What are some reasons people disliked Donald Trump

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Even his parents hated him

They sent the little shit to military school
The reason I don't like Trump is because he's a crappy leader. Good leaders know that they don't know something and rely on trusted advisors who are familiar with the material to brief them.

Trump only takes his own word and ignores the experts that are around him when they advise him against making stupid statements and actions. The only one that had any hope of containing him was Ms. Hope Hicks, and she's gone.
The reason I don't like Trump is because he's a crappy leader. Good leaders know that they don't know something and rely on trusted advisors who are familiar with the material to brief them.

Trump only takes his own word and ignores the experts that are around him when they advise him against making stupid statements and actions. The only one that had any hope of containing him was Ms. Hope Hicks, and she's gone.
My how you like to make their ridiculous opinions appear like facts.
The reason I don't like Trump is because he's a crappy leader. Good leaders know that they don't know something and rely on trusted advisors who are familiar with the material to brief them.

Trump only takes his own word and ignores the experts that are around him when they advise him against making stupid statements and actions. The only one that had any hope of containing him was Ms. Hope Hicks, and she's gone.
My how you like to make their ridiculous opinions appear like facts.

If he actually did listen to those who are supposed to be advising him, he wouldn't make so many stupid mistakes.
The biggest reasons why people may dislike Donald Trump

I am not a Donald Trump hater at all, im just curious what are some possible reasons he is hated.
"There are many reasons why people may or may not hate Donald Trump. That is why 54% of americans disapprove of what he is doing (according to NBC News and The Wall Street Journal).

Trump throughout his campaign and his presidency so far, he made offensive comments towards women and minorities. For instance, on his twitter Donald Trump has tweeted stuff like this “If Hillary Clinton can’t satisfy her husband, what makes you think she can satisfy America?”

The reason people hate Donald is because he loves winning, he loves this nation, he loves it's strength, it's people, and it's culture.

Those with a globalist agenda can't stand any of that. The only winning they want is when they win, and could care less if the American citizens win except out of nessesity are they tolerated in that sense.
Trump is also pro-American, something American liberals can't stand!
Why did he duck service in Vietnam?
You ask that after you as a leftist hated that war, and supported those who burned their draft cards, escaped to Canada, undermined the war effort by using Hollyweird to squash the troops in support of communism ?? You leftist asked a question as if you are all of a sudden for the war ???? To freaking funny.
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