What are SOCIALIST Democrats doing in Congress?

Makes your lie even worse since there was a 33% increase from 2016-2018, Simp.



That was my error. I openly admit I made a mistake.

Now, can we talk about your beloved party adding 48% to the deficit?
They are going after them as well. These were the first targets for closure during covid, after all.

All people need to do is ask who the Democrats targeted for shut down using covid as the excuse -- was it Walmart or was in small business?

There is not a single leftist here with the intelligence and integrity necessary to ask that question, answer it honesty and understand the implications.
In fact, many of their anti-business and anti-energy policies hurt the poor and minorities the most.
The Repubs are not doing any of those things either and you are their most loyal voter.
No I'm not. Over the years I have voted a mix of Republicans, Democrats, other parties, and independents. But, Democrats have recently made it harder for me to vote for them at all. But, if Manchin runs for president I would vote for him.
No I'm not. Over the years I have voted a mix of Republicans, Democrats, other parties, and independents. But, Democrats have recently made it harder for me to vote for them at all. But, if Manchin runs for president I would vote for him.

Good thing that post was not directed at you.
At least they are honest about.

Why can your party not be?
When democrats are in power they want to spend, spend, spend, until there is no tomorrow. When Republicans are in power in Congress with a Democratic president they want to cut spending. Do Democrats ever want to cut spending, ever, under any circumstances?
Can you provide some links to the Fed Govt selling/leasing things to China?

"until last summer when an investor group with ties to the Chinese government bought the mine for $20.5 million, beating out American bidders including ERP Strategic Minerals."

Not the US government, but things like this are happening and it's not good.
When democrats are in power they want to spend, spend, spend, until there is no tomorrow. When Republicans are in power in Congress with a Democratic president they want to cut spending. Do Democrats ever want to cut spending, ever, under any circumstances?

They do not want to cut spending, they just want to put on a show so that people like you will keep voting for them.

Why do your beloved Repubs never want to cut spending with Repubs in power in Congress and in the White House?

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