What are you listening to?

This song played on my random spin a minute ago. I chuckled a little since I was reading discussion in the race wars sub-forum here at the time, in between paying my bills online. Or Race Relations, as they call it. Heh heh.

Anyway. I'll share it here since it was playing, but mainly for anyone around here like me who might be a card carrying member of the Cherokee Nation, or equally like me who might be much more than just a little bit Cherokee by blood. We don't really complain, do we? But our people endured much.

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Good dancin music. Of note here is 00:52 - 00:57. To those few seconds of heavenly glory, I say God Bless America!

Catching up with my roots again...
Navihanke is an high energy polka, (is that redundant or what?), group featuring 5 fetching ladies. This is not the polka I heard on Polka Varieties on all those Saturday afternoons so many years ago! Enjoy! (oh, it's OK to dance, no one is watching)

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