What Conservatives and Liberals Would Each Get from an RFK Jr. Presidency


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Here are some of the things that each side would get from a Robert F. Kennedy Jr. presidency--I repeat that this is not an all-inclusive list:

Sealing the southern border via executive orders and DHS action, the deportation of most--not all, but most--illegal immigrants, and the enforcement of laws against hiring illegal immigrants.A path to citizenship for Dreamers, and legal status for certain illegal immigrants who have been employed here for many years.
Support for voter ID laws.Federal issuance of photo ID to low-income voters who do not have the means to get a photo ID.
Support for banning biological males from competing in female sports.Support for pro-union measures, including the PRO Act and making union dues tax deductible.
Support for banning transgender surgery and puberty blockers for minors.Support for raising the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour and inflation-index increases as needed after that.
Support for gun rights and opposition to any form of unconstitutional gun confiscation.Keeping America in the Paris Climate Accords and support for viable, responsible green energy programs.
Support for religious freedom.Support for aggressive federal action against industrial air and water pollution.
Support for halting deficit spending and working toward balancing the federal budget. (Honestly, few liberals seem to care about this issue, though you'd think this would be a bipartisan concern.)Support for federal welfare programs (though RFK Jr. does support a work requirement for those welfare recipients who are able to work).
Support for a variety of measures to reduce the number of abortions, a respectful attitude toward pro-lifers and the pro-life position, and an acknowledgement that elective abortion is never morally right.Support for allowing abortion until week 28 of pregnancy.
Opposition to defunding the police.A prudent, responsible reduction in defense spending.

What Conservatives and Liberals Would Each Get from an RFK Jr. Presidency​

The end of the hate America Obama Biden nightmare....
Here are some of the things that each side would get from a Robert F. Kennedy Jr. presidency--I repeat that this is not an all-inclusive list:

Sealing the southern border via executive orders and DHS action, the deportation of most--not all, but most--illegal immigrants, and the enforcement of laws against hiring illegal immigrants.A path to citizenship for Dreamers, and legal status for certain illegal immigrants who have been employed here for many years.
Support for voter ID laws.Federal issuance of photo ID to low-income voters who do not have the means to get a photo ID.
Support for banning biological males from competing in female sports.Support for pro-union measures, including the PRO Act and making union dues tax deductible.
Support for banning transgender surgery and puberty blockers for minors.Support for raising the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour and inflation-index increases as needed after that.
Support for gun rights and opposition to any form of unconstitutional gun confiscation.Keeping America in the Paris Climate Accords and support for viable, responsible green energy programs.
Support for religious freedom.Support for aggressive federal action against industrial air and water pollution.
Support for halting deficit spending and working toward balancing the federal budget. (Honestly, few liberals seem to care about this issue, though you'd think this would be a bipartisan concern.)Support for federal welfare programs (though RFK Jr. does support a work requirement for those welfare recipients who are able to work).
Support for a variety of measures to reduce the number of abortions, a respectful attitude toward pro-lifers and the pro-life position, and an acknowledgement that elective abortion is never morally right.Support for allowing abortion until week 28 of pregnancy.
Opposition to defunding the police.A prudent, responsible reduction in defense spending.
Brainworm Bobby is never going to be president.
Every item in the column on the right entirely destroys his alleged "libertarian" bona fides.

No, they simply prove that he is not a libertarian on every issue. I could have added his staunch support for Israel, which is another issue where he disagrees with the Libertarian Party.
Brainworm Bobby is never going to be president.

Of course, he won't, but I'm still voting for him. Maybe next time you retards should do better than nominating the two worst candidates in American history.
Of course, he won't, but I'm still voting for him. Maybe next time you retards should do better than nominating the two worst candidates in American history.

Hmmm... no.

Biden is fine. Yes, he's old and lost a step, but frankly, this is the sixth recession I've seen a president deal with, and frankly, none of them got us out of one so quickly and so effectively.

Trump is pure scum. It would be nice if the GOP didn't nominate a crazy person who tried to overthrow the government and is running to avoid prison, but that's where we are at.

But all that said... third parties are jokes. They are a dog chasing a car, they wouldn't know what to do if they ever caught it.
No, they simply prove that he is not a libertarian on every issue. I could have added his staunch support for Israel, which is another issue where he disagrees with the Libertarian Party.
Everything that the right supposedly gets from him (a crapshoot at best) is immediately negated by the list of what neo-Marxists get....It's worse than a wash.

Additionally, I'm not the one trying to pass him off as some sort of passable option, which he isn't....He'd do nothing but grow the already too immense State, which we can already get from the two Uniparty™ schmendricks.

I don't know what an above-average intellect like yours is doing, pimping that self-serving, double-dealing statist.
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Biden is fine. Yes, he's old and lost a step, but frankly, this is the sixth recession I've seen a president deal with, and frankly, none of them got us out of one so quickly and so effectively.
"Frankly" is an indication of insincerity. Using it twice in the same sentence is an indication of deliberate deceit.
"Frankly" is an indication of insincerity. Using it twice in the same sentence is an indication of deliberate deceit.
I guess focusing on an adverb is easier than addressing the point.

Biden got us out of the Trump recession in less than a year.

By comparison, it took nearly three years to get out of the Second Bush Recession, and two years to get out of the first Bush recession.
Here's a greatly expanded version of the OP:

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JoeB131: Biden got us out of the Trump recession in less than a year.

My eye happened to glance at this truly idiotic comment as I was scrolling down to use the reply box at the bottom of the page.

The "Trump recession"??? You mean the recession caused when all Democratic governors, along with some Republican governors, in response to COVID-19, imposed needless and destructive lockdowns, shutting down literally tens of thousands of businesses and putting millions of people out of work? That recession?
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Here are some of the things that each side would get from a Robert F. Kennedy Jr. presidency--I repeat that this is not an all-inclusive list:

Sealing the southern border via executive orders and DHS action, the deportation of most--not all, but most--illegal immigrants, and the enforcement of laws against hiring illegal immigrants.A path to citizenship for Dreamers, and legal status for certain illegal immigrants who have been employed here for many years.
Support for voter ID laws.Federal issuance of photo ID to low-income voters who do not have the means to get a photo ID.
Support for banning biological males from competing in female sports.Support for pro-union measures, including the PRO Act and making union dues tax deductible.
Support for banning transgender surgery and puberty blockers for minors.Support for raising the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour and inflation-index increases as needed after that.
Support for gun rights and opposition to any form of unconstitutional gun confiscation.Keeping America in the Paris Climate Accords and support for viable, responsible green energy programs.
Support for religious freedom.Support for aggressive federal action against industrial air and water pollution.
Support for halting deficit spending and working toward balancing the federal budget. (Honestly, few liberals seem to care about this issue, though you'd think this would be a bipartisan concern.)Support for federal welfare programs (though RFK Jr. does support a work requirement for those welfare recipients who are able to work).
Support for a variety of measures to reduce the number of abortions, a respectful attitude toward pro-lifers and the pro-life position, and an acknowledgement that elective abortion is never morally right.Support for allowing abortion until week 28 of pregnancy.
Opposition to defunding the police.A prudent, responsible reduction in defense spending.
It still amazes me that people think the presidency is a dictatorship.
My eye happened to glance at this truly idiotic comment as I was scrolling down to use the reply box at the bottom of the page.

The "Trump recession"??? You mean the recession caused when all Democratic governors, along with some Republican governors, in response to COVID-19, imposed needless and destructive lockdowns, shutting down literally tens of thousands of businesses and putting millions of people out of work? That recession?

I mean the Recession caused by Trump's criminal mishandling of Covid. That recession.
The recession started in Q1 of 2020. The first massive cases of Covid hitting the US didn't occur until April. the first Lockdown wasn't until mid-March.

Are you really going to argue that GDP shrank by 5% in less than half a month? Don't be absurd.

The point was, we were already going into a recession caused by Trump's idiot trade policies and exacerbated by Trump's utter failure to lead on Covid.

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