What are SOCIALIST Democrats doing in Congress?

When was that? The 80s when they voted themselves The Lords of America? Democrats were in on that, too.

The Repubs had the House and Senate the first two years of Trump's term in office.
The Repubs had the House and Senate the first two years of Trump's term in office.
Not enough to do anything, and there was a dozen or more RINOs, too.

McCain, Romney, Ryan.

Pretty sure it was Ryan making all kinds of bad recommendations in Trump's ear.
Not enough to do anything, and there was a dozen or more RINOs, too.

McCain, Romney, Ryan.

Pretty sure it was Ryan making all kinds of bad recommendations in Trump's ear.

There is always an excuse, which is why we are sitting at 32 trillion dollars in debt
Right on schedule. Conservatives are pretending to care about spending now that they’re not in the White House again.
There are a lot of deadbeats collecting benefits who should be working. Cut them off at the nuts and make them work.
And that's always the first place the "cut, cut, cut" crowd goes. Apply the broad brush and target the most vulnerable.
There is always fraud and waste. Constantly bringing up this talking point hasn't helped military fraud and waste. Hell, I still haven't seen
a real audit for the DOD.

I'll give you a hint. The first place I'd start is with money coming in. Then we sit down and worry about the money going out. But there are only a few
budget categories that take up the lion share of the money. The rest is small potatoes.
And that's always the first place the "cut, cut, cut" crowd goes. Apply the broad brush and target the most vulnerable.
There is always fraud and waste. Constantly bringing up this talking point hasn't helped military fraud and waste. Hell, I still haven't seen
a real audit for the DOD.

I'll give you a hint. The first place I'd start is with money coming in. Then we sit down and worry about the money going out. But there are only a few
budget categories that take up the lion share of the money. The rest is small potatoes.
Didn't say apply a broad brush. There are literally millions sponging off the government. I didn't say go after everyone on benefits, I said take the benefits away from those sponging off the government and make them work and leave everyone else alone. If we can hire 80,000 IRS agents to go after Americans we can hire agents to go after the moochers.

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