What book do you want to see in movie form?

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
I want to see Wicked, but NOT a musical!!!

I know they have tried to put together a cast for one, but I think it's been put off because of COVID.
I hope so, the choices were HORRIFIC!!!! Of course DISNEY has to stick their dick in it and fuck it to hell, as they've been doing with everything the past 2 decades!!! Geezus fukking crackers, I wish somebody with TALENT and TASTE would pay homage to the book by making a live action movie with talented actors that know what they are doing, and a director that knows how to work fantasy.

But with Disneys dick stuck in this......if they pick it up into production........it's going to be a shit show for sure.

I want to see Wicked, but NOT a musical!!!

I know they have tried to put together a cast for one, but I think it's been put off because of COVID.
I hope so, the choices were HORRIFIC!!!! Of course DISNEY has to stick their dick in it and fuck it to hell, as they've been doing with everything the past 2 decades!!! Geezus fukking crackers, I wish somebody with TALENT and TASTE would pay homage to the book by making a live action movie with talented actors that know what they are doing, and a director that knows how to work fantasy.

But with Disneys dick stuck in this......if they pick it up into production........it's going to be a shit show for sure.

It would be cool to see "Fear", "Rage" and "Peril" put into a movie. I wonder who would play Trump. I would say Val Kilmer but I doubt he could pretend to be that obnoxious.
Player Piano would be extremely timely. Instead of machinery and vacuum tubes I would make it with AI and robotics. . . but the themes are pretty much the same.

"Player Piano is set in the near future, after a third world war. While most Americans were fighting overseas, the nation's managers and engineers faced a depleted workforce and responded by developing ingenious automated systems that allowed the factories to operate with only a few workers. The novel begins ten years after the war when most factory workers have been replaced by machines. The bifurcation of the population is represented by the division of Ilium, New York into "The Homestead," where every person not a manager or an engineer lives, and the other side of the river, where all the engineers and the managers live.

Player Piano develops two parallel plotlines that converge only briefly and then insubstantially, at the beginning and the end of the novel. The more prominent plotline follows the protagonist, Dr. Paul Proteus (referred to as Paul), an intelligent, 35-year-old factory manager of Ilium Works. The secondary plotline follows the American tour of the Shah of Bratpuhr, a spiritual leader of six million residents in a distant, underdeveloped nation.

The purpose of the two plotlines is to give two perspectives of the system: one from an insider who is emblematic of the system, and one from an outsider who is looking in on it. Paul, for all intents and purposes, is the living embodiment of what a man within the system should strive to be, and the Shah is a visitor from a very different culture and so applies a very different context to whatever he sees on his tour.

The main plotline follows Paul's development from an uncritical cog in the system to one of its outspoken critics. Paul's father, George, was the first "National, Industrial, Commercial Communications, Foodstuffs, and Resources Director." George had almost complete control over the nation's economy and was more powerful than the President of the United States, who by then had effectively become a puppet. . . . "
I want to see Wicked, but NOT a musical!!!

I know they have tried to put together a cast for one, but I think it's been put off because of COVID.
I hope so, the choices were HORRIFIC!!!! Of course DISNEY has to stick their dick in it and fuck it to hell, as they've been doing with everything the past 2 decades!!! Geezus fukking crackers, I wish somebody with TALENT and TASTE would pay homage to the book by making a live action movie with talented actors that know what they are doing, and a director that knows how to work fantasy.

But with Disneys dick stuck in this......if they pick it up into production........it's going to be a shit show for sure.

Anything written by Dr Ruth works for me
On Basilisk Station by David Weber. Good space opera, great protagonist, plausible story line a great David vs Goliath tale.
I want to see Wicked, but NOT a musical!!!

I know they have tried to put together a cast for one, but I think it's been put off because of COVID.
I hope so, the choices were HORRIFIC!!!! Of course DISNEY has to stick their dick in it and fuck it to hell, as they've been doing with everything the past 2 decades!!! Geezus fukking crackers, I wish somebody with TALENT and TASTE would pay homage to the book by making a live action movie with talented actors that know what they are doing, and a director that knows how to work fantasy.

But with Disneys dick stuck in this......if they pick it up into production........it's going to be a shit show for sure.


I'm not sure I'd want to see any book made into a film.

Every time I think of one, I'm like... it'll ruin it.

Like Dan Simmons' Hyperion trilogy, it's such a complex book, that a film would destroy it and a TV series would struggle to do it justice, and it'd probably be boring.

I really like James SA Corey books, I'd love to say I want to see these made into a film or series, but it's been done, and it wasn't very good.
I'm not sure I'd want to see any book made into a film.

Every time I think of one, I'm like... it'll ruin it.

Like Dan Simmons' Hyperion trilogy, it's such a complex book, that a film would destroy it and a TV series would struggle to do it justice, and it'd probably be boring.

I really like James SA Corey books, I'd love to say I want to see these made into a film or series, but it's been done, and it wasn't very good.
It can be done, but the author has to retain creative control. For a good example, watch Breakheart Pass by Alastair Maclean. Within the limits of film it follows the book perfectly. Maclean learned his lesson from having other books like. Where Eagles Dare and Guns of Navaronne raped by Hollywood.
It can be done, but the author has to retain creative control. For a good example, watch Breakheart Pass by Alastair Maclean. Within the limits of film it follows the book perfectly. Maclean learned his lesson from having other books like. Where Eagles Dare and Guns of Navaronne raped by Hollywood.

I'll check it out.
I'm not sure I'd want to see any book made into a film.

Every time I think of one, I'm like... it'll ruin it.

Like Dan Simmons' Hyperion trilogy, it's such a complex book, that a film would destroy it and a TV series would struggle to do it justice, and it'd probably be boring.

I really like James SA Corey books, I'd love to say I want to see these made into a film or series, but it's been done, and it wasn't very good.i read the Hyperion Trilogy years ago

I'm not sure I'd want to see any book made into a film.

Every time I think of one, I'm like... it'll ruin it.

Like Dan Simmons' Hyperion trilogy, it's such a complex book, that a film would destroy it and a TV series would struggle to do it justice, and it'd probably be boring.

I really like James SA Corey books, I'd love to say I want to see these made into a film or series, but it's been done, and it wasn't very good.
i read the Hyperion trilogy years ago ! it was a great read !
i read the Hyperion trilogy years ago ! it was a great read !

Yes, very complex, I just read the first of his horror story, and I'm not into horror, but it was very good (better than Stephen King, mostly because he knows when not to describe the hell out of everything)
Yes, very complex, I just read the first of his horror story, and I'm not into horror, but it was very good (better than Stephen King, mostly because he knows when not to describe the hell out of everything)
yeah the 1st book in the trilogy was my favorite ! there was a lot more mystery around the monster ! man ! that thing was brutal ! and youre right about king ...king gets to indepth with his characters describing every detail to the extreme .

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