who lied us into an invasion/occupation of a country that NEVER threatened us, and said, "I'm the decider, that's my job.....it's your job to go about your business"?
Just because most of his supporters are lazy,that doesn't mean we all are. I didn't vote for him and i'm not lazy. He has only insulted his own supporters with his rant. Lazy Entitlement hounds are all him and Democrats. Don't lump all of us in that mess. He should apologize.

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