WHAT An Arrogant SOB!!!

So they're going to ignore the fact that Bush took vacay for 1/3 of his time in office. Am I understanding this correctly? He far and away took much, MUCH more time than Obama. But they're going to ignore that little factoid.

Bush wasn't wasting taxpayers money jetting all over the world for down time......Bush took his vacations at his home, where it was MUCH cheaper to enjoy down time, and much less strain both logistically and financially on those who were charged to protect him.

Laura Bush wasn't taking entire entourages of family and friends, at great cost to the taxpayers, on jaunts overseas, for nothing more then she could get away with it.

The Bush's didn't waste taxpayers dollars to go to New York City for a "night on the town".

Bush stopped playing golf all together out of respect to the troops.

But you liberal idiots are going to ignore those factoids.

What are you talking about? Bush wasn't carpooling when he went to Texas ALL THE TIME.
He wasn't having to send a huge contigent of advance SS to foreign countries to do the deeds of pre-arrival, a very expensive undertaking......He wasn't having to send seperate aircraft full of limo's and security vehicles overseas, a very expensive undertaking.....He wasn't having the taxpayers foot the bill for entire entourages of peoples lodgings overseas, a very expensive proposition.....He wasn't taxing the military to fly shadow escort across entire oceans and continents, a very expensive undertaking.

Get a fucking clue!:cuckoo:
Obama needs to go, and Biden with him.

That reminds me of a little joke.

Obama goes to Hillary Clinton and says "I have a big favor to ask of you. Things are absolutely crazy in the Middle East and northern Africa. There's the Arab Spring, and terrorism, and all hell is breaking loose. Everyone I have sent has been unable to make any progress. I want to send you over there on a tour to try and see if you can get things sorted out."

Hillary says: "Jesus, Barack. Are you kidding? That place is a war zone. People are getting their heads cut off and bombed in the markets. I just don't feel I would be safe. I would do just about anything not to have to go down there."

Obama says: "Anything? Well how about you get down on your knees and give me a little sugar?"

So Hillary thinks about it for a moment and given the choice she decides a little tongue love is a small price for her life. She gets down on her knees, unzips Obama's pants and starts to perform. After a moment she looks up and says: "Jesus, Barack this tastes like shit."

Obama says: "Yeah Joe Biden didn't want to go either."
Obama needs to go, and Biden with him.

That reminds me of a little joke.

Obama goes to Hillary Clinton and says "I have a big favor to ask of you. Things are absolutely crazy in the Middle East and northern Africa. There's the Arab Spring, and terrorism, and all hell is breaking loose. Everyone I have sent has been unable to make any progress. I want to send you over there on a tour to try and see if you can get things sorted out."

Hillary says: "Jesus, Barack. Are you kidding? That place is a war zone. People are getting their heads cut off and bombed in the markets. I just don't feel I would be safe. I would do just about anything not to have to go down there."

Obama says: "Anything? Well how about you get down on your knees and give me a little sugar?"

So Hillary thinks about it for a moment and given the choice she decides a little tongue love is a small price for her life. She gets down on her knees, unzips Obama's pants and starts to perform. After a moment she looks up and says: "Jesus, Barack this tastes like shit."

Obama says: "Yeah Joe Biden didn't want to go either."
You know, I tire of the conservative penchant for jumping on the outrage-of-the-day bandwagon. It's old. It's tired. It's damn pathetic, is what it is.

You mean like unfounded allegations of sexual misconduct against Herman Cain...just as an example?

When his employer agreed to make (and did, in fact, make)two separate payouts in the tens of thousands of dollars each to two different women based on accusations of sexual harassment, one thing that canNOT be said is that there is no foundation for allegations of misconduct on the part of Herman Cain.
When his employer agreed to make (and did, in fact, make)two separate payouts in the tens of thousands of dollars each to two different women based on accusations of sexual harassment, one thing that canNOT be said is that there is no foundation for allegations of misconduct on the part of Herman Cain.

Pfft.....I have been the "victim" of and been accused of sexual harassment a ton of times. I have had many students come to me and say "give me an A or else" and when I refused out came the accusations. It's bullshit. The school knows it's bullshit, but the school gives them a nice little settlement because they don't want the publicity and it's cheaper than going to court. It happens to every teacher at the college level.

I have seen it happen in business in my experience in the industry as well. Just because someone got paid it doesn't mean they are telling the truth.
He shouldn't have said that, he should have said that Americans are self obsessed, media sedated, mindless consumers who are easily led into voting against their best interests.

True. How do you think Democrats get elected?
For anyone who has travelled outside the US, you'll realize how much the Bush Administration alienated America's traditional allies, not to mention the rest of the world.

Obama may be under seige in his own country - but for most foreigners, he's the only sign of an "intelligent lifeform" amongst its current leadership!

Oh my, the poor dears! They are alienated!

My heart bleeds for them. Meanwhile, they are trying to come here by the truckload.

Do you really think a business is going to be deterred by what some politician says if it knows it can make money here?

The reason they aren't investing in the USA is because Obama scares the crap out of them.
Pfft. There's a reason why Jimmy Carter is the most popular US president in nations OTHER than the United States and Reagan was among the least popular. Foreign nations love a POTUS that allows them to walk all over us. Regardless, I don't think Great Britain and Israel are particularly thrilled with Obama.

Neither are any of the former East Block nations.

Liberals think we're supposed to be concerned what limp-wristed socialist politicians in socialist European countries think about our president. No one else gives a damn what they think, including businessmen in those countries.
When his employer agreed to make (and did, in fact, make)two separate payouts in the tens of thousands of dollars each to two different women based on accusations of sexual harassment, one thing that canNOT be said is that there is no foundation for allegations of misconduct on the part of Herman Cain.

Let me tell you a quick little story about a friend of mine Mustang. Her name is Susie and she has been one of my greatest friends forever. We were so close because we were born on the same day in the same military hospital in Germany and by some stroke of a miracle our families later moved to the same small town when we were both three years old. Our joke is that we were simply destined to be good friends. She is 41 years old and absolutely drop dead gorgeous. And she is now a very wealthy woman. See what she did was to go to bars in Phoenix that were frequented by rich men. She says she always looked for the wedding ring. That was critical. Then she would seduce them and take them back to her "set-up apartment" for sex. Now her set-up apartment wasn't where she lived. That was the run down cheap place she rented to make herself look poor. It was also the one with all the hidden cameras in it. So she would go to bed with these men and act as their mistress demanding a stipend (which she invested). When the guy wanted to break it off she produced the videotapes and said the guy could have them for a given price or they would go to his wife. She also would get a job with a well researched company and flirt like hell with her boss. She would send out all the signals and when he would bite, she would sue the fuck out of them.

She retired when she was about 33 if memory serves and she has enough money to make her a very comfortable woman for the rest of her life.

I love that woman like a sister....although she disgusts me just as equally.

The point is....there are women (and men) out there who will bait and blackmail anyone they can get their hands on, and after they ruin someone's life they will go home, eat a nice dinner, and sleep well.

These women accusing Cain. They may be telling the truth. But just because they got some cash doesn't mean jack shit.
When his employer agreed to make (and did, in fact, make)two separate payouts in the tens of thousands of dollars each to two different women based on accusations of sexual harassment, one thing that canNOT be said is that there is no foundation for allegations of misconduct on the part of Herman Cain.

Pfft.....I have been the "victim" of and been accused of sexual harassment a ton of times. I have had many students come to me and say "give me an A or else" and when I refused out came the accusations. It's bullshit. The school knows it's bullshit, but the school gives them a nice little settlement because they don't want the publicity and it's cheaper than going to court. It happens to every teacher at the college level.

I have seen it happen in business in my experience in the industry as well. Just because someone got paid it doesn't mean they are telling the truth.

A ton of time? When did you learn to not be alone with them?
When his employer agreed to make (and did, in fact, make)two separate payouts in the tens of thousands of dollars each to two different women based on accusations of sexual harassment, one thing that canNOT be said is that there is no foundation for allegations of misconduct on the part of Herman Cain.

Let me tell you a quick little story about a friend of mine Mustang. Her name is Susie and she has been one of my greatest friends forever. We were so close because we were born on the same day in the same military hospital in Germany and by some stroke of a miracle our families later moved to the same small town when we were both three years old. Our joke is that we were simply destined to be good friends. She is 41 years old and absolutely drop dead gorgeous. And she is now a very wealthy woman. See what she did was to go to bars in Phoenix that were frequented by rich men. She says she always looked for the wedding ring. That was critical. Then she would seduce them and take them back to her "set-up apartment" for sex. Now her set-up apartment wasn't where she lived. That was the run down cheap place she rented to make herself look poor. It was also the one with all the hidden cameras in it. So she would go to bed with these men and act as their mistress demanding a stipend (which she invested). When the guy wanted to break it off she produced the videotapes and said the guy could have them for a given price or they would go to his wife. She also would get a job with a well researched company and flirt like hell with her boss. She would send out all the signals and when he would bite, she would sue the fuck out of them.

She retired when she was about 33 if memory serves and she has enough money to make her a very comfortable woman for the rest of her life.

I love that woman like a sister....although she disgusts me just as equally.

The point is....there are women (and men) out there who will bait and blackmail anyone they can get their hands on, and after they ruin someone's life they will go home, eat a nice dinner, and sleep well.

These women accusing Cain. They may be telling the truth. But just because they got some cash doesn't mean jack shit.

And this is your friend?
When his employer agreed to make (and did, in fact, make)two separate payouts in the tens of thousands of dollars each to two different women based on accusations of sexual harassment, one thing that canNOT be said is that there is no foundation for allegations of misconduct on the part of Herman Cain.

Pfft.....I have been the "victim" of and been accused of sexual harassment a ton of times. I have had many students come to me and say "give me an A or else" and when I refused out came the accusations. It's bullshit. The school knows it's bullshit, but the school gives them a nice little settlement because they don't want the publicity and it's cheaper than going to court. It happens to every teacher at the college level.

I have seen it happen in business in my experience in the industry as well. Just because someone got paid it doesn't mean they are telling the truth.

I got accused of sexual harassment too. Just one time. The woman had a reputation as being kind of crazy. I took pity on her and made the mistake of actually talking to her. She manufactured a story after one weekend at work when I told her I was too busy to talk to her. NOBODY believed her because they knew her, and they knew me. I had never been accused of anything like that before. Hell, I never even told off-color jokes and never used swear words in front of women, even outside of the office.

Her story kept changing. She also threatened to file some kind of formal charge with the corporate office. She was told (not by me) to either file the formal charge, or drop the matter. She dropped it. The company didn't pay out a dime, and I wouldn't have agreed to doing so if I had any say in the matter.

Based on her behavior and the way she interacted with people, I later came to believe that she suffered from Borderline Personality Disorder. While that's not an excuse, it explains a lot in her particular case. I've known 3 women in my life who I believe qualify for that diagnosis. All three of them lied very regularly, were highly excitable, overreacted to everything, and spoke in a very loud voice. None of the women who I've seen speak about McCain remotely comes across that way to me.

If your school is regularly giving out settlments to certain students for your alleged behavior, I suggest to you that you are a financial liability to the school AND your school is only encouraging further complaints simply because it's profitable to make them. They're not doing you or themselves any favors. And by settling with these students, your school is making YOU look bad...and guilty!
If your school is regularly giving out settlments to certain students for your alleged behavior, I suggest to you that you are a financial liability to the school AND your school is only encouraging further complaints simply because it's profitable to make them. They're not doing you or themselves any favors. And by settling with these students, your school is making YOU look bad...and guilty!

Oh it's not just me. It happens to every instructor there. Sometimes they will sniff out someone who is going to school to bait the teachers and for that student they will always have two instructors in the classroom. I mean...that's how crazy it is. And it's such a disgrace because there are most certainly women (and YES men as well) who are truly victims of some serious sexual harassment but their claims are often viewed with suspicion because there are so many bloodsucking vultures out there who are trying to use it as a weapon.

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