What are SOCIALIST Democrats doing in Congress?

"until last summer when an investor group with ties to the Chinese government bought the mine for $20.5 million, beating out American bidders including ERP Strategic Minerals."

Not the US government, but things like this are happening and it's not good.

I agree they are not good things, but it is stupid to blame it on the Fed Govt
"until last summer when an investor group with ties to the Chinese government bought the mine for $20.5 million, beating out American bidders including ERP Strategic Minerals."

Not the US government, but things like this are happening and it's not good.
which is why President Biden and the Democrats are fixing the problem duhhhh.... it's in the infrastructure bill.
They do not want to cut spending, they just want to put on a show so that people like you will keep voting for them.

Why do your beloved Repubs never want to cut spending with Repubs in power in Congress and in the White House?
They want to cut spending every time a Democrat is in the White House. Democrats never want to cut spending.
which is why President Biden and the Democrats are fixing the problem duhhhh.... it's in the infrastructure bill.
Not they're not, Stupor Duper.

This is another theft of taxpayer monies by the administration in charge just like when Obama did it.

They'll get the startup subsidies and vanish into the ether. (Ofc there will be kickbacks)
Tax the rich again and invest in America again. the worst inequality upward mobility and homelessness is what we have after 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich. End of story
The worst income inequality in the country is all in Democratically controlled areas. The rich are already paying most of the federal income taxes collected so you aren't being honest about that. Democrats use the term "investing" as being the same as spending more money. The tax cuts that you claim were "giveaways to the rich" actually increased tax revenues.
That hasn't happened in a long time. You don't hold the Senate if you don't have a supermajority. But, I agree Republicans aren't very good at cutting spending unless there is a Democratic president. But, to outright declare that you aren't even going to talk about cutting spending is very telling.
Funny how the Republicans are not able to come up with any actual cuts they want to make.... taxing the rich and investing in america again is so overdue, I can't wait for the Democratic landslide in 2024 over the Orange Clown Conman Mussolini wannabe....

of course we talk about cutting spending, we have actually done it including Biden. But it should not happen when you're talking about debts we have already spent.... like under Trump, with intelligent opposition as opposed to a propaganda driven POS like the GOP of today.
The worst income inequality in the country is all in Democratically controlled areas. The rich are already paying most of the federal income taxes collected so you aren't being honest about that. Democrats use the term "investing" as being the same as spending more money. The tax cuts that you claim were "giveaways to the rich" actually increased tax revenues.
Yes yes, we know you brainwashed functional morons can only think about federal income taxes, our only progressive tax. Every other tax hits the regular people twice is hard. that would be state and local too. Everyone with any money is paying about 27% in all taxes. that is a huge giveaway to the rich as everyone in the world except the GOP base knows,,,,
You don't understand how the Senate works. Maybe there is a kiddie board you can post on.
I understand exactly how the Senate works. Trump had a majority of Republicans in both the House and Senate for his first two years.

And they passed???...lots and lots of spending that added to the deficit. :)
that happened once with Ronald Reagan and never since. Trump's tax cut gave us 25% of the national debt we have now,
Not they're not, Stupor Duper.

This is another theft of taxpayer monies by the administration in charge just like when Obama did it.

They'll get the startup subsidies and vanish into the ether. (Ofc there will be kickbacks)
all you know about is the one company that failed because of China dumping, brainwashed functional moron. all the others were successes and have made us competitive in alternate energy. twit
The worst income inequality in the country is all in Democratically controlled areas. The rich are already paying most of the federal income taxes collected so you aren't being honest about that. Democrats use the term "investing" as being the same as spending more money. The tax cuts that you claim were "giveaways to the rich" actually increased tax revenues.
that happened once with Ronald Reagan and never since. Trump's tax cut gave us 25% of the national debt we have now,
All Fed agencies that aren't specifically authorized by the Constitution. EPA, DOE, ATF, HHS, FBI, etc.
All welfare programs.
And then massive cut's across the board everywhere else, including the DOD.
Phase out SS, medicare, etc.

Does that make you happy?
Phase out SS and Medicare. So only the wealthy can retire and afford healthcare. That is a non starter.
No they didn't. Not a single Dem voted for the tax cuts. :)
And tax cuts..don't increase revenues.

Those tax cuts largely enabled corporations to bring back all their cash home for stock buybacks.
They actually did.

FY 2021$4.05 trillion
FY 2020$3.42 trillion
FY 2019$3.46 trillion

They actually did.

FY 2021$4.05 trillion
FY 2020$3.42 trillion
FY 2019$3.46 trillion

By your own link revenue had gone up every year since 2010, sort of hard to say the tax cuts caused it to go up when it was going up already

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