What are SOCIALIST Democrats doing in Congress?

They had a majority. What reality do you live in? Trump could have passed any legislation he wanted to and there was nothing Democrats could do about it. :auiqs.jpg:
What world do you live in? Nothing gets done by one party in the Senate unless you have a supermajority. You must be confused with the House, where you only need a majority to abuse your power for political purposes.
What world do you live in? Nothing gets done by one party in the Senate unless you have a supermajority. You must be confused with the House, where you only need a majority to abuse your power for political purposes.

How is it then that Trump's tax cuts got passed?
Democrats helped vote for them. And, those tax cuts increased revenues.

Lying again....


Didn't say apply a broad brush. There are literally millions sponging off the government. I didn't say go after everyone on benefits, I said take the benefits away from those sponging off the government and make them work and leave everyone else alone. If we can hire 80,000 IRS agents to go after Americans we can hire agents to go after the moochers.
The democrat party wants those 80,000 to go after all the little people who sell things on ebay and etsy. They tell the sheeple they are going after those evil corporations, instead. The sheeple are all too stupid to realize that they are not about to go after Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates or any of the woke corporations they serve.
Democrats helped vote for them. And, those tax cuts increased revenues.
Hahahaha wow! Also forgotten I'm sure, is the fact that the corporate tax cuts don't expire. Income tax on us, the little people, expire. Thanks Donnie.

"The Senate was able to pass the bill with only 51 votes, without the need to defeat a filibuster, under the budget reconciliation process.[11] The House passed the penultimate version of the bill on December 19, 2017. The Senate passed the final bill, 51–48, on December 20, 2017. "

Deficit, not debt.

Go back to school, get your GED and learn the difference.
Inherited $665.

Last deficit under Republicans was $984

How the hell did you get to a 68% increase?
  • 2019 - $984 billion budget deficit
  • 2018 - $779 billion budget deficit
  • 2017 - $665 billion budget deficit
Inherited $665.

Last deficit under Republicans was $984

How the hell did you get to a 68% increase?
  • 2019 - $984 billion budget deficit
  • 2018 - $779 billion budget deficit
  • 2017 - $665 billion budget deficit

Whoops you are correct. I used the 585 from 2016.

So, they only increased the deficit by 48%...that is way better! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
The democrat party wants those 80,000 to go after all the little people who sell things on ebay and etsy. They tell the sheeple they are going after those evil corporations, instead. The sheeple are all too stupid to realize that they are not about to go after Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates or any of the woke corporations they serve.
They are also going after waiters and waitresses. I doubt these people are making more than 400K.
Hahahaha wow! Also forgotten I'm sure, is the fact that the corporate tax cuts don't expire. Income tax on us, the little people, expire. Thanks Donnie.

"The Senate was able to pass the bill with only 51 votes, without the need to defeat a filibuster, under the budget reconciliation process.[11] The House passed the penultimate version of the bill on December 19, 2017. The Senate passed the final bill, 51–48, on December 20, 2017. "

So, you're saying Democrats refuse to extend the tax breaks to the little people?
They are also going after waiters and waitresses. I doubt these people are making more than 400K.
They are going after them as well. These were the first targets for closure during covid, after all.

All people need to do is ask who the Democrats targeted for shut down using covid as the excuse -- was it Walmart or was in small business?

There is not a single leftist here with the intelligence and integrity necessary to ask that question, answer it honesty and understand the implications.

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