What Did Shutting Down the Government have to do with 5.7 Billion for Border Wall?

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area

It has all to do with Trump's promise to build a wall, a campaign promise which had only one detail, Mexico will pay for it.

His promise appealed to the biddable who remain his only real supporters, even when the only detail proved to be false - Mexico will not pay for the wall - and still no details on how long the wall will be and the estimated cost of such a barrier.

The only thing we have to fear, is Trump himself. It's time for even his most ardent supporters to say "enough" and recognize the abuse of power by what they created, a megalomaniac who seeks autocratic power.

All was going well, the Republicans signed a bill and the President Coulter and VP Lush Rimbaugh had a hissy fit, and Trump was brought to heel.
LMAO If Pelousy had approved the border wall money, the same wall she voted for in the past, then there would never have been a shutdown.

Trump won't sign any bills till he gets that 5 billion. Until then the Govt. is shut down.
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LMAO If Pelousy had approved the border wall money, the same wall she voted for in the past, then there would have been shutdown.

Trump won't sign any bills till he gets that 5 billion. Until then the Govt. is shut down.

Thanks once again for your echo of the propaganda (poopaganda) by other Trumpanzees and the liars in the White House.

You are too blind to reality to have ever posted anything substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking, and this is but one example.
LMAO If Pelousy had approved the border wall money, the same wall she voted for in the past, then there would have been shutdown.

Trump won't sign any bills till he gets that 5 billion. Until then the Govt. is shut down.

Thanks once again for your echo of the propaganda (poopaganda) by other Trumpanzees and the liars in the White House.

You are too blind to reality to have ever posted anything substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking, and this is but one example.

Nah Thanks once again for your echo of the propaganda by other lefty loons and liars in the House.

You are too blind to reality to have ever posted anything substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking, and this is but one example.

LMAO So post some more of your drivel dingbat.
LMAO If Pelousy had approved the border wall money, the same wall she voted for in the past, then there would have been shutdown.

Trump won't sign any bills till he gets that 5 billion. Until then the Govt. is shut down.

Thanks once again for your echo of the propaganda (poopaganda) by other Trumpanzees and the liars in the White House.

You are too blind to reality to have ever posted anything substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking, and this is but one example.

Nah Thanks once again for your echo of the propaganda by other lefty loons and liars in the House.

You are too blind to reality to have ever posted anything substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking, and this is but one example.

LMAO So post some more of your drivel dingbat.
There is no express wall building power in our Constitution; Government should not be shut down over any implied power.
LMAO If Pelousy had approved the border wall money, the same wall she voted for in the past, then there would have been shutdown.

Trump won't sign any bills till he gets that 5 billion. Until then the Govt. is shut down.

Thanks once again for your echo of the propaganda (poopaganda) by other Trumpanzees and the liars in the White House.

You are too blind to reality to have ever posted anything substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking, and this is but one example.

Nah Thanks once again for your echo of the propaganda by other lefty loons and liars in the House.

You are too blind to reality to have ever posted anything substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking, and this is but one example.

LMAO So post some more of your drivel dingbat.
There is no express wall building power in our Constitution; Government should not be shut down over any implied power.

But there is security for the country in our Constitution and border security is part of it. For that we need a wall so illegals or others can't get in. Once we have that wall we can boot those that are here out.

These illegals cost we the tax payer billions each year. They are here illegally and need to be booted out.
All was going well, the Republicans signed a bill and the President Coulter and VP Lush Rimbaugh had a hissy fit, and Trump was brought to heel.

There was no bill passed by both houses.
There was no bill presented to the President to sign.
You scum leftists believe your own lies.
Well, I have some sympathy for Trump on this. "The wall" was really a symbol for his overall pledge to "get a grip" on immigration. And honestly when Obama was potus, children started being sent over the border because parents we Americans out of generous spirit would put the kids in taxpayer funded foster care, give them Medicaid and "free" educations .. free at least to them, and certainly not free to our own children for whom we end up working longer and later than we'd need to just to support ourselves. And Obama got forced into the "catch and release" by a lower fed court ruling that was never appealed and Obama never instituted policies for holding families until deportation that might have held up in court.

But Trump appealed to fear and used scapegoating. Your chances of being raped or murdered by an illegal alien are lower than being raped or killed by an America. Still, it's undeniable that the illegal aliens who commit crimes shouldn't be here to commit the crimes. BUT a wall has nothing to do with people overstaying visas .... Trump was less interested in actually fixing immigration that he was ginning up angry white people at his rallies.

He was called out during the campaign with "Americans are not going to vote to pay for a wall." And obviously a maj of us steadfastly have refused to do so, which is why the gummit is shut down. LOL Then he came up with the absurdity that Mexico would pay for it. The angry white folks liked that a LOT.

But hilariously it's Coulter and Rush won't let him back down with a little dignity. The dems repeatedly offered figleaves .... only to see Daca trashed. Even when he started deporting people who'd been here for a decade, and had kids .... it's totally counterproductive to destroy two parent households, kids are at least indirectly punished when they are citizens but they are taken to another country when their parent is deported. But having a kid is no defense to selling drugs or robbing a bank .....

But, I think something fundamentally changed in America when he put kids in cages and directly said he was doing it to make examples for their parents. That was the action of a sociopath. A clown is sometimes funny, but Pennywise is not. I don't think Pelosi has much interest in giving Trump a way to step this down. She may have to give him something to end this, but it's not going to be generous.
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It has all to do with Trump's promise to build a wall, a campaign promise which had only one detail, Mexico will pay for it.
All was going well, the Republicans signed a bill and the President Coulter and VP Lush Rimbaugh had a hissy fit, and Trump was brought to heel.

There was no bill passed by both houses.
There was no bill presented to the President to sign.
You scum leftists believe your own lies.
A bit disingenuous. The senate could not pass a bill with wall funding. Coulter and Limppaw had fits when they realized the House had flipped and neither the Senate or House would ever fund the wall.
when Trump had the House & the Senate his wall was rejected.


now hes blackmailing the country because the democrats are doing the same thing the republicans did.

LMAO If Pelousy had approved the border wall money, the same wall she voted for in the past, then there would have been shutdown.

Trump won't sign any bills till he gets that 5 billion. Until then the Govt. is shut down.

Thanks once again for your echo of the propaganda (poopaganda) by other Trumpanzees and the liars in the White House.

You are too blind to reality to have ever posted anything substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking, and this is but one example.

Nah Thanks once again for your echo of the propaganda by other lefty loons and liars in the House.

You are too blind to reality to have ever posted anything substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking, and this is but one example.

LMAO So post some more of your drivel dingbat.
There is no express wall building power in our Constitution; Government should not be shut down over any implied power.

But there is security for the country in our Constitution and border security is part of it. For that we need a wall so illegals or others can't get in. Once we have that wall we can boot those that are here out.

These illegals cost we the tax payer billions each year. They are here illegally and need to be booted out.
The problem is we should have no illegal problem with a naturalization clause; and, we don't have a common defense issue on our border it is a refugee issue.
LMAO If Pelousy had approved the border wall money, the same wall she voted for in the past, then there would have been shutdown.

Trump won't sign any bills till he gets that 5 billion. Until then the Govt. is shut down.

Thanks once again for your echo of the propaganda (poopaganda) by other Trumpanzees and the liars in the White House.

You are too blind to reality to have ever posted anything substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking, and this is but one example.

Nah Thanks once again for your echo of the propaganda by other lefty loons and liars in the House.

You are too blind to reality to have ever posted anything substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking, and this is but one example.

LMAO So post some more of your drivel dingbat.
There is no express wall building power in our Constitution; Government should not be shut down over any implied power.

But there is security for the country in our Constitution and border security is part of it. For that we need a wall so illegals or others can't get in. Once we have that wall we can boot those that are here out.

These illegals cost we the tax payer billions each year. They are here illegally and need to be booted out.
The problem is we should have no illegal problem with a naturalization clause; and, we don't have a common defense issue on our border it is a refugee issue.

It's not just an issue about people of Mexican origin. You have drugs, you have human trafficking, there are people coming across the border from multiple countries and regions like Central America, South America , ME, Europe, etc. Just on the other side of the border towns are run by drug cartels as much as they are by the Mexican government. Then you have M.E. terrorist groups like Hezbolla ,which have set camp In parts of Mexico who can make deals with Cartels.
The Mexican Government itself cannot control what is going on inside it's own borders, and they have no idea who is going across their northern border into the U.S., nor do they really care. So maybe when they can correct all of that, we could begin to talk about not needing a secure border.
To say its just an issue with a naturalization clause and refugees is simply choosing to look at the tiny piece of the picture you want to look at.

So really? we should naturalize everyone who comes across our border? and what if they happen to not be Mexican? who gets to decide which ones to naturalize? See, this is why we have an immigration policy where we allow a million immigrants into the US a year. By the same token, we also have the right to deny people entry, much as every other country in the world does.
All was going well, the Republicans signed a bill and the President Coulter and VP Lush Rimbaugh had a hissy fit, and Trump was brought to heel.

There was no bill passed by both houses.
There was no bill presented to the President to sign.
You scum leftists believe your own lies.
A bit disingenuous. The senate could not pass a bill with wall funding. Coulter and Limppaw had fits when they realized the House had flipped and neither the Senate or House would ever fund the wall.
The political class is rigged. And it is rigged to push us left. It is clear we vote people in who are disingenuous. The people you mentioned have been around a long time. Has their influence stopped the movement to the left? We are moving towards anarchy even with more and more tyranny encroaching on us all.
All was going well, the Republicans signed a bill and the President Coulter and VP Lush Rimbaugh had a hissy fit, and Trump was brought to heel.

There was no bill passed by both houses.
There was no bill presented to the President to sign.
You scum leftists believe your own lies.
A bit disingenuous. The senate could not pass a bill with wall funding. Coulter and Limppaw had fits when they realized the House had flipped and neither the Senate or House would ever fund the wall.
The political class is rigged. And it is rigged to push us left. It is clear we vote people in who are disingenuous. The people you mentioned have been around a long time. Has their influence stopped the movement to the left? We are moving towards anarchy even with more and more tyranny encroaching on us all.

Trump promised a bigger better Obamacare and infrastructure. He's certainly no small govt little "c" conservative. The gop enacted two supply side tax cuts and increased spending. The only people I mentioned were Coulter, Limppaw and Pennywise.
All was going well, the Republicans signed a bill and the President Coulter and VP Lush Rimbaugh had a hissy fit, and Trump was brought to heel.

There was no bill passed by both houses.
There was no bill presented to the President to sign.
You scum leftists believe your own lies.
Where did I say all that you lying son-of-a-bitch?!?

It has all to do with Trump's promise to build a wall, a campaign promise which had only one detail, Mexico will pay for it.

His promise appealed to the biddable who remain his only real supporters, even when the only detail proved to be false - Mexico will not pay for the wall - and still no details on how long the wall will be and the estimated cost of such a barrier.

The only thing we have to fear, is Trump himself. It's time for even his most ardent supporters to say "enough" and recognize the abuse of power by what they created, a megalomaniac who seeks autocratic power.

Isn't that you 3-4 rows back on the right? :rolleyes:


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