What Are The Effect of Illegal Immigration?


VIP Member
May 27, 2014
So....just let anybody in, right? Sure, bring all of your relitives to the 4 cousin! Do any of you bleeding hearts realize any of the ill effects caused by it? Do you care?
And it's not just the mex coming over the border. It's Chinese, cambodian, Thai, far east, middle east south American African! Everybody's coming here through central America!
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So....just let anybody in, right? Sure, bring all of your relitives [sic] to the 4 [sic] cousin! !

Hey kid, you missed a step. You have to find someone who actually holds that position before you can respond with righteous indignation. As it is, you're just arguing with your own straw man.
So....just let anybody in, right? Sure, bring all of your relitives [sic] to the 4 [sic] cousin! !

Hey kid, you missed a step. You have to find someone who actually holds that position before you can respond with righteous indignation. As it is, you're just arguing with your own straw man.

"holds a position"? Well, that excuses you.
So....just let anybody in, right? Sure, bring all of your relitives [sic] to the 4 [sic] cousin! !

Hey kid, you missed a step. You have to find someone who actually holds that position before you can respond with righteous indignation. As it is, you're just arguing with your own straw man.

How is that righteous indignation? Your assuming again and that makes an ass out of you not me.
Im not trying to argue with anyone.
There are plenty of posters here that hold a position an this issue.
And again you have taken no position, have said nothing constructive but have only conveyed insults and spammed a post.
True to form.
So....just let anybody in, right? Sure, bring all of your relitives to the 4 cousin! Do any of you bleeding hearts realize any of the ill effects caused by it? Do you care?
And it's not just the mex coming over the border. It's Chinese, cambodian, Thai, far east, middle east south American African! Everybody's coming here through central America!

Please use proper grammar.
I do have more important things to worry about though.
So....just let anybody in, right? Sure, bring all of your relitives [sic] to the 4 [sic] cousin! !

Hey kid, you missed a step. You have to find someone who actually holds that position before you can respond with righteous indignation. As it is, you're just arguing with your own straw man.

How is that righteous indignation? Your assuming again and that makes an ass out of you not me.
Im not trying to argue with anyone.
There are plenty of posters here that hold a position an this issue.
And again you have taken no position, have said nothing constructive but have only conveyed insults and spammed a post.
True to form.

Unkotore never insulted you.
It's mathematics, simple. I have a 2 bedroom house with my wife and 2 children and mother in law. My nephew lives with us as well. There are 15 more relative's that want to move in. There's just no room.
Simple enough for ya uncle terrie?
And it doesn't matter if Im a racist, which Im not, all that matters is whether or not Im right.
Good points being made in this thread . As well as schools and hospitals being crowded Americans will get a crowded country . It'll be good business for all kinds of sellers of stuff - goods though as money is distributed to these new underclass as we all become the underclass . The losers will be the American people though .
So....just let anybody in, right?


Those undocumented, as is the case with all persons in the United States, are entitled to fundamental due process, where immigrants have the right to make a claim for refugee/asylee status in accordance with the 14th Amendment and current immigration law.

And when a determination is made that they do not qualify to remain in the United States as refugees or asylees, then they are subject to deportation if convicted of being in the country illegally in a court of law.

This shouldn't be difficult to understand: one is innocent until proved guilty, one is not 'illegal' until such a determination is made by an immigration judge who then authorizes deportation.

It's remarkable that so many are blinded to the importance of a consistent application of the rule of law by their unwarranted fear, ignorance, and hate of Hispanic immigrants.
got nothing to do with ' Hispanics ' CClayton . My thoughts would be the same if the immigrants were Welsh or English or any other group .
Asylum and a refugee from what? Because the US is a better place to be? Of coarse it is but that's not a reason and you should write a letter to congress because I don't think they know of what you speak.
I'd say that we're full up with Hispanics, Latinos, Ricans and other assorted bean eaters.

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