WHAT An Arrogant SOB!!!

When his employer agreed to make (and did, in fact, make)two separate payouts in the tens of thousands of dollars each to two different women based on accusations of sexual harassment, one thing that canNOT be said is that there is no foundation for allegations of misconduct on the part of Herman Cain.

Let me tell you a quick little story about a friend of mine Mustang. Her name is Susie and she has been one of my greatest friends forever. We were so close because we were born on the same day in the same military hospital in Germany and by some stroke of a miracle our families later moved to the same small town when we were both three years old. Our joke is that we were simply destined to be good friends. She is 41 years old and absolutely drop dead gorgeous. And she is now a very wealthy woman. See what she did was to go to bars in Phoenix that were frequented by rich men. She says she always looked for the wedding ring. That was critical. Then she would seduce them and take them back to her "set-up apartment" for sex. Now her set-up apartment wasn't where she lived. That was the run down cheap place she rented to make herself look poor. It was also the one with all the hidden cameras in it. So she would go to bed with these men and act as their mistress demanding a stipend (which she invested). When the guy wanted to break it off she produced the videotapes and said the guy could have them for a given price or they would go to his wife. She also would get a job with a well researched company and flirt like hell with her boss. She would send out all the signals and when he would bite, she would sue the fuck out of them.

She retired when she was about 33 if memory serves and she has enough money to make her a very comfortable woman for the rest of her life.

I love that woman like a sister....although she disgusts me just as equally.

The point is....there are women (and men) out there who will bait and blackmail anyone they can get their hands on, and after they ruin someone's life they will go home, eat a nice dinner, and sleep well.

These women accusing Cain. They may be telling the truth. But just because they got some cash doesn't mean jack shit.

You're kidding yourself if you think she's your friend. Any woman who would repeatedly do that kind of thing to unsuspecting men, could just as easily turn on you. Think about it. You have knowledge of her highly illegal (blackmail, extortion, and possible tax evasion) grifting scam. If she ever considers you to be a threat to her for whatever reason, you better watch your back because she won't have any qualms about turning on you to protect herself and her way of life.
He just doesn't understand the economy. So i'll chalk his "lazy" comment up to just being ignorant. American jobs have disappeared because of people like his "Jobs Czar" GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt Outsourcing them. And they weren't Outsourced because Americans were lazy. That's just a 'lazy' assessment on his part. Ask Mr. Immelt why him and GE Outsourced all those jobs. And if he's honest with you,he'll tell you it was all about greed and had nothing to do with "lazy Americans." This President just doesn't know anything about Business. He really is ignorant. If he had any integrity left,he would just apologize to Americans.
They're not doing you or themselves any favors. And by settling with these students, your school is making YOU look bad...and guilty!

The worst situation I ever saw wasn't with me. It was another instructor and this girl would not accept a simple, small settlement. She wanted to go for the throat and go to court and force a massive award. We were fortunate that we were approached by three students who were willing to testify that she offered them drugs, sex, and a cut of the award if they would go on the stand and say they had witnessed that teacher doing stuff.

When we brought that up to her she dropped the charges....and got expelled. LOL. But seriously.....when I hear someone say "this person sexually harassed me", my first reaction is... hmmmmmmmmm.... is this for real or is it revenge, is it a cash grab? I have seen so many more instances of those things than legitimate claims and again... it does a terrible disservice to those who truly experience it for real.
You're kidding yourself if you think she's your friend. Any woman who would repeatedly do that kind of thing to unsuspecting men, could just as easily turn on you. Think about it. You have knowledge of her highly illegal (blackmail, extortion, and possible tax evasion) grifting scam. If she ever considers you to be a threat to her for whatever reason, you better watch your back because she won't have any qualms about turning on you to protect herself and her way of life.

Oh I don't have nearly enough money for her to go after me. :lol: Besides, she's set. She has nothing to gain by attacking me except to alienate about the only person who is willing to talk to her. LOL. Someday she will get hers....I remind her of that often.
They're not doing you or themselves any favors. And by settling with these students, your school is making YOU look bad...and guilty!

The worst situation I ever saw wasn't with me. It was another instructor and this girl would not accept a simple, small settlement. She wanted to go for the throat and go to court and force a massive award. We were fortunate that we were approached by three students who were willing to testify that she offered them drugs, sex, and a cut of the award if they would go on the stand and say they had witnessed that teacher doing stuff.

When we brought that up to her she dropped the charges....and got expelled. LOL. But seriously.....when I hear someone say "this person sexually harassed me", my first reaction is... hmmmmmmmmm.... is this for real or is it revenge, is it a cash grab? I have seen so many more instances of those things than legitimate claims and again... it does a terrible disservice to those who truly experience it for real.
You sexually harrassed me, DAMMIT!

I'll see ya' in court, asshole.

Wow, that was quite easy.:eusa_whistle:
You're kidding yourself if you think she's your friend. Any woman who would repeatedly do that kind of thing to unsuspecting men, could just as easily turn on you. Think about it. You have knowledge of her highly illegal (blackmail, extortion, and possible tax evasion) grifting scam. If she ever considers you to be a threat to her for whatever reason, you better watch your back because she won't have any qualms about turning on you to protect herself and her way of life.

Oh I don't have nearly enough money for her to go after me. :lol: Besides, she's set. She has nothing to gain by attacking me except to alienate about the only person who is willing to talk to her. LOL. Someday she will get hers....I remind her of that often.

I'm not talking about her going after your money. I'm talking about her going after you. What you know could put her in prison for a LONG time.

The very fact that you remind her often that she's going to 'get hers' someday could cause her to start thinking about how you're a threat to her, especially if you two ever have some kind of falling out, as friends often do.
I'm not talking about her going after your money. I'm talking about her going after you. What you know could put her in prison for a LONG time.

The very fact that you remind her often that she's going to 'get hers' someday could cause her to start thinking about how you're a threat to her, especially if you two ever have some kind of falling out, as friends often do.

Oh she lives in St. Croix now. She has very little to fear from the American legal system.
If your school is regularly giving out settlments to certain students for your alleged behavior, I suggest to you that you are a financial liability to the school AND your school is only encouraging further complaints simply because it's profitable to make them. They're not doing you or themselves any favors. And by settling with these students, your school is making YOU look bad...and guilty!

Oh it's not just me. It happens to every instructor there. Sometimes they will sniff out someone who is going to school to bait the teachers and for that student they will always have two instructors in the classroom. I mean...that's how crazy it is. And it's such a disgrace because there are most certainly women (and YES men as well) who are truly victims of some serious sexual harassment but their claims are often viewed with suspicion because there are so many bloodsucking vultures out there who are trying to use it as a weapon.

I'm sorry, but I simply find that hard to believe.
A ton of time? When did you learn to not be alone with them?

I never was alone with them. That didn't stop them from claiming I was alone with them. Sheesh.

Right....sorry, but I smell a big load of BS coming from your direction.
No, that must be from the updraft coming from between your legs, Chaz.

Wash that thing once in awhile.....It just might alleviate the problem, lil' man.:eusa_whistle:
Of course when Republicans were calling the shots they concentrated on sending jobs out of the country

Unlike Obama and his Job Czar.

{The man Obama chose to help create new jobs in America is Jeff Immelt, CEO of General Electric. GE was recently in the public spotlight for not paying a cent of taxes, and now in an even more ironic twist, he’s sending American jobs to China.

In a recent announcement, GE said it is moving the company’s headquarters in charge of X-Ray technology to China. In an effort to increase sales to the giant Asian nation, and cut costs in the process, the largest manufacturer of imaging machines in the world is closing its US headquarters after 115 years. Until now, GE’s X-ray business was headquartered in Waukesha, Wisconsin.}

Obama’s Job Czar Sends American Jobs To China | Conservative Byte

Goddamn but you fascists are so fucking smart...

No wonder they consider Obama ARROGANT for trying to ruin all they worked for and bring them back

Yeah, what a fucking great job Gay Barry and his team are doing..

Hey Jeff - another 200,000 jobs to China, Barry wills it....

Funny how neocon/teabaggers/libertarians had NO problem with corporate outsourcing under Reagan or the Bush Crime family....and staunchly backed the current GOP gasbags wailing about "big gov't" destroying businesses trying to be successful.

And then, the nano-second the Obama administration does the same thing, a hue and cry from the right wingnut peanut gallery rises.

Nothing more pathetic than an Uncensored right wingnut hypocrits from 2008.
The chronology of the posts shows YOU are just another neocon/teabagger/libertarian crank who just parrots the SOS regardless of contrary facts. But please provide us all with the ACTUAL, VERIFIED number of days Obama has been on vacation or played golf --- try using another source besides newsmax or briebart and the like for a change, if you can.

Or be the usual intellectual coward who just derives some warped pleasure by posting nonsense in hopes of getting a rise/response out of people. If you can't stand a little national criticism, then you need to grow up.

So they're going to ignore the fact that Bush took vacay for 1/3 of his time in office. Am I understanding this correctly? He far and away took much, MUCH more time than Obama. But they're going to ignore that little factoid.

Bush wasn't wasting taxpayers money jetting all over the world for down time......Bush took his vacations at his home, where it was MUCH cheaper to enjoy down time, and much less strain both logistically and financially on those who were charged to protect him.

Right off the bat, our Wickedly stupid neocon Jester just doesn't have the stones to ADMIT that the right wingnut mantra that Obama is just partying away on the taxpayer's dime when compared to the Shrub is a LIE. So WJ moves the goal post, and now exaggerates that Obama is spending TOO MUCH money on his time off. Well, once again REALITY trumps the Fox Noise machine:

Like Every Administration, White House Defends Obama "Vacation" - - CBS News

This is Mr. Obama's 9th vacation since taking office. As of today, he has spent all or part of 38 days on "vacation" away from the White House. He has also made 14 visits to Camp David spanning all or part of 32 days. It brings his total time away to all or part of 70 days.

It's less than the "vacation" time taken during the same period by his immediate predecessor. (Former President George W. Bush gets the quotation marks too.)

As of this point in his 1st term, Mr. Bush had made 14 visits to his Texas ranch spanning all or part of 102 days. He also made 40 visits to Camp David spanning all or part of 123 days. His "vacation" total at this point in his presidency was all or part of 225 days away.

Laura Bush wasn't taking entire entourages of family and friends, at great cost to the taxpayers, on jaunts overseas, for nothing more then she could get away with it.

The Bush's didn't waste taxpayers dollars to go to New York City for a "night on the town".

As usual, reality trumps neocon/teabagger/libertarian bullshit:

Right. And how were the “optics” when First Lady Laura Bush got a $700 haircut for the 2005 Inauguration? Or when Laura Bush went on vacation with her girlfriends along with an entourage of 25 in tow? And how were the “optics” when the taxpayers spent more than $20 million flying the Bushes back and forth to their vacation retreat in Crawford, Texas?

The press to Michelle Obama - be more like Laura Bush! | The Smirking Chimp

Bush stopped playing golf all together out of respect to the troops.

Really? Bush Lies About Giving Up Golf: Kept Playing - Video

Hannity falsely claims Bush did not play golf while country was at war | Media Matters for America

But you liberal idiots are going to ignore those factoids.

As I've aptly demonstrated the Wickedly stupid right wingnut Jester's penchant for blowing smoke and distorting/ignoring the truth, his last sentence here is just fantistically ironic. Perhaps WJ needs to get his head out of Hannity's fat ass.
He shouldn't have said that, he should have said that Americans are self obsessed, media sedated, mindless consumers who are easily led into voting against their best interests.

True. How do you think Democrats get elected?
Without stealing votes in Florida and Ohio, and with a higher voter turnout. Other than that, it's the SOS as Republicans to one degree or another.
So they're going to ignore the fact that Bush took vacay for 1/3 of his time in office. Am I understanding this correctly? He far and away took much, MUCH more time than Obama. But they're going to ignore that little factoid.

Bush wasn't wasting taxpayers money jetting all over the world for down time......Bush took his vacations at his home, where it was MUCH cheaper to enjoy down time, and much less strain both logistically and financially on those who were charged to protect him.

Right off the bat, our Wickedly stupid neocon Jester just doesn't have the stones to ADMIT that the right wingnut mantra that Obama is just partying away on the taxpayer's dime when compared to the Shrub is a LIE. So WJ moves the goal post, and now exaggerates that Obama is spending TOO MUCH money on his time off. Well, once again REALITY trumps the Fox Noise machine:

Like Every Administration, White House Defends Obama "Vacation" - - CBS News

This is Mr. Obama's 9th vacation since taking office. As of today, he has spent all or part of 38 days on "vacation" away from the White House. He has also made 14 visits to Camp David spanning all or part of 32 days. It brings his total time away to all or part of 70 days.

It's less than the "vacation" time taken during the same period by his immediate predecessor. (Former President George W. Bush gets the quotation marks too.)

As of this point in his 1st term, Mr. Bush had made 14 visits to his Texas ranch spanning all or part of 102 days. He also made 40 visits to Camp David spanning all or part of 123 days. His "vacation" total at this point in his presidency was all or part of 225 days away.

Laura Bush wasn't taking entire entourages of family and friends, at great cost to the taxpayers, on jaunts overseas, for nothing more then she could get away with it.

The Bush's didn't waste taxpayers dollars to go to New York City for a "night on the town".

As usual, reality trumps neocon/teabagger/libertarian bullshit:

Right. And how were the “optics” when First Lady Laura Bush got a $700 haircut for the 2005 Inauguration? Or when Laura Bush went on vacation with her girlfriends along with an entourage of 25 in tow? And how were the “optics” when the taxpayers spent more than $20 million flying the Bushes back and forth to their vacation retreat in Crawford, Texas?

The press to Michelle Obama - be more like Laura Bush! | The Smirking Chimp

Bush stopped playing golf all together out of respect to the troops.

Really? Bush Lies About Giving Up Golf: Kept Playing - Video

Hannity falsely claims Bush did not play golf while country was at war | Media Matters for America

But you liberal idiots are going to ignore those factoids.

As I've aptly demonstrated the Wickedly stupid right wingnut Jester's penchant for blowing smoke and distorting/ignoring the truth, his last sentence here is just fantistically ironic. Perhaps WJ needs to get his head out of Hannity's fat ass.
You hven't proven Jack Shit, douchebag!

Media Matters is your source?.....:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Get the fuck outta here, loser!:cuckoo:
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Of course when Republicans were calling the shots they concentrated on sending jobs out of the country

Unlike Obama and his Job Czar.

{The man Obama chose to help create new jobs in America is Jeff Immelt, CEO of General Electric. GE was recently in the public spotlight for not paying a cent of taxes, and now in an even more ironic twist, he’s sending American jobs to China.

In a recent announcement, GE said it is moving the company’s headquarters in charge of X-Ray technology to China. In an effort to increase sales to the giant Asian nation, and cut costs in the process, the largest manufacturer of imaging machines in the world is closing its US headquarters after 115 years. Until now, GE’s X-ray business was headquartered in Waukesha, Wisconsin.}

Obama’s Job Czar Sends American Jobs To China | Conservative Byte

Goddamn but you fascists are so fucking smart...

No wonder they consider Obama ARROGANT for trying to ruin all they worked for and bring them back

Yeah, what a fucking great job Gay Barry and his team are doing..

Hey Jeff - another 200,000 jobs to China, Barry wills it....

Funny how neocon/teabaggers/libertarians had NO problem with corporate outsourcing under Reagan or the Bush Crime family....and staunchly backed the current GOP gasbags wailing about "big gov't" destroying businesses trying to be successful.

And then, the nano-second the Obama administration does the same thing, a hue and cry from the right wingnut peanut gallery rises.

Nothing more pathetic than an Uncensored right wingnut hypocrits from 2008.

Well thank you for the fringed opinion. The opposition from the time was just your imagination. Carry on!!

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