What Democrats mean when they say radical

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Basically, it means anything they disagree with.

With words like "radical" and "extreme" being liberally flung around, it's probably time to define our terms. After all, vice presidential hopeful Paul Ryan, I am assured, embodies both words in deed and spirit. These days, radical ideas appear in many forms: a plan offering future seniors a choice of health care insurance or one that marginally cuts back on deficit spending or even a plan--when things get really, you know, German--that attempts to balance the budget over two decades.
If a person is to believe his media, he would have to accept that bringing discretionary spending back to 2008 levels, as Ryan has suggested, is like letting a Koch-funded plutocrat in war paint shred the social contract and throw it into a Klan-lit bonfire. Nearly every outlet, every interviewer, every reference about Ryan's plan is imbued with a tone that asks, "Isn't this nuts?"
But adding $11 trillion to the national debt, as Obama's proposed budget does, well, that passes the levelheaded policy test. One day, perhaps when fact checkers take a break from crunching every uncompromising decimal point in Ryan's budget proposal, they can explain how Obama's plan is supposed to work and how spending without end ends -- you know, for the kids.

What Democrats Mean When They Say 'Radical' - Reason.com
As a hint, policy proposals which don't seem to account for known consequences or conventions may also be labeled extreme or radical.

I'm partial to 'nuts'.
Basically, it means anything they disagree with.

With words like "radical" and "extreme" being liberally flung around, it's probably time to define our terms. After all, vice presidential hopeful Paul Ryan, I am assured, embodies both words in deed and spirit. These days, radical ideas appear in many forms: a plan offering future seniors a choice of health care insurance or one that marginally cuts back on deficit spending or even a plan--when things get really, you know, German--that attempts to balance the budget over two decades.
If a person is to believe his media, he would have to accept that bringing discretionary spending back to 2008 levels, as Ryan has suggested, is like letting a Koch-funded plutocrat in war paint shred the social contract and throw it into a Klan-lit bonfire. Nearly every outlet, every interviewer, every reference about Ryan's plan is imbued with a tone that asks, "Isn't this nuts?"
But adding $11 trillion to the national debt, as Obama's proposed budget does, well, that passes the levelheaded policy test. One day, perhaps when fact checkers take a break from crunching every uncompromising decimal point in Ryan's budget proposal, they can explain how Obama's plan is supposed to work and how spending without end ends -- you know, for the kids.

What Democrats Mean When They Say 'Radical' - Reason.com

Liberal Definition of Radical: Individual liberty, constitutional government, equality of opportunity (Not results), balanced budgets, merit based employment, honest elections, and everything espoused by our founding fathers or anyone who doesn’t subscribe to Karl Marx.
Basically, it means anything they disagree with.

With words like "radical" and "extreme" being liberally flung around, it's probably time to define our terms. After all, vice presidential hopeful Paul Ryan, I am assured, embodies both words in deed and spirit. These days, radical ideas appear in many forms: a plan offering future seniors a choice of health care insurance or one that marginally cuts back on deficit spending or even a plan--when things get really, you know, German--that attempts to balance the budget over two decades.
If a person is to believe his media, he would have to accept that bringing discretionary spending back to 2008 levels, as Ryan has suggested, is like letting a Koch-funded plutocrat in war paint shred the social contract and throw it into a Klan-lit bonfire. Nearly every outlet, every interviewer, every reference about Ryan's plan is imbued with a tone that asks, "Isn't this nuts?"
But adding $11 trillion to the national debt, as Obama's proposed budget does, well, that passes the levelheaded policy test. One day, perhaps when fact checkers take a break from crunching every uncompromising decimal point in Ryan's budget proposal, they can explain how Obama's plan is supposed to work and how spending without end ends -- you know, for the kids.

What Democrats Mean When They Say 'Radical' - Reason.com

You got that right. Disagree and get labeled as a radical racist kook. It's no wonder that a person will end up on Homeland Security's watch list if they believe in the constitution, champion for our rights and liberty, are prior military or have a Ron Paul bumper sticker. The left thinks that sane people want many of our rights revoked, a nanny government, socialism to replace capitalism, wealth to be redistributed, borders non-existent, the U.N. to have more control over our country, a disarmed public and government control over the media.

Some countries have been down this same road. We know how it ends and it's not the utopia that the left is trying to sell. They'll keep throwing our money around till it's gone.
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As a hint, policy proposals which don't seem to account for known consequences or conventions may also be labeled extreme or radical.

I'm partial to 'nuts'.

We're discussing how Democrats define the term, not how rational people define it.
What Democrats mean when they say radical

Basically Kochsuckers and Teabaggers.

I see, thanks for clearing that up.

Liberal millionaires, Unions, and Hollywood Actors who donate millions to liberal causes and politicians = Generous contributors to charitable causes.

Conservative millionaires who donate millions to conservative causes and charity = Radical, evil billionaires, evil greedy capitalist, exploiter of the working masses, etc.

Occupy Wall Street with a criminal rap sheet this long praising the merits of socialism and espousing class envy = Model Upstanding Citizen

The Tea Party who leave their protest sites cleaner than they found them with zero arrests = racists, radicals, rednecks, uncle toms, selfish white people, Bomb throwers, etc.
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ah yes....the amusing attempt to paint your opponent by stating what they are because you know best...

Paul Ryan may well just fall into the dustbin of history with such other radical Republican's such as Frederick Douglass, Susan B Anthony, Calvin Coolidge* and Ronald Reagan. This despite how truly un-radical a sensible budget really is. These are the times we live in.

Imagine the horror of a government living (almost) within it's means. A growing economy, low unemployment and competitive tax rates with whats left of the industrial world. President Obama has shown great restraint in not calling for Ryan to be burned at the stake as a witch.

All hail The One!!11!1!

*Just listen to this maniac...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5puwTrLRhmw]President Coolidge, 1st Presidential Film (1924) - YouTube[/ame]

Probably some distant radical cousin of Ryan. (I have no proof of that beyond Harry Reid telling me so) :razz:
It is typical of the left to misuse words like 'radical', 'extremist', 'racist' and my personal favorite 'terrorist'. They remain absolutely clueless as to the actual damage they do by being this dumb. Trivializing serious issues for the sake of political point scoring... seriously stupid. But, when you have a president that calls people 'the enemy', they are just following that lead. So much for this so called 'civil discourse' that Obama lied about.
It is typical of the left to misuse words like 'radical', 'extremist', 'racist' and my personal favorite 'terrorist'. They remain absolutely clueless as to the actual damage they do by being this dumb. Trivializing serious issues for the sake of political point scoring... seriously stupid. But, when you have a president that calls people 'the enemy', they are just following that lead. So much for this so called 'civil discourse' that Obama lied about.

wow....its like you live in a different world where nobody records anything....:clap2: bravo, take a bow Caligirl. No seriously take a bow. It takes huge balls to come out and state this...HUGE BALLS
here, let me clear this up for you all.

before the civil right movement politicians both Dem and Pub could basically yell and scream the N word all day long at a rally, and they did in the deep south. This is well known and documented. As progress and civility took over in the decades following this word could no longer be used on the stump and such.

forward to today. We have a few movements that are attached to the Republican party, IE: Birthers, Truthers, people who think Obamas name is Soreento or something like that. SO by not taking these people and talking points out of the party line, these is a price to pay.

see, back when politicians could use the N word out loud, it was little more than attempt to say " he or she does not belong", "he or she is not one of us". Quite the divisive mindset.

Forward to today. Birhters and these dupes are doing the same thing except they know that cant say the N word or they will not be heard out. These people are saying the same underlying BS, Obama is not one of us, Obama does not belong.

This is why a lot of Republicans who stand for these causes or have not spoken down on these issues may look racist in many Americans eyes
here, let me clear this up for you all.

before the civil right movement politicians both Dem and Pub could basically yell and scream the N word all day long at a rally, and they did in the deep south. This is well known and documented. As progress and civility took over in the decades following this word could no longer be used on the stump and such.

forward to today. We have a few movements that are attached to the Republican party, IE: Birthers, Truthers, people who think Obamas name is Soreento or something like that. SO by not taking these people and talking points out of the party line, these is a price to pay.

see, back when politicians could use the N word out loud, it was little more than attempt to say " he or she does not belong", "he or she is not one of us". Quite the divisive mindset.

Forward to today. Birhters and these dupes are doing the same thing except they know that cant say the N word or they will not be heard out. These people are saying the same underlying BS, Obama is not one of us, Obama does not belong.

This is why a lot of Republicans who stand for these causes or have not spoken down on these issues may look racist in many Americans eyes

ah yes....the amusing attempt to paint your opponent by stating what they are because you know best...


When Obama calls a budget that members of his own party who actually understand economics think is sane and sensible so far to the right that it makes the Contract with America look like the New Deal he isn't trying to redefine the word radical?
ah yes....the amusing attempt to paint your opponent by stating what they are because you know best...


When Obama calls a budget that members of his own party who actually understand economics think is sane and sensible so far to the right that it makes the Contract with America look like the New Deal he isn't trying to redefine the word radical?

Hell President Obama (along with Pelosi and Reid) think it's radical to have a budget at all.
It is typical of the left to misuse words like 'radical', 'extremist', 'racist' and my personal favorite 'terrorist'. They remain absolutely clueless as to the actual damage they do by being this dumb. Trivializing serious issues for the sake of political point scoring... seriously stupid. But, when you have a president that calls people 'the enemy', they are just following that lead. So much for this so called 'civil discourse' that Obama lied about.

More words of wisdom from the Stepford Wingnut College girl.
radical...establishing personhood through legislation for a fertilized egg only seconds old....so that even an IUD being used as birth control would be considered criminal.

Radical-eliminating Medicare and making it whither of the vine.

Radical, worshiping ayn rand so much that you require your staffers to read her books

Radical, people like Rush Limbaugh and his hate machine and those who follow him like lapdogs.

Those are just a few things I would consider as being Radical.
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Basically, it means anything they disagree with.

With words like "radical" and "extreme" being liberally flung around, it's probably time to define our terms. After all, vice presidential hopeful Paul Ryan, I am assured, embodies both words in deed and spirit. These days, radical ideas appear in many forms: a plan offering future seniors a choice of health care insurance or one that marginally cuts back on deficit spending or even a plan--when things get really, you know, German--that attempts to balance the budget over two decades.
If a person is to believe his media, he would have to accept that bringing discretionary spending back to 2008 levels, as Ryan has suggested, is like letting a Koch-funded plutocrat in war paint shred the social contract and throw it into a Klan-lit bonfire. Nearly every outlet, every interviewer, every reference about Ryan's plan is imbued with a tone that asks, "Isn't this nuts?"
But adding $11 trillion to the national debt, as Obama's proposed budget does, well, that passes the levelheaded policy test. One day, perhaps when fact checkers take a break from crunching every uncompromising decimal point in Ryan's budget proposal, they can explain how Obama's plan is supposed to work and how spending without end ends -- you know, for the kids.

What Democrats Mean When They Say 'Radical' - Reason.com
That sounds an awful lot like a "conservative" using the world liberal.

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