What do the left consider the greatest threat to America?

What do the left consider the greatest threat to America?

  • Estremist Islamic terrorists who want to murder millions

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Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2010
So with Islamic Extremists, liberals keep trying to defuse and blame religious extremism in general or even Christians who did the Crusades centuries ago. They bring up McVeigh who wasn't a Christian and didn't do it for religion as an endless counter example. The liberal media tries to hide the Muslim names of every Islamic nut job who murders or tries to murder more people. And they still want our border open even though Al Qaeda can fly to Mexico City and walk across our border.

Yet gay marriage, hat's their obsession in any gay thread, that and the right to force bakers to make them cakes for their ... gay weddings. They bring up gay marriage in economic threads, military and everything else. They equate blacks getting lynched and shot with water canons to gays not getting tax breaks. You'd think this is the greatest issue that ever faced mankind
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So with Islamic Extremists, liberals keep trying to defuse and blame religious extremism in general or even Christians who did the Crusades centuries ago. They bring up McVeigh who wasn't a Christian and didn't do it for religion as an endless counter example. The liberal media tries to hide the Muslim names of every Islamic nut job who murders or tries to murder more people. And they still want our border open even though Al Qaeda can fly to Mexico City and walk across our border.

Yet gay marriage, hat's their obsession in any gay thread, that and the right to force bakers to make them cakes for their ... gay weddings. They bring up gay marriage in economic threads, military and everything else. They equate blacks getting lynched and shot with water canons to gays not getting tax breaks. You'd think this is the greatest issue that ever faced mankind

Democrats are taking bribe money from terrorist states to act stupid......
So with Islamic Extremists, liberals keep trying to defuse and blame religious extremism in general or even Christians who did the Crusades centuries ago. They bring up McVeigh who wasn't a Christian and didn't do it for religion as an endless counter example. The liberal media tries to hide the Muslim names of every Islamic nut job who murders or tries to murder more people. And they still want our border open even though Al Qaeda can fly to Mexico City and walk across our border.

Yet gay marriage, hat's their obsession in any gay thread, that and the right to force bakers to make them cakes for their ... gay weddings. They bring up gay marriage in economic threads, military and everything else. They equate blacks getting lynched and shot with water canons to gays not getting tax breaks. You'd think this is the greatest issue that ever faced mankind
It's what happens when a political group PANDERS to 3% of the populace.
Democrats are taking bribe money from terrorist states to act stupid......

Based on the information coming out of Wisconsin, there is no difference between democrats and the Islamic terrorists anyway. The only real difference between Osama bin Laden and Milwaukee County Attorny General John Chisholm is that bin Laden is dead. Both are terrorist masterminds who represent the depths of depravity our species is capable of.
Neither. Climate change.

I was going to say the right.

But, I'll amend it to say the right's willful ignorance about climate change.

If we don't address that issue very aggressively, none of the others will matter a whit.

The greatest threat to America is campaign finance legislation that allows big money to rule.

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