What are the odds of 20 hard drives failing at once?

What most likely happened?

  • Steve caused the crash without motivation

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Doug had secret ninja hacking skills

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ted is right, Doug most likely hired Steve to crash the hard drives

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Bob is right, shit happens

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Not enough data; anything is equally plausible to anything else

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Anything might have happened, but it was no coincidental simultaneous crash of all 20

    Votes: 9 64.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Harddrives have ratings for expected loss of data integrity measured as Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF.) Modern harddrives have MTBFs in the millions of hours of continuous power on. So the odds of 20 harddrives all failing at the same time is:

MTBF x MTBf x MTBF... times 17 more. In other words, as with top tier hd comanies like Western Digital with MTBFs of 1 million hours, the chances of 20 drives faling at the same time is once per life age of the Earth. Or there abouts. :)

Being a nerd I had to work this out. A million hours is over 114 years. So 114 x 114...is oh I was way off. Just to the 10th hd the number was older than the universe already so...:)

In the real world MTBF for a hard drive is 0 to 7 years. Western Digital were the worst, only in the last 5 years have their drives lasted 5+ years. IBM made the good drives that last up to 7 years continuous use.

Study by Carnegie Mellon University revealed hard drive manufacturers are exaggerating their mean-time before failure (MTBF) ratings on hard drives. In fact, researchers at Carnegie indicated that on the average, failure rates were as high as 15 times the rated MTBFs.

Most layman call the computer tower itself the hard drive. When the computer fails, the entire unit is destroyed to protect from data hackers & replaced. A bad neutral power line can blow computer power supplies & hard disk in the entire building. So can lightning strike. Certain virus do also kill all hard drives infected.
Why is everyone wasting time trying to calculate the odds of a conservative conspiracy theory?

Do like I do. Point out how the conservatives are just proudly making shit up again. It's a habit they have.

That lie is so stupid. Anyone can read the news and see that the IRS admits that they violated the law by not storing the emails as legally required, and that the approximately 20 HDs of all the people the Congress has subpoenaed have all crashed just l ike LErners did.

That is the obvious lie, and that is the lie you PC Nazis goose-stepping bastard will repeat to your last breath despite how idiotic the claim is.

But you also toss in a generic sweeping claim that everything anyone says to criticize Obama is presumably a conservative (not true, btw) and that they are just lying.

You are a moron, too stupid to even bother to make up believable lies anymore.
The irs set up a system that they could afford at the time, which was backing up emails on servers for 6 months, once an employee reached 1800 emails they were told to go through their active emails and delete those unnecessary and archive the rest of them on each individual's hard drive....THIS IS THE WHOLE IRS, 90,000 employees....not just the tax exempt division of Lois Lerner's...

So, the IRS or the Treasury Secretary, who the irs reports to, decided for the entire agency to do it this way....did it break their own rules and regs, probably, but supposedly they were short on money and at the time, did not have the 10,000,000 dollars to buy a server large enough in their budget. A SLAP ON THE HAND, for them not finding a way to afford it!

But WHAT DOES ANY OF THIS have to do with this conspiracy that Lerner and Obama collaborated together to squash only the Tea Party's applications for tax exempt status which allows the BIG donors to be hidden in darkness and to take a tax write off for the donations to politicians and political causes?

So once again, what is your conspiracy theory about these 20 hard drives? what do you think happened? spell it out and spell out why you think it happened...pretty please.

And / or do you think the IRS is lying about the hard drive crashes?

Kind of hard to do since hard drive crashes and computer replacements are documented at the time of the crash....

lol, you are too stupid to see the obvious and then spin it like I am a conspiracy theory kook, roflmao.

20 out of 20 HDs of people whose emails got subpoenaed all crashed.

Next you'll be demanding the details on the 'dog ate my homework' conspiracy theory.
Certain virus do also kill all hard drives infected.

lol, oh, really?

What virus kills hard drives? I would like to see that.

I once read of a virus that caused so much HD activity that it caused the HDS to wear down faster than normal, but not just flat out crash.

This would be an interesting virus to read about.

Got a linky?
And if you understood mathematics you would know that the odds we are talking about regarding the HDs are far lower than winning five lottery tickets in a row.

We are talking about odds so incredibly small that you have a better luck shooting at the moon, literally.

Did it already, moron.

What does it matter 'why' you think your lies will have any relevance? You make things up like the HDS all being from the same batch as though that would explain anything, when the point is that you will believe anything the Dimbocrap leaders tell you, because yes, you are just that stupid, gullible or dishonest, take your pick.

You little Nazi goose-stepping fucktards are losing day by day because you have no respect for Truth, you have no integrity and you smell like a used car salesman even over your internet connection.

The irs in the first 6 months of this year, has had 2000, that's 2 thousand, hard drive crashes....

and I will ask, please TELL US YOUR THEORY on 20 hard drives crashing in a 2 year period...

Do you think these 20 hard drives were PURPOSELY CRASHED back in 2009 and 2010 and 2011? Do you think these employees went in individually and managed to blow up their own hard drives back then? Or do you think the computer technologists blew up these hard drives for these 20 people?

and WHY do you think these people of the 20 hard drive crashes blew up their own hard drives back then?

What is it that YOU THINK they were trying to hide back in 2009, 2010, and 2011? Or are these hard drives that blew up from 2012-2014?

HOW ABOUT SOME FACTS behind your speculations and conspiracy theories so we all can ponder with you?

So again, what is your THEORY on these hard drive crashes...spell it out.

If this is your conspiracy theory, what do you have to support it?

The facts are already out there, you godamned fascist.

This is not about all the HDs in the IRS. We are talking about every one of the people Lerner had been communicating with about the Tea Party harassment all had their HDs crash for that same period, something they did not bother to tell anyone till the judge ruled they had to give the emails over.

That doesn't require some elaborate conspiracy theory, all it requires is the realization that the Dimbocrapic Party will lie rather than lose the election, stone wall as long as possible and then trust their party members to lie, lie and lie some more to cover up their criminal activities.

And you are one of them, obviously, and like a good goose-stepping fascist soldier, you will lie right along with them and hope you can find some other issue before the elections get here.
simply utter bull crap Jim.hard drive crashes are reported at the time of the crash...at least to the computer techs, who then have to follow procedure with their hard drives and issue the employee a new computer or new hard drive....

The irs has turned over 750,000 documents subpoenaed in this investigation so far....including all of Lois Lerners Active emails and all of the active emails of the other people....only old and out dated emails were archived on their own computers...

And may I ask, why would these people archive emails that they believed to be illegal or inappropriate? Why wouldn't they just delete them instead of archiving them?

You need to think this through instead of knee jerking it.

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Why is everyone wasting time trying to calculate the odds of a conservative conspiracy theory?

Do like I do. Point out how the conservatives are just proudly making shit up again. It's a habit they have.

That lie is so stupid. Anyone can read the news and see that the IRS admits that they violated the law by not storing the emails as legally required, and that the approximately 20 HDs of all the people the Congress has subpoenaed have all crashed just l ike LErners did.

That is the obvious lie, and that is the lie you PC Nazis goose-stepping bastard will repeat to your last breath despite how idiotic the claim is.

But you also toss in a generic sweeping claim that everything anyone says to criticize Obama is presumably a conservative (not true, btw) and that they are just lying.

You are a moron, too stupid to even bother to make up believable lies anymore.
The irs set up a system that they could afford at the time, which was backing up emails on servers for 6 months, once an employee reached 1800 emails they were told to go through their active emails and delete those unnecessary and archive the rest of them on each individual's hard drive....THIS IS THE WHOLE IRS, 90,000 employees....not just the tax exempt division of Lois Lerner's...

So, the IRS or the Treasury Secretary, who the irs reports to, decided for the entire agency to do it this way....did it break their own rules and regs, probably, but supposedly they were short on money and at the time, did not have the 10,000,000 dollars to buy a server large enough in their budget. A SLAP ON THE HAND, for them not finding a way to afford it!

lol, yeah, and you try using that bullshit when they audit YOU.

But what am I talking about? that is why fascist pricks like you kiss so much Dimbocrap ass, you don't think the system will ever turn on you, lolol.

But WHAT DOES ANY OF THIS have to do with this conspiracy that Lerner and Obama collaborated together to squash only the Tea Party's applications for tax exempt status which allows the BIG donors to be hidden in darkness and to take a tax write off for the donations to politicians and political causes?

lolol, that's like asking 'What do any of these facts have to do with a conspiracy theory that my friends all robbed that same store for what, MONEY?'

roflmao, your stupidity act is starting to convince me that maybe it is no act.

So once again, what is your conspiracy theory about these 20 hard drives? what do you think happened? spell it out and spell out why you think it happened...pretty please.

And / or do you think the IRS is lying about the hard drive crashes?

Obviously the people testifying are not telling the whole Truth, Polyanna

Kind of hard to do since hard drive crashes and computer replacements are documented at the time of the crash....

lol, yeah and why no one can back date docs to make them look like they happened in a different time frame,....oh, wait....

2012 GAO report showed VA scheduling problems | Military Times | militarytimes.com

As Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki prepares to testify Thursday before a Senate committee, he will have to explain why problems with the VA appointment system — which include doctoring records to show only acceptable wait times for patients — have endured for a decade.

While issues involving delays in patient care and charges of secret waiting lists have reached a boiling point in the past month, the Government Accountability Office and VA Inspector General have reported on scheduling problems and prolonged wait times for nearly 10 years.

And in December 2012, GAO released the most damning analysis up to that point: a report noting that schedulers at four VA medical centers hid actual wait times, fudged the numbers and backdated appointments to meet timeliness goals set by department headquarters.

roflmao, you don't have a single FACT that supports your bullshit and any openminded person here knows it.

The Dimbocrap Party has been known since the early 1800s of being tied in to urban political machines that were nothing more than criminal syndicates. The Daley machine out of Shitcago was one of the most successful and corrupt of them all.

And that is the machine that this President learned his politics in.

OWN IT, Dimbocraps.
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Certain virus do also kill all hard drives infected.

lol, oh, really?

What virus kills hard drives? I would like to see that.

I once read of a virus that caused so much HD activity that it caused the HDS to wear down faster than normal, but not just flat out crash.

This would be an interesting virus to read about. Got a linky?

I have seen low level format virus, hard disk bios, microcode & password lock virus all permanently destroy hard disk data. The IRS would be the top target of most hackers.

Western Digital: Microcode virus attacks that destroy hard drives.
The irs in the first 6 months of this year, has had 2000, that's 2 thousand, hard drive crashes....

and I will ask, please TELL US YOUR THEORY on 20 hard drives crashing in a 2 year period...

Do you think these 20 hard drives were PURPOSELY CRASHED back in 2009 and 2010 and 2011? Do you think these employees went in individually and managed to blow up their own hard drives back then? Or do you think the computer technologists blew up these hard drives for these 20 people?

and WHY do you think these people of the 20 hard drive crashes blew up their own hard drives back then?

What is it that YOU THINK they were trying to hide back in 2009, 2010, and 2011? Or are these hard drives that blew up from 2012-2014?

HOW ABOUT SOME FACTS behind your speculations and conspiracy theories so we all can ponder with you?

So again, what is your THEORY on these hard drive crashes...spell it out.

If this is your conspiracy theory, what do you have to support it?

The facts are already out there, you godamned fascist.

This is not about all the HDs in the IRS. We are talking about every one of the people Lerner had been communicating with about the Tea Party harassment all had their HDs crash for that same period, something they did not bother to tell anyone till the judge ruled they had to give the emails over.

That doesn't require some elaborate conspiracy theory, all it requires is the realization that the Dimbocrapic Party will lie rather than lose the election, stone wall as long as possible and then trust their party members to lie, lie and lie some more to cover up their criminal activities.

And you are one of them, obviously, and like a good goose-stepping fascist soldier, you will lie right along with them and hope you can find some other issue before the elections get here.
simply utter bull crap Jim.hard drive crashes are reported at the time of the crash...at least to the computer techs, who then have to follow procedure with their hard drives and issue the employee a new computer or new hard drive....

The irs has turned over 750,000 documents subpoenaed in this investigation so far....including all of Lois Lerners Active emails and all of the active emails of the other people....only old and out dated emails were archived on their own computers...

And may I ask, why would these people archive emails that they believed to be illegal or inappropriate? Why wouldn't they just delete them instead of archiving them?

You need to think this through instead of knee jerking it.


Yes, dumbass, handing over 750k or 800 million emails that are NOT the ones specifically asked for relating tot he investigation is called 'blinding them with a shit storm'. It proves nothing more than that the IRS is capable of storing massive amounts of data when it wants to.

And the known facts are out there, but I will put together a little fact sheet or maybe find one online and just keep linking to it so you can at least have an answer even if you wont actually read it, and we both know you wont.

Wow, that was quick here ya go:

The IRS Scandal: Timeline - Discover the Networks
Certain virus do also kill all hard drives infected.

lol, oh, really?

What virus kills hard drives? I would like to see that.

I once read of a virus that caused so much HD activity that it caused the HDS to wear down faster than normal, but not just flat out crash.

This would be an interesting virus to read about. Got a linky?

I have seen low level format virus, hard disk bios, microcode & password lock virus all permanently destroy hard disk data. The IRS would be the top target of most hackers.

Western Digital: Microcode virus attacks that destroy hard drives.

Lol, thank you very much!

Very interesting little piece of information there.

But apparently it hasn't happened yet, according to your article:

So is it only a matter of time before a virus comes out that destroys a hard drive by attacking the firmware area? "With enough time and energy they could figure out how to get into the drive," he says. Doing so requires hacking through the operating system and the disk drive, which would be challenging. But he adds, "Since it's just a bunch of digital logic they could probably figure out a way to get through it."

So what has saved us from such calamities so far? Difficulty is one reason. Another is the fact that a virus writer would have to figure out how to do this for each brand of drive out there - no easy task. But there is a third reason: increasingly, hackers would rather commandeer a computer and use it to steal information than to simply destroy it.
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I stand corrected, thank you explaing this fact so well.

You are corrected? The dude pulled shit out of his ass with not one link to back up any of his conjecture.

Man, you really do want to drink that Dimbocrap Kool AID don't you, Peach?

Why would I need to provide a link for something that was a part of my engineering curriculum and I've done for a living? And something that is obvious once you've thought of it?

I could post links to every manner of web sites on statistics and probability, but how's that gonna help you? You wouldn't get passed the first chapter.

But if it makes you feel better, you've got every right to believe whatevr your little heart desire. You must be in bliss.

I told him about a time when IBM had the same issue with 60 hard drives nation wide. He said math would prevent that from happening. In his estimation there is no way it could be a bad batch of hard drives. :lol:
The facts are already out there, you godamned fascist.

This is not about all the HDs in the IRS. We are talking about every one of the people Lerner had been communicating with about the Tea Party harassment all had their HDs crash for that same period, something they did not bother to tell anyone till the judge ruled they had to give the emails over.

That doesn't require some elaborate conspiracy theory, all it requires is the realization that the Dimbocrapic Party will lie rather than lose the election, stone wall as long as possible and then trust their party members to lie, lie and lie some more to cover up their criminal activities.

And you are one of them, obviously, and like a good goose-stepping fascist soldier, you will lie right along with them and hope you can find some other issue before the elections get here.
simply utter bull crap Jim.hard drive crashes are reported at the time of the crash...at least to the computer techs, who then have to follow procedure with their hard drives and issue the employee a new computer or new hard drive....

The irs has turned over 750,000 documents subpoenaed in this investigation so far....including all of Lois Lerners Active emails and all of the active emails of the other people....only old and out dated emails were archived on their own computers...

And may I ask, why would these people archive emails that they believed to be illegal or inappropriate? Why wouldn't they just delete them instead of archiving them?

You need to think this through instead of knee jerking it.


Yes, dumbass, handing over 750k or 800 million emails that are NOT the ones specifically asked for relating tot he investigation is called 'blinding them with a shit storm'. It proves nothing more than that the IRS is capable of storing massive amounts of data when it wants to.

And the known facts are out there, but I will put together a little fact sheet or maybe find one online and just keep linking to it so you can at least have an answer even if you wont actually read it, and we both know you wont.

Wow, that was quick here ya go:

The IRS Scandal: Timeline - Discover the Networks
Potty mouth you are....and high strung like a Chiwawa....you are going to have a heart attack! Calm down, you'll be the better for it!!!

I will read your link and go through its sources, and will note the debunked parts of the link....and note which parts are TRULY suspicious.

As far as the documents and $18,000,000 the IRS has spent so far to recover the 750,000 records subpoenaed....THIS IS YOUR REPUBLICAN CONGRESS CRITTERS FAULT.....

they subpoenaed ALL OF THESE RECORDS.....in their wide fishing net sweep, to try to find something incriminating....so far, NIL.... just lots and lots of time and money....but who cares right?

If they only wanted the emails from these 20 crashed hard drives, then why oh why oh why did they subpoenaed these other 750,000 documents that they do have? What a waste of time and money, tax dollars....shameful....
lol, oh, really?

What virus kills hard drives? I would like to see that.

I once read of a virus that caused so much HD activity that it caused the HDS to wear down faster than normal, but not just flat out crash.

This would be an interesting virus to read about. Got a linky?

I have seen low level format virus, hard disk bios, microcode & password lock virus all permanently destroy hard disk data. The IRS would be the top target of most hackers.

Western Digital: Microcode virus attacks that destroy hard drives.

Lol, thank you very much!

Very interesting little piece of information there.

But apparently it hasn't happened yet, according to your article:

These data destroying attacks have happened. Even bit-lockers, total drive encryption, antivirus & malware protection cant stop them. Most attacks are to steal data, but some destroy all hard drive data. The "Jokra" virus wipes all data from all hard drives connected to computer.
That lie is so stupid. Anyone can read the news and see that the IRS admits that they violated the law by not storing the emails as legally required, and that the approximately 20 HDs of all the people the Congress has subpoenaed have all crashed just like Lerners did.

Then simply show us this news. Primary sources, of course, and not kook ODSer blogs. If you're not just parroting your cult's lies, again, that should be easy. Tell us where it says 20 hard drives of the 20 people being investigated all crashed at nearly the same time, as you keep claiming.

Now, if you are parroting cult lies, you'll refuse to back up your wacky claims, and deflect by flying into another rage. Loyal attack poodles such as you have been trained well to yip whenever someone dares question your cult.
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it's called a bad batch..my guess is the hard drive were about the same age and from the same manufacturer...

If each drive had one chance in 100 in 1 year of failing, which is pretty god awful for a hard drive, that would mean that having all 20 crash simultaneously in the same year would be 1 in 100^20th, or 10 followed by 199 zeroes.

Do you have the slightest clue how unlikely that is? But no, you atheists have been conditioned to accept astronomically unlikely events as fact, so I guess it isn't entirely your fault that you swallow so much catastrophic bullshit.

Are there any other reports of such a catastrophic loss from other buyers from this manufacturer who is obviously out of business now from millions of lawsuits?

No, because in my scenario's world such manufacturers do not stay in business for more than a couple of months if they are deliberately selling sabotaged HD's.
nice rationalization there jim blowme ...
hard drives fail at higher rates then that in the manufacturing process alone.
you also don't understand the concept of planned obsolesce..
as to your atheist bullshit ,unlikely is not never ,try living in reality ...
I have seen low level format virus, hard disk bios, microcode & password lock virus all permanently destroy hard disk data. The IRS would be the top target of most hackers.

Western Digital: Microcode virus attacks that destroy hard drives.

Lol, thank you very much!

Very interesting little piece of information there.

But apparently it hasn't happened yet, according to your article:

These data destroying attacks have happened. Even bit-lockers, total drive encryption, antivirus & malware protection cant stop them. Most attacks are to steal data, but some destroy all hard drive data. The "Jokra" virus wipes all data from all hard drives connected to computer.

All very good speculation and rampant scrambling to find excuses for Team Obama - the fact of the matter is - they never claimed there was an attack of any sorts - it was never even speculated on. Had there been an attack they certainly would have found proof of it - they didn't - The Hard Drives just "Conveniently Crashed" at an opportune time .

However perhaps someone should forward this thread to TEAM OBAMA - they might just have a new excuse tothrow at congress. :lol:
it's called a bad batch..my guess is the hard drive were about the same age and from the same manufacturer...

If each drive had one chance in 100 in 1 year of failing, which is pretty god awful for a hard drive, that would mean that having all 20 crash simultaneously in the same year would be 1 in 100^20th, or 10 followed by 199 zeroes.

Do you have the slightest clue how unlikely that is? But no, you atheists have been conditioned to accept astronomically unlikely events as fact, so I guess it isn't entirely your fault that you swallow so much catastrophic bullshit.

Are there any other reports of such a catastrophic loss from other buyers from this manufacturer who is obviously out of business now from millions of lawsuits?

No, because in my scenario's world such manufacturers do not stay in business for more than a couple of months if they are deliberately selling sabotaged HD's.
nice rationalization there jim blowme ...
hard drives fail at higher rates then that in the manufacturing process alone.
you also don't understand the concept of planned obsolesce..
as to your atheist bullshit ,unlikely is not never ,try living in reality ...

Hey [MENTION=39664]JimBowie[/MENTION] do yourself a favor -put this imbecile "Daws"on ignore - he's not even worth your time - unless of course your in it for shits and Giggles . :badgrin:
Determined ignorance for the FAIL once again.

Math does not 'keep' anything from happening, but describes the unlikelihood of such.


Do you need a dictionary? Unlikely doesnt mean impossible. Pull your head out of your ass.

Just because something is remotely possible doesn't mean it is plausible.

IF you believe these 20 HDs all crashed at once you are smoking too much dope, loopy fruit.
wrong again, Implausible shit happens all the time..

The Top 10 Impossible Inventions, That Work - The Venus Project Foundation, an arts, sciences and educational, non-profit 501(c)(3), national organization
Jim is retarded moron. Bad batches of hard drives happen all the time for various reasons.

Seagate Employee Explains Firmware Debacle

Seagate today issued a much needed firmware fix that hopefully resolves one of the biggest bungles for in recent memory. Last week, Seagate released a preventative firmware update for Barracuda 7200.11 drives affected by a faulty firmware which caused the drive to lock up and fail to be detected by the BIOS. But instead of making the drives more hardy, the firmware turned the fancy drives into magnetic bricks.


We had a run of (not Dell) PCs that were a bulk purchase - we could almost time the next failure of the harddrives - we'd replace & toss 'em in a stack. We looked later & the numbers were sequential...came out of the factory bad.... it happens
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The facts are already out there, you godamned fascist.

This is not about all the HDs in the IRS. We are talking about every one of the people Lerner had been communicating with about the Tea Party harassment all had their HDs crash for that same period, something they did not bother to tell anyone till the judge ruled they had to give the emails over.

That doesn't require some elaborate conspiracy theory, all it requires is the realization that the Dimbocrapic Party will lie rather than lose the election, stone wall as long as possible and then trust their party members to lie, lie and lie some more to cover up their criminal activities.

And you are one of them, obviously, and like a good goose-stepping fascist soldier, you will lie right along with them and hope you can find some other issue before the elections get here.
simply utter bull crap Jim.hard drive crashes are reported at the time of the crash...at least to the computer techs, who then have to follow procedure with their hard drives and issue the employee a new computer or new hard drive....

The irs has turned over 750,000 documents subpoenaed in this investigation so far....including all of Lois Lerners Active emails and all of the active emails of the other people....only old and out dated emails were archived on their own computers...

And may I ask, why would these people archive emails that they believed to be illegal or inappropriate? Why wouldn't they just delete them instead of archiving them?

You need to think this through instead of knee jerking it.


Yes, dumbass, handing over 750k or 800 million emails that are NOT the ones specifically asked for relating tot he investigation is called 'blinding them with a shit storm'. It proves nothing more than that the IRS is capable of storing massive amounts of data when it wants to.

And the known facts are out there, but I will put together a little fact sheet or maybe find one online and just keep linking to it so you can at least have an answer even if you wont actually read it, and we both know you wont.

Wow, that was quick here ya go:

The IRS Scandal: Timeline - Discover the Networks
wow jimblowme you don't see the huge bias in your source..

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