What Can Be Done About Trump? When a Cheeto Goes Rogue


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
It's time to address the Orange Man Bad in the room & finally ask ourselves what do we have to do to stop the ex-president (OMB) from causing more destruction?

Since 2020, OMB failed to stop an airborne cold/flu virus & murdered our grandparents by forcing Democrat governors to put the sickest into the nursing homes to infect everyone.
He may have put pointless travel restrictions in place but that was just his xenophobia showing & he personally caused a massive DEMPANIC!!!!
He even tried to reopen the country before "dr" Fauxi said he could.
It was a good thing Biden came along with a "safe & effective vaccine" to stop the spread, infections & deaths.
The higher death rates for young people since the clot shots mandates prove OMB was to blame.

In 2021 OMB instigated & personally led the most disorganized/inept & least destructive unarmed "insurrection" in the history of forever.
I know some will point out OMB said go march "peacefully & patriotically" but we all know those are just dog whistles for the far right, white supremist, Christian nationalist, domestic terrorist, cis-gendered, ULTRA MAGAs.
Translated, it clearly means overthrow the most powerful govt in the world with nothing but horned helmets, lunchboxes & American flags by walking through open doors & touring the Peoples House while taking selfies.

The OMB made Congress pass another stimulus & forced the Fed Reserve Bank to dump more trillion$ into the economy.
He made the GDP growth rate go from about 33% in his last fiscal quarter as the economy roared back from DEMPANIC!!! lockdowns to a tiny fraction after Avg Joe took over.
I still haven't figured out exactly how OMB killed off the growth once the diaper dude took over but I have no doubt it is absolutely his fault somehow.
He then caused us to surrender in Afghanistan & run away like a Frenchman from a bar of soap as he armed those backwards savages with modern weapons & so much cash it would make Hunter blush.

In 2022, OMB caused Russia to invade Ukraine because he was a Putin puppet. The only reason Russia didn't invade sooner was because they were busy making tapes of OMB peeing on transgender crack whores. Or something.
I can't prove it yet, but I'm pretty sure he blew up the Nord Stream with a mean tweet.

Not satisfied, he then immediately caused inflation to soar & real incomes to shrink at rates not seen in decades. Supply chains broke down, food production was disrupted by mysterious attacks, former allies went looking for new friends & our NATO friends ran out of ammo trying to supply the unfascists in Ukraine.
He stole all out national secrets, stored them at home in a shoebox, sold them on Craigslist & gave our nuclear codes to Russia, China, Iran & N Korea.

So far in 2023, he is personally derailing trains, setting chemicals on fire all over, burning down industrial plants & keeping inflation high to crush us all.
He's made deep fakes of Jan 6 CCTV videos to fool the sheeple into thinking the worst Constitutional crises since the Civil War was mostly tourists ushered into the Capitol by authorities & forcing the public to watch them all.

Now he is causing the banks to fail after funding all the Democrats.

How do we stop this destruction by Orange Man Bad now that his Fakebook & twits accounts are no longer banned?
Should we take away his golf clubs or does this require something more drastic?
Is it too late to try to impeach him a 3rd time?
Is porn star Daniels & her Mypillows.com cleavage our only hope?
Stormy McFunbags to the rescue?

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It's time to address the Orange Man Bad in the room & finally ask ourselves what do we have to do to stop the ex-president (OMB) from causing more destruction?

Since 2020, OMB failed to stop an airborne cold/flu virus & murdered our grandparents by forcing Democrat governors to put the sickest into the nursing homes to infect everyone.
He may have put pointless travel restrictions in place but that was just his xenophobia showing & he personally caused a massive DEMPANIC!!!!
He even tried to reopen the country before "dr" Fauxi said he could.
It was a good thing Biden came along with a "safe & effective vaccine" to stop the spread, infections & deaths.
The higher death rates for young people since the clot shots mandates prove OMB was to blame.

In 2021 OMB instigated & personally led the most disorganized/inept & least destructive unarmed "insurrection" in the history of forever.
I know some will point out OMB said go march "peacefully & patriotically" but we all know those are just dog whistles for the far right, white supremist, Christian nationalist, domestic terrorist, cis-gendered, ULTRA MAGAs.
Translated, it clearly means overthrow the most powerful govt in the world with nothing but horned helmets, lunchboxes & American flags by walking through open doors & touring the Peoples House while taking selfies.

The OMB made Congress pass another stimulus & forced the Fed Reserve Bank to dump more trillion$ into the economy.
He made the GDP growth rate go from about 33% in his last fiscal quarter as the economy roared back from DEMPANIC!!! lockdowns to a tiny fraction after Avg Joe took over.
I still haven't figured out exactly how OMB killed off the growth once the diaper dude took over but I have no doubt it is absolutely his fault somehow.
He then caused us to surrender in Afghanistan & run away like a Frenchman from a bar of soap as he armed those backwards savages with modern weapons & so much cash it would make Hunter blush.

In 2022, OMB caused Russia to invade Ukraine because he was a Putin puppet. The only reason Russia didn't invade sooner was because they were busy making tapes of OMB peeing on transgender crack whores. Or something.
I can't prove it yet, but I'm pretty sure he blew up the Nord Stream with a mean tweet.

Not satisfied, he then immediately caused inflation to soar & real incomes to shrink at rates not seen in decades. Supply chains broke down, food production was disrupted by mysterious attacks, former allies went looking for new friends & our NATO friends ran out of ammo trying to supply the unfascists in Ukraine.
He stole all out national secrets, stored them at home in a shoebox, sold them on Craigslist & gave our nuclear codes to Russia, China, Iran & N Korea.

So far in 2023, he is personally derailing trains, setting chemicals on fire all over, burning down industrial plants & keeping inflation high to crush us all.
He's made deep fakes of Jan 6 CCTV videos to fool the sheeple into thinking the worst Constitutional crises since the Civil War was mostly tourists ushered into the Capitol by authorities & forcing the public to watch them all.

Now he is causing the banks to fail after funding all the Democrats.

How do we stop this destruction by Orange Man Bad now that his Fakebook & twits accounts are no longer banned?
Should we take away his golf clubs or does this require something more drastic?
Is it too late to try to impeach him a 3rd time?
Is our only hope Stormy Daniels & her Mypillows.com cleavage our only hope?
Stormy McFunbags to the rescue?

Lock Trump Up.

Stormy, Georgia, Ukraine, insurrection.

And even without these 4 crimes Trump committed. Even if you just look at his corporation (guilty of tax fraud) charity (guilty of tax fraud) and university (was a scam)

Do we really want a scumbag like this to be POTUS? I'd rather have Nikki Haley or Ron DiSantis. How about you?
Lock Trump Up.

Stormy, Georgia, Ukraine, insurrection.

And even without these 4 crimes Trump committed. Even if you just look at his corporation (guilty of tax fraud) charity (guilty of tax fraud) and university (was a scam)

Do we really want a scumbag like this to be POTUS? I'd rather have Nikki Haley or Ron DiSantis. How about you?
Let's lock all the guilty politicians up! We will need to build new prisons to house them all.
It's time to address the Orange Man Bad in the room & finally ask ourselves what do we have to do to stop the ex-president (OMB) from causing more destruction?


'Your house is on fire.
You're in the house.
You're standing next to the arsonist.
And you're blaming the previous owner.


You fucktards have been trying to 'do something about Trump' for over 6 1/2 years...

Hillary's failed 'Russian Collusion' was exposed

Obama's/Biden's failed coup was exposed

The treasonous criminal weaponized DOJ, NSA, CIA, FBI, & DHS, were exposed

Pelosi's failed criminal coup Impeachments were expose

Democrats' violations of Constitution, patriot act, rule of law, & citizens' sights have been expaed

Democrats / the J6 Committee's lies / crimes / failures have been exposed

The Biden administration / DOJ / FBI attempt to violate Americans' 1st Amendment rights by censoring / silencing tbem while spreading misinformation / propaganda has been exposed

Biden's aidng, abetting, facilitating, and engaging in UnConstitutional / illegal immigrant invasion, Mexican drug / human / child / sex trafficking, forfeiting US sovereignty and national security through Biden's failed Open Border Policies that have led to 5.6 million illegals into the US in 2 years is qell documented

Biden & Buttigieg's lies / attempts to blame Trump for the Palestine, Oh train disaster was exposed TWICE by the NTSB chair

Democrats LIES / attempt to blame Trump for the SVB collapse has been exposed by numerous economist experts

Biden's theft of highly classified documents dating back to his time as a Senator...while his son was selling influence (& classified info?)

...and much more has been and is foing on, & while stabding in the middle oftbis catastrophic Democrat / Biden 'house fire' all you can still focus on is TRUMP!?

:shok: :auiqs.jpg:
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Lock Trump Up.

Stormy, Georgia, Ukraine, insurrection.

And even without these 4 crimes Trump committed. Even if you just look at his corporation (guilty of tax fraud) charity (guilty of tax fraud) and university (was a scam)

Do we really want a scumbag like this to be POTUS? I'd rather have Nikki Haley or Ron DiSantis. How about you?
Keep it up! The more you hiss and spit, the more likely Trump will be your next President.
Lock Trump Up.

Stormy, Georgia, Ukraine, insurrection.

And even without these 4 crimes Trump committed. Even if you just look at his corporation (guilty of tax fraud) charity (guilty of tax fraud) and university (was a scam)

Do we really want a scumbag like this to be POTUS? I'd rather have Nikki Haley or Ron DiSantis. How about you?
You are blaming Trump for the war in Ukraine?
How fucking stupid are you?
FYI: Rusia invaded Ukraine on Feb.24, 2022 - fully a year into Biden's presidency.
Dumb ass.
Let's lock all the guilty politicians up! We will need to build new prisons to house them all.

Use their own assets to build their prisons. But then, that much money would build some pretty nice digs. On second thought, give the new buildings to homeless Vets and sentence the politicians to life on the Rock. Would they all fit on Alcatraz? Go take a look at it on Google Maps. Pretty grim place.

16 hours a day of making clothing for the Vets, cooking meals for the Vets.............................Hm..................what else do the homeless Veterans need that the politicians would rather spend the money for on illegal invaders' needs?

No libraries. No exercise equipment. No TV.

Just hard work to remind them of whom they should have been working for all along.


Use their own assets to build their prisons. But then, that much money would build some pretty nice digs. On second thought, give the new buildings to homeless Vets and sentence the politicians to life on the Rock. Would they all fit on Alcatraz? Go take a look at it on Google Maps. Pretty grim place.

16 hours a day of making clothing for the Vets, cooking meals for the Vets.............................Hm..................what else do the homeless Veterans need that the politicians would rather spend the money for on illegal invaders' needs?

No libraries. No exercise equipment. No TV.

Just hard work to remind them of whom they should have been working for all along.

I wouldn't do that to the Vets. That food would be inedible & rotten as soon as they touched it
Let's lock all the guilty politicians up! We will need to build new prisons to house them all.
Well we don't want to be petty. I bet every president has broken a law here or there. That's not what Trump did for 4 years. He completely abused his power. In every way. So don't ask how or when. If you have to ask, your heads too far up Trump's ass to listen.
Nah, I know of a prison just sitting empty in my AO that could house all of Congress and the executive branch easily.

AOC could work the guard's barracks. ;)
I'm talking about all politicians.... from dog catcher all the way to president.
Nah, I know of a prison just sitting empty in my AO that could house all of Congress and the executive branch easily.

AOC could work the guard's barracks. ;)

Washington has McNeil Island, former Fed prison, Infrastructure still in good condition and the passages around the island all have wicked currents. How many elderly congressional reps look like they could swim half a lap in a heated pool, let alone deep passages in Puget Sound's really cold waters?

Scenic beauty of the place is really nice!


Washington has McNeil Island, former Fed prison, Infrastructure still in good condition and the passages around the island all have wicked currents. How many elderly congressional reps look like they could swim half a lap in a heated pool, let alone deep passages in Puget Sound's really cold waters?

Scenic beauty of the place is really nice!

Nice....Even comes with rainbows and shit. ;)


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