What conservatives want to leave for the next generation......

These mindless idiots want to leave their kids, their grandkids, the promise if elected, a huge surplus and no deficit...something none to date has ever achieved.....but that's their spill.....in return for this surplus they dream of achieving, they don't mind leaving them with the following:
A racist president..anything on the right
No EPA to monitor the water or the toxins
No Educational system protected by the feds, letting the states with thier ignorance do the job of educating the masses
No EPA to monitor our clean air, a fuel economy with no end to dirty air
Pipe lines everywhere. Fracking everywhere there's poor people
A racist Supreme court judge to replace the last devil worshiping racist that died
A divided country with the brown against the whites...again and again and again
Wall Street still owning our senate and congress and Koch brothers another racist lot fueling the oil industry with more deregs.
Our banking industry back to their old dirty tricks, expect again for your retirement money to be sacrificed.....
Expect your schools to crumble, your roads and highways to crumble

But do enjoy the extra 400 in savings you'll get provided you survive long enough to see it in your paycheck from the surplus.

I know what those before left you. 150 more years of the 200 year LBJ said he'd have your people voting Democrat.
Do me a favor....google the gains minorities have made under democratic rule and you can go back to slavery.....with yo boy Lincoln....and then compare the gains the GOP provided minorities....trust me, the dems may not be number one, but I can assure you, they're in the top two when it comes to what was best for us. Don't blame dems because we ended up on welfare, blame racist white mf's for not hiring us....thank you!!
If you consider a welfare check for life something "good", then yeah, I guess the Democrats are your best bet.

Really? First off, thanks to the contract on America, them checks have a life expectancy and just for the record, you white nuts are the one's getting all the checks these days, not only in welfare but in disability checks, and that is fact.
These mindless idiots want to leave their kids, their grandkids, the promise if elected, a huge surplus and no deficit...something none to date has ever achieved.....but that's their spill.....in return for this surplus they dream of achieving, they don't mind leaving them with the following:
A racist president..anything on the right
No EPA to monitor the water or the toxins
No Educational system protected by the feds, letting the states with thier ignorance do the job of educating the masses
No EPA to monitor our clean air, a fuel economy with no end to dirty air
Pipe lines everywhere. Fracking everywhere there's poor people
A racist Supreme court judge to replace the last devil worshiping racist that died
A divided country with the brown against the whites...again and again and again
Wall Street still owning our senate and congress and Koch brothers another racist lot fueling the oil industry with more deregs.
Our banking industry back to their old dirty tricks, expect again for your retirement money to be sacrificed.....
Expect your schools to crumble, your roads and highways to crumble

But do enjoy the extra 400 in savings you'll get provided you survive long enough to see it in your paycheck from the surplus.

I know what those before left you. 150 more years of the 200 year LBJ said he'd have your people voting Democrat.
he never said that , that's an old southern cracka talking point

no. he didn't say that. what he said was that the south was lost for a generation because they couldn't cope with blacks having rights.

nothing in that regard has changed.

Not only hasn't anything changed save for white women can freely be with black men without a nigga hangin for it, the fact that Obama took the white house over for the last 8 years, these hicks will never recover from that and will only find a sense of calm when a white GOP white man goes there again... I mean the southern white man today, is a US certified idiot with a Trump stamp of approval!!
These mindless idiots want to leave their kids, their grandkids, the promise if elected, a huge surplus and no deficit...something none to date has ever achieved.....but that's their spill.....in return for this surplus they dream of achieving, they don't mind leaving them with the following:
A racist president..anything on the right
No EPA to monitor the water or the toxins
No Educational system protected by the feds, letting the states with thier ignorance do the job of educating the masses
No EPA to monitor our clean air, a fuel economy with no end to dirty air
Pipe lines everywhere. Fracking everywhere there's poor people
A racist Supreme court judge to replace the last devil worshiping racist that died
A divided country with the brown against the whites...again and again and again
Wall Street still owning our senate and congress and Koch brothers another racist lot fueling the oil industry with more deregs.
Our banking industry back to their old dirty tricks, expect again for your retirement money to be sacrificed.....
Expect your schools to crumble, your roads and highways to crumble

But do enjoy the extra 400 in savings you'll get provided you survive long enough to see it in your paycheck from the surplus.

I know what those before left you. 150 more years of the 200 year LBJ said he'd have your people voting Democrat.
Do me a favor....google the gains minorities have made under democratic rule and you can go back to slavery.....with yo boy Lincoln....and then compare the gains the GOP provided minorities....trust me, the dems may not be number one, but I can assure you, they're in the top two when it comes to what was best for us. Don't blame dems because we ended up on welfare, blame racist white mf's for not hiring us....thank you!!
If you consider a welfare check for life something "good", then yeah, I guess the Democrats are your best bet.

Really? First off, thanks to the contract on America, them checks have a life expectancy and just for the record, you white nuts are the one's getting all the checks these days, not only in welfare but in disability checks, and that is fact.
I know what those before left you. 150 more years of the 200 year LBJ said he'd have your people voting Democrat.
Do me a favor....google the gains minorities have made under democratic rule and you can go back to slavery.....with yo boy Lincoln....and then compare the gains the GOP provided minorities....trust me, the dems may not be number one, but I can assure you, they're in the top two when it comes to what was best for us. Don't blame dems because we ended up on welfare, blame racist white mf's for not hiring us....thank you!!
If you consider a welfare check for life something "good", then yeah, I guess the Democrats are your best bet.

Really? First off, thanks to the contract on America, them checks have a life expectancy and just for the record, you white nuts are the one's getting all the checks these days, not only in welfare but in disability checks, and that is fact.
How do you explain such a small percentage of our population taking so much money from tax payers? Black people are sucking us dry.
No Educational system protected by the feds, letting the states with thier ignorance do the job of educating the masses.

So the federal government is all knowing when it comes to education, but the state governments, who are actually closer to the kids, are ignorant?

The quality of education in this country was higher prior to the creation of the Department of Education during the Carter Administration and we were spending one-third the cost.

You're a clown


Lets get something very clear, it was the feds that got my black ass on a bus and into the public school system, something the states denied. And although Brown vs the BOE is over, with this current flow of racist agenda becoming the foundation for GOP elections, I wouldn't trust the states as far as I can throw them, just sayin.

Yes, let's get something very clear. There are currently 30 Republican governors. Name the ones trying to kick black kids out of school.

Or keep rambling on like a paranoid idiot. I really don't care.
I know what those before left you. 150 more years of the 200 year LBJ said he'd have your people voting Democrat.
Do me a favor....google the gains minorities have made under democratic rule and you can go back to slavery.....with yo boy Lincoln....and then compare the gains the GOP provided minorities....trust me, the dems may not be number one, but I can assure you, they're in the top two when it comes to what was best for us. Don't blame dems because we ended up on welfare, blame racist white mf's for not hiring us....thank you!!
If you consider a welfare check for life something "good", then yeah, I guess the Democrats are your best bet.

Really? First off, thanks to the contract on America, them checks have a life expectancy and just for the record, you white nuts are the one's getting all the checks these days, not only in welfare but in disability checks, and that is fact.

Those pesky percentages strike again...

“While most food stamp recipients are White 63.7% and only 12.2% Black, when compared to the entire demographic, only 7% Whites are on food stamps and 24% Blacks are on food stamps”
Do me a favor....google the gains minorities have made under democratic rule and you can go back to slavery.....with yo boy Lincoln....and then compare the gains the GOP provided minorities....trust me, the dems may not be number one, but I can assure you, they're in the top two when it comes to what was best for us. Don't blame dems because we ended up on welfare, blame racist white mf's for not hiring us....thank you!!
If you consider a welfare check for life something "good", then yeah, I guess the Democrats are your best bet.

Really? First off, thanks to the contract on America, them checks have a life expectancy and just for the record, you white nuts are the one's getting all the checks these days, not only in welfare but in disability checks, and that is fact.

Those pesky percentages strike again...

“While most food stamp recipients are White 63.7% and only 12.2% Black, when compared to the entire demographic, only 7% Whites are on food stamps and 24% Blacks are on food stamps”

Yes, that does sound right, however, you got a race who's free to find, seek and get the job and still you lazy sob's refuse to work...just sayin An employer would hire first a white guy fresh out of prison for murdering a sleeping 2 year old than hire a college educated black man that worships white people.
No Educational system protected by the feds, letting the states with thier ignorance do the job of educating the masses.

So the federal government is all knowing when it comes to education, but the state governments, who are actually closer to the kids, are ignorant?

The quality of education in this country was higher prior to the creation of the Department of Education during the Carter Administration and we were spending one-third the cost.

You're a clown


Lets get something very clear, it was the feds that got my black ass on a bus and into the public school system, something the states denied. And although Brown vs the BOE is over, with this current flow of racist agenda becoming the foundation for GOP elections, I wouldn't trust the states as far as I can throw them, just sayin.

Yes, let's get something very clear. There are currently 30 Republican governors. Name the ones trying to kick black kids out of school.

Or keep rambling on like a paranoid idiot. I really don't care.

Where the fuck did I say they'd kick black kids out of school? You need to put your Donald Dumb book down and pay attention. I'm saying that I would rather have the feds dealing with funding my kids and grandkids education than a hick for shit stupid fuck GOP governor any damned day of the week, any damn day. End of effin story, fool
No Educational system protected by the feds, letting the states with thier ignorance do the job of educating the masses.

So the federal government is all knowing when it comes to education, but the state governments, who are actually closer to the kids, are ignorant?

The quality of education in this country was higher prior to the creation of the Department of Education during the Carter Administration and we were spending one-third the cost.

You're a clown


Lets get something very clear, it was the feds that got my black ass on a bus and into the public school system, something the states denied. And although Brown vs the BOE is over, with this current flow of racist agenda becoming the foundation for GOP elections, I wouldn't trust the states as far as I can throw them, just sayin.

Yes, let's get something very clear. There are currently 30 Republican governors. Name the ones trying to kick black kids out of school.

Or keep rambling on like a paranoid idiot. I really don't care.

Where the fuck did I say they'd kick black kids out of school? You need to put your Donald Dumb book down and pay attention. I'm saying that I would rather have the feds dealing with funding my kids and grandkids education than a hick for shit stupid fuck GOP governor any damned day of the week, any damn day. End of effin story, fool

Nothing in the Constitution charges the federal government with the role of educating, but those little formalities normally don't matter to people like you who think bureaucrats are the only ones who can save you from yourself.
These mindless idiots want to leave their kids, their grandkids, the promise if elected, a huge surplus and no deficit...something none to date has ever achieved.....but that's their spill.....in return for this surplus they dream of achieving, they don't mind leaving them with the following:
A racist president..anything on the right
No EPA to monitor the water or the toxins
No Educational system protected by the feds, letting the states with thier ignorance do the job of educating the masses
No EPA to monitor our clean air, a fuel economy with no end to dirty air
Pipe lines everywhere. Fracking everywhere there's poor people
A racist Supreme court judge to replace the last devil worshiping racist that died
A divided country with the brown against the whites...again and again and again
Wall Street still owning our senate and congress and Koch brothers another racist lot fueling the oil industry with more deregs.
Our banking industry back to their old dirty tricks, expect again for your retirement money to be sacrificed.....
Expect your schools to crumble, your roads and highways to crumble

But do enjoy the extra 400 in savings you'll get provided you survive long enough to see it in your paycheck from the surplus.

How well did the EPA monitor the water in Flint?

Listen to the hearings carefully, they were lied to by the racist governor. I stand by her testimony because you people do nothing but lie and fuck over the poor.

Yeah! The EPA did it's jon that time. What about that mine spill last year? How'd that go?
Do me a favor....google the gains minorities have made under democratic rule and you can go back to slavery.....with yo boy Lincoln....and then compare the gains the GOP provided minorities....trust me, the dems may not be number one, but I can assure you, they're in the top two when it comes to what was best for us. Don't blame dems because we ended up on welfare, blame racist white mf's for not hiring us....thank you!!
If you consider a welfare check for life something "good", then yeah, I guess the Democrats are your best bet.

Really? First off, thanks to the contract on America, them checks have a life expectancy and just for the record, you white nuts are the one's getting all the checks these days, not only in welfare but in disability checks, and that is fact.

Those pesky percentages strike again...

“While most food stamp recipients are White 63.7% and only 12.2% Black, when compared to the entire demographic, only 7% Whites are on food stamps and 24% Blacks are on food stamps”

I ran the numbers using data related to percentages of each race in the overall population, percentages of each race using food stamps, and the total population of the U.S. as provided by a Liberal who said something much like tigerred59. When I ran the numbers, this was the result:

1) 7.9% of whites, approximately 17.9 million out of approximately 225 million within the total U.S. population use food stamps. That's 1 in every 12 1/2 whites.

2) 28% of blacks, approximately 11.5 million out of approximately 41 million with the total U.S. population use food stamps. That's 1 in every 3 1/2 blacks.

Seems Liberals have no concept of proportions.
Do me a favor....google the gains minorities have made under democratic rule and you can go back to slavery.....with yo boy Lincoln....and then compare the gains the GOP provided minorities....trust me, the dems may not be number one, but I can assure you, they're in the top two when it comes to what was best for us. Don't blame dems because we ended up on welfare, blame racist white mf's for not hiring us....thank you!!
If you consider a welfare check for life something "good", then yeah, I guess the Democrats are your best bet.

Really? First off, thanks to the contract on America, them checks have a life expectancy and just for the record, you white nuts are the one's getting all the checks these days, not only in welfare but in disability checks, and that is fact.
How do you explain such a small percentage of our population taking so much money from tax payers? Black people are sucking us dry.
Oh so that's why you red white and vomit stupid motherfuckers are pissed....LOLOLOL....never mind the fact the south sucks up more federal dollars than the GOP senate, never mind that the south is 80% red trash, never mind the south houses most of the nations poor and never mind the fact the south is mostly ran by GOP governors....as for blacks sucking you fuck heads dry...somebody's gotta take care them nigga babies you white trash heeps keep spittin out, eh?
If you consider a welfare check for life something "good", then yeah, I guess the Democrats are your best bet.

Really? First off, thanks to the contract on America, them checks have a life expectancy and just for the record, you white nuts are the one's getting all the checks these days, not only in welfare but in disability checks, and that is fact.
How do you explain such a small percentage of our population taking so much money from tax payers? Black people are sucking us dry.
Oh so that's why you red white and vomit stupid motherfuckers are pissed....LOLOLOL....never mind the fact the south sucks up more federal dollars than the GOP senate, never mind that the south is 80% red trash, never mind the south houses most of the nations poor and never mind the fact the south is mostly ran by GOP governors....as for blacks sucking you fuck heads dry...somebody's gotta take care them nigga babies you white trash heeps keep spittin out, eh?

Dont you have someone to rob or maybe a welfare baby to make?
Really? First off, thanks to the contract on America, them checks have a life expectancy and just for the record, you white nuts are the one's getting all the checks these days, not only in welfare but in disability checks, and that is fact.
How do you explain such a small percentage of our population taking so much money from tax payers? Black people are sucking us dry.
Oh so that's why you red white and vomit stupid motherfuckers are pissed....LOLOLOL....never mind the fact the south sucks up more federal dollars than the GOP senate, never mind that the south is 80% red trash, never mind the south houses most of the nations poor and never mind the fact the south is mostly ran by GOP governors....as for blacks sucking you fuck heads dry...somebody's gotta take care them nigga babies you white trash heeps keep spittin out, eh?

Dont you have someone to rob or maybe a welfare baby to make?

Can't rob whitey cause you mf's are as broke as me and can't make no mo babies, cause the white girls got all the black men....next?
How do you explain such a small percentage of our population taking so much money from tax payers? Black people are sucking us dry.
Oh so that's why you red white and vomit stupid motherfuckers are pissed....LOLOLOL....never mind the fact the south sucks up more federal dollars than the GOP senate, never mind that the south is 80% red trash, never mind the south houses most of the nations poor and never mind the fact the south is mostly ran by GOP governors....as for blacks sucking you fuck heads dry...somebody's gotta take care them nigga babies you white trash heeps keep spittin out, eh?

Dont you have someone to rob or maybe a welfare baby to make?

Can't rob whitey cause you mf's are as broke as me and can't make no mo babies, cause the white girls got all the black men....next?

Speak for yourself.
What next generation? Don't forget we're still ramping up production on all that dirty air and dirty water that's gonna get us all. Overall a good plan, but a bummer in that we forgot to leave ourselves an out. Who knew we too breathe air and drink water?
Funny how liberals insist they can read minds. It's almost like they're delusional.

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