WHAT An Arrogant SOB!!!

The subject at hand, right. The president is uppity.


Well you obviously thought the thread was valid enough for your two cents. You're free to go discuss a topic you feel is more worthy of your maturity.

Thanks for the laugh.

Any time. Because every single damn time one of you RWNJ utter the word 'arrogant' where the President is concerned, we all know what you're really saying. I don't know why you don't just say it. He doesn't know his place. The man is uppity.

Or should I say 'the boy.'

"we all know what you're really saying?"

The Man is Uppity? Dosen't know his place?

when Have I ever said such things, You are Delusional. You don't know the first thing about me, yet you assume you do. You have a lot to learn about people.
Well you obviously thought the thread was valid enough for your two cents. You're free to go discuss a topic you feel is more worthy of your maturity.

Thanks for the laugh.

Any time. Because every single damn time one of you RWNJ utter the word 'arrogant' where the President is concerned, we all know what you're really saying. I don't know why you don't just say it. He doesn't know his place. The man is uppity.

Or should I say 'the boy.'

You operate on such a presumed pretext. A lot of assumption in everything you say. One again, argue the topic at hand instead of pulling stuff out of your a** that no one ever said.
Imagine DA BOOOOSH calling folks lazy?? The Left/Democrat nutters would probably be calling for Impeachment right now. This guy needs to get off the Golf Course and get to work himself. He just sounds stupid.

Bush might just be the laziest person who's ever been president in the past 100 years.

He was lazy BEFORE he was president with a job history that showed VERY little work that was anything other than a succession of sweetheart deals.

He was lazy AS president with more vacation time than anyone who ever held the office, (INCLUDING Reagan, who was not only much older, but who was also shot and wounded barely two months into office).

And he's been lazy in his post presidential years.

you forgot to say he was also the worst leader this Country has had......
I'm not even criticizing laziness. I'm criticizing very lazy people who criticize fellow lazy people. This President loves his numerous Vacations & Golf Outings so he should just shut his mouth when it comes to calling others out for being lazy. He has a very spotted track-record at best on this subject. So the OP is correct in saying he does come off as an arrogant SOB.
I'm not even criticizing laziness. I'm criticizing very lazy people who criticize fellow lazy people. This President loves his numerous Vacations & Golf Outings so he should just shut his mouth when it comes to calling others out for being lazy. He has a very spotted track-record at best on this subject. So the OP is correct in saying he does come off as an arrogant SOB.

The chronology of the posts shows YOU are just another neocon/teabagger/libertarian crank who just parrots the SOS regardless of contrary facts. But please provide us all with the ACTUAL, VERIFIED number of days Obama has been on vacation or played golf --- try using another source besides newsmax or briebart and the like for a change, if you can.

Or be the usual intellectual coward who just derives some warped pleasure by posting nonsense in hopes of getting a rise/response out of people. If you can't stand a little national criticism, then you need to grow up.
When you start out from hating, there's nowhere to go. It's like the boy who cried wolf. The President cannot do a single blessed thing right, so "Blah-blah-blah, me-me-blah, blah-blah-blah-blah, me-me-me."


Admit the facts, Obama is the worst president in history - this is just his latest stupidity. He's fucked the economy, so now he's blaming the victim.
Of course when Republicans were calling the shots they concentrated on sending jobs out of the country

Unlike Obama and his Job Czar.

{The man Obama chose to help create new jobs in America is Jeff Immelt, CEO of General Electric. GE was recently in the public spotlight for not paying a cent of taxes, and now in an even more ironic twist, he’s sending American jobs to China.

In a recent announcement, GE said it is moving the company’s headquarters in charge of X-Ray technology to China. In an effort to increase sales to the giant Asian nation, and cut costs in the process, the largest manufacturer of imaging machines in the world is closing its US headquarters after 115 years. Until now, GE’s X-ray business was headquartered in Waukesha, Wisconsin.}

Obama’s Job Czar Sends American Jobs To China | Conservative Byte

Goddamn but you fascists are so fucking smart...

No wonder they consider Obama ARROGANT for trying to ruin all they worked for and bring them back

Yeah, what a fucking great job Gay Barry and his team are doing..

Hey Jeff - another 200,000 jobs to China, Barry wills it....
I'm not even criticizing laziness. I'm criticizing very lazy people who criticize fellow lazy people. This President loves his numerous Vacations & Golf Outings so he should just shut his mouth when it comes to calling others out for being lazy. He has a very spotted track-record at best on this subject. So the OP is correct in saying he does come off as an arrogant SOB.

The chronology of the posts shows YOU are just another neocon/teabagger/libertarian crank who just parrots the SOS regardless of contrary facts. But please provide us all with the ACTUAL, VERIFIED number of days Obama has been on vacation or played golf --- try using another source besides newsmax or briebart and the like for a change, if you can.

Or be the usual intellectual coward who just derives some warped pleasure by posting nonsense in hopes of getting a rise/response out of people. If you can't stand a little national criticism, then you need to grow up.

So they're going to ignore the fact that Bush took vacay for 1/3 of his time in office. Am I understanding this correctly? He far and away took much, MUCH more time than Obama. But they're going to ignore that little factoid.

I'm not even criticizing laziness. I'm criticizing very lazy people who criticize fellow lazy people. This President loves his numerous Vacations & Golf Outings so he should just shut his mouth when it comes to calling others out for being lazy. He has a very spotted track-record at best on this subject. So the OP is correct in saying he does come off as an arrogant SOB.

The chronology of the posts shows YOU are just another neocon/teabagger/libertarian crank who just parrots the SOS regardless of contrary facts. But please provide us all with the ACTUAL, VERIFIED number of days Obama has been on vacation or played golf --- try using another source besides newsmax or briebart and the like for a change, if you can.

Or be the usual intellectual coward who just derives some warped pleasure by posting nonsense in hopes of getting a rise/response out of people. If you can't stand a little national criticism, then you need to grow up.

So they're going to ignore the fact that Bush took vacay for 1/3 of his time in office. Am I understanding this correctly? He far and away took much, MUCH more time than Obama. But they're going to ignore that little factoid.

Bush wasn't wasting taxpayers money jetting all over the world for down time......Bush took his vacations at his home, where it was MUCH cheaper to enjoy down time, and much less strain both logistically and financially on those who were charged to protect him.

Laura Bush wasn't taking entire entourages of family and friends, at great cost to the taxpayers, on jaunts overseas, for nothing more then she could get away with it.

The Bush's didn't waste taxpayers dollars to go to New York City for a "night on the town".

Bush stopped playing golf all together out of respect to the troops.

But you liberal idiots are going to ignore those factoids.
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So they're going to ignore the fact that Bush took vacay for 1/3 of his time in office. Am I understanding this correctly? He far and away took much, MUCH more time than Obama. But they're going to ignore that little factoid.


I'll make you a deal, if you can get Obama to take vacation until Jan. 20, 2013 - I won't say a bad thing about the incompetent pile of shit between now and then!
Bush wasn't wasting taxpayers money jetting all over the world for down time......Bush took his vacations at his home, where it was MUCH cheaper to enjoy down time, and much less strain both logistically and financially on those who were charged to protect him.

Additionally, a lot of those "vacations" were situations where he invited a foreign leader to vacation at his home with him. That's the "Texas way of doing business". They were "working vacations" so to speak. The "Chicago way of doing business" involves concrete.
So they're going to ignore the fact that Bush took vacay for 1/3 of his time in office. Am I understanding this correctly? He far and away took much, MUCH more time than Obama. But they're going to ignore that little factoid.


I'll make you a deal, if you can get Obama to take vacation until Jan. 20, 2013 - I won't say a bad thing about the incompetent pile of shit between now and then!
I'm in on that.....as long as Obama takes Biden with him......The last thing we need is that delusional son of a liberal bitch making decisions from behind the desk.
The chronology of the posts shows YOU are just another neocon/teabagger/libertarian crank who just parrots the SOS regardless of contrary facts. But please provide us all with the ACTUAL, VERIFIED number of days Obama has been on vacation or played golf --- try using another source besides newsmax or briebart and the like for a change, if you can.

Or be the usual intellectual coward who just derives some warped pleasure by posting nonsense in hopes of getting a rise/response out of people. If you can't stand a little national criticism, then you need to grow up.

So they're going to ignore the fact that Bush took vacay for 1/3 of his time in office. Am I understanding this correctly? He far and away took much, MUCH more time than Obama. But they're going to ignore that little factoid.

Bush wasn't wasting taxpayers money jetting all over the world for down time......Bush took his vacations at his home, where it was MUCH cheaper to enjoy down time, and much less strain both logistically and financially on those who were charged to protect him.

Laura Bush wasn't taking entire entourages of family and friends, at great cost to the taxpayers, on jaunts overseas, for nothing more then she could get away with it.

The Bush's didn't waste taxpayers dollars to go to New York City for a "night on the town".

Bush stopped playing golf all together out of respect to the troops.

But you liberal idiots are going to ignore those factoids.

What are you talking about? Bush wasn't carpooling when he went to Texas ALL THE TIME.

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