What casey anthony need.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
What Casey Anthony need after her release is an old fashion a** whooping by a group of her peers and then left alone and leave the big stuff to GOD who will not let her go unpunished.

I believe what she did to Caylee is so horrible that she has blocked it out, but sooner of later it will become a reality, hit her like a ton of bricks and she will be in her own private hell.:clap2:
She gonna get what she needs...
Casey Anthony reportedly seeking $1.5 million for first interview
Friday, July 29, 2011 - An article in the Daily Mail , tweets from Nancy Grace and other reports are claiming that representatives for Casey Anthony are currently shopping her first post-acquittal interview for $1.5 million.
While many media outlets say they do not exchange money for interviews, some offer to pay high amounts for photographs and other images. After taking a public-relations hit in several high-profile cases, ABC News representatives said the media giant will no longer be buying photos or video as a way of getting a news subject to cooperate, reports The Daily Beast .

"We can book just about anyone based on the strength of our journalism, the excellence of our anchors, correspondents, and producers, and the size of our audience," said ABC spokesman Jeffrey Schneider in an article from The Daily Beast . "These licensing deals had become a crutch, and an unnecessary one." According to TMZ , NBC representatives have said they are not among media outlets in the battle for Anthony's first interview.

An NBC representative told TMZ , "NBC News has not and will not be in a bidding war for a Casey Anthony interview. No money has or will be offered, no licensing or other arrangements. If we were to conduct an interview it would be under our standards." TMZ also reported that Anthony's parents, George and Cindy, have been offered $250,000 to appear on a syndicated talk show.

Larry Flint just offered her a huge chunk of change to pose for Hussler Mag. I hope he forces her to answer questions in an interview. Question #1. Casey why did you put duct tape over Caylees mouth after she drown in the pool? You God Awful bitch.
Mmmm... Good old fashioned vigilantism. That's what I like to see. Legal system be damn, string 'em the fuck up! No trial, no jury, no lawyers, no judge. Fuck it all! Throw them out and let the mob be the final arbiter of justice!
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Granny says dis oughta be inna Slut Walk thread...
Report: Casey Anthony seeking psych help
July 30, 2011-- Sources close to Casey Anthony told TMZ.com she is seeking mental health treatment and won't be doing any interviews on U.S. television in the near future.
Anthony has been in hiding since her release from a Florida jail after her acquittal on charges she murdered her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, in 2008 to free herself from the burdens of being a single mother.

It was expected Anthony would charge a hefty fee for an interview to finance her new life; however, TMZ said Saturday it would be at least a couple of months before she faced the cameras.

The celebrity Web site said its source told them Anthony had serious issues to tackle stemming from both her incarceration and the trauma of losing her daughter. "It messed with her head," the source said.

TMZ said Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, was fielding media offers on her behalf, but Anthony would make the final decisions on an interview.

Read more: Report: Casey Anthony seeking psych help - UPI.com

See also:

Judge orders Casey Anthony to report for probation
Aug 1,`11 - Casey Anthony, whose whereabouts have been a secret since her dramatic murder acquittal last month, may have to report to a probation officer in central Florida this week under a judge's order Monday in another case against her.
The Orlando judge who sentenced Anthony last year for fraudulent check writing signed a "corrected" version of Anthony's probation order that made clear she was supposed to start the one-year term after her release from jail, not while she was detained waiting for her murder trial. Her attorneys are likely to challenge the revised order. One of them, Cheney Mason, didn't immediately return a phone call for comment, and another attorney, Jose Baez, didn't immediately respond to an email.

Circuit Judge Stan Strickland inserted the words "the defendant is to report to Probation upon release" for each of the seven counts of check-writing fraud that Anthony pleaded guilty to in January 2010. The judge also added the words, "nunc pro tunc," a legal term that means something is granted retroactively. Strickland sentenced Anthony in January 2010 to probation for using checks that Anthony had stolen from a friend. The state Department of Corrections had interpreted Strickland's sentence to mean that Anthony could serve the probation while she was in jail for her murder trial, but the judge said last week that he intended the probation to be served after her release.

Anthony left prison last month after a jury acquitted her of murdering her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee. She was convicted of lying to detectives but released from jail because of time served. She has since disappeared from public view. The court order said Anthony must report to a probation officer in three days in Orange County, where Orlando is located, unless otherwise instructed by her probation officer. A spokeswoman for the Florida Department of Corrections said the arrangements for Anthony's first meeting with a probation officer were being worked out with her attorneys and she didn't know if it would occur in the Orlando area.

No probation officer has been assigned to her yet, said spokeswoman Gretl Plessinger. "We're working now on that first reporting visit now," she said. The probation order requires that Anthony avoid any contact with her friend, Amy Huizenga, and prohibits her from switching addresses or jobs without permission from her probation officer. Under the terms of the order, she can't own a firearm without her probation officer's consent, is prohibited from getting drunk or going to places where illegal drugs are being used and has to find a job. Anthony also would have to take regular drug tests and is prohibited from associating with criminals under the order's terms.

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