What do the left consider the greatest threat to America?

What do the left consider the greatest threat to America?

  • Estremist Islamic terrorists who want to murder millions

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Thats the question---------is it legal or not? SCOTUS may make a ruling next month. If they rule against gay marriage will you shut up and accept the ruling of the highest court in the land?
No, why should I? The SCOTUS ruled on abortion and the right won't accept it. Freedom for all, remember??

So you only accept SCOTUS rulings if you agree with them? Got it.

Now, as to Roe v Wade and abortion. The SC said that abortion is legal, they did not say it was right or that it was not murder. We are free to continue to believe that it is murder and wrong in spite of that ruling, But we will abide by their ruling.

So, once again, if the SC rules against gay marriage will you abide by that ruling? Its a yes or no question.
Well, murder is illegal.

So yea, in legal terms, they quite clearly ruled that its not murder.

Wrong, talking to you libtards is like talking to a slug. you all have memorized the talking points but you don't even understand what they mean, pathetic.
That wasnt a response.

You said they made abortion legal but didnt rule if it was murder or not.

Clearly, and again I understand youre too daft to do nuance, murder is illegal - ipso facto what? Come on....you can do it!

Abortion is legal
Murder is illegal .. ......

Ipso facto they are saying what?

Try REALLY EXTRA hard on this one!

Roe v. Wade did not address whether abortion was murder or not, nor did it address whether an unborn human being was a human being capable of being murdered.

therefore your attempt at logic fails, but you are a lib so that comes as no surprise.
Marx, Lenin and Obama are your Gods, infallible as humans are and all
No, my gods are Michael Jordan and my wife.

Fail again, Counselor.

a basketball player for a god, not the least bit surprising.
A conservative that cant do nuance within conversation.

Equally, non surprising.

I get that you thought you were being clever----------but you were not. you were being nugatory.

Nugatory is what she is

nugatory and histrionic--------qualities found in all liberals.
Any yutz can offer the observation that x (whatever x might happen to be) has always been changing or has always been in the process of change. That's about as relevant as someone who's driving a car hard without doing proper maintenance remarking that all cars get old and all parts eventually wear out. While true, it doesn't alter the fact that not changing the oil regularly and driving a car hard will shorten its useful lifespan after causing expensive repairs along the way.

Of course humans can alter the climate if they alter the composition of the atmosphere in much the same way that humans can alter an ecosystem by polluting a lake, killing all the fish, and poisoning the wildlife in the food chain which just so happens to be what happened to the Great Lakes decades ago which is what ushered in environmental protection laws in the first place.

why is it that you libs can't understand the difference between pollution and climate change. Pollution is bad, pollution does not cause climate change.

See that big ball of fire in the sky? Its called the sun, it controls the climate of our planet, not whether we use incandescent bulbs or toxic curly bulbs made in china.

While conservative ignorance is nothing new, it IS a wonder to behold. I say that because the sun wouldn't and couldn't heat the Earth to a level that would allow life as we know it to flourish if it were not for greenhouse gases. Without CO2 in the atmosphere, the Earth would be several hundred degrees below zero. What that means is that messing with the NATURAL balance of CO2 by introducing massive quantities of the gas is potentially very dangerous once levels rise beyond a certain point. People have learned similar lessons on a local and regional level thought the introduction of too much salt on the roads to clear ice in the winter. It gets in the water table and can effect the ability of farmers to grow crops. They've found it out by over-fertilizing fields and discovered later that the run off could kill all the fish in lakes. They've found it out by clear cutting trees on mountains which ultimately led to mud slides due to the fact that no trees were there to soak up the water from the rains. It's called the law of unintended consequences because very often people don't clearly understand the ramifications of their actions. That's understandable. What's not understandable is why people continue on these paths once the dangers are known. That's just plain stupidity. That and greed.

thats all true. CO2 makes up .039% of the atmosphere. it is the same today as it was 100 million years ago.

Man is not causing the climate to change, man does not have that power. Try sunspots, a slight wobble on the earth's axis, ocean current variations. Those things affect climate, not using fossil fuels to improve the lives of human beings.


Man has the power to dig up buried carbon (what we today call fossil fuels) that's been buried (AND out of circulation in the atmosphere) for millions of years and reintroduce it into the environment. In fact, it's those fossil fuels that have enabled man to change the face of the planet on a massive scale never dreamed of before by replacing horse power with horsepower. This has allowed humans to create machines which in turn can be used to build ever larger machines, all of which burn the fossil fuels we've unearthed.

Now, with that said, what was the CO2 level 150 years ago?

.039%, just as it is today. Oh, it may have been .037%--------BFD. Man is not changing the climate the planet.

You fricken envirowackos said that the gulf would be dead from the BP oil spill, but its alive and safe and full of excellent fish, crabs, shrimp, and oysters, the beaches are clean and beautiful, the marsh has recovered, the birds are flying and reproducing----------in short, you are full of shit.

Of course your wrong. El surprise. While the CO2 rate is now above 400ppm, back around 1960, it was just barely above 300ppm.
And you guys just "embrace" people with whom you disagree, right? :lol:

The right follows the ideals of Voltaire "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight to the death to defend your right to say it."

The left follows the ideals of Hitlaire "I don't agree with what you have to say, so I will fight to the death to silence you."
And you guys just "embrace" people with whom you disagree, right? :lol:

The right follows the ideals of Voltaire "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight to the death to defend your right to say it."

The left follows the ideals of Hitlaire "I don't agree with what you have to say, so I will fight to the death to silence you."

The right thinks that Voltaire invented the volt meter.
And you guys just "embrace" people with whom you disagree, right? :lol:

The right follows the ideals of Voltaire "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight to the death to defend your right to say it."

The left follows the ideals of Hitlaire "I don't agree with what you have to say, so I will fight to the death to silence you."

Yeah, just like these right wingers:
Free Speech American Civil Liberties Union

So with Islamic Extremists, liberals keep trying to defuse and blame religious extremism in general or even Christians who did the Crusades centuries ago. They bring up McVeigh who wasn't a Christian and didn't do it for religion as an endless counter example. The liberal media tries to hide the Muslim names of every Islamic nut job who murders or tries to murder more people. And they still want our border open even though Al Qaeda can fly to Mexico City and walk across our border.

Yet gay marriage, hat's their obsession in any gay thread, that and the right to force bakers to make them cakes for their ... gay weddings. They bring up gay marriage in economic threads, military and everything else. They equate blacks getting lynched and shot with water canons to gays not getting tax breaks. You'd think this is the greatest issue that ever faced mankind
It's what happens when a political group PANDERS to 3% of the populace.

Vote for the party that panders to 3% of the populace, or the party that panders to 1%..

And you guys just "embrace" people with whom you disagree, right? :lol:

The right follows the ideals of Voltaire "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight to the death to defend your right to say it."

The left follows the ideals of Hitlaire "I don't agree with what you have to say, so I will fight to the death to silence you."

Yeah, just like these right wingers:
Free Speech American Civil Liberties Union

right wing book burnings - Google Search
And you guys just "embrace" people with whom you disagree, right? :lol:

The right follows the ideals of Voltaire "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight to the death to defend your right to say it."

The left follows the ideals of Hitlaire "I don't agree with what you have to say, so I will fight to the death to silence you."

Yeah, just like these right wingers:
Free Speech American Civil Liberties Union

right wing book burnings - Google Search

Are you Truth Matters?

Inquiring minds want to know...
So with Islamic Extremists, liberals keep trying to defuse and blame religious extremism in general or even Christians who did the Crusades centuries ago. They bring up McVeigh who wasn't a Christian and didn't do it for religion as an endless counter example. The liberal media tries to hide the Muslim names of every Islamic nut job who murders or tries to murder more people. And they still want our border open even though Al Qaeda can fly to Mexico City and walk across our border.

Yet gay marriage, hat's their obsession in any gay thread, that and the right to force bakers to make them cakes for their ... gay weddings. They bring up gay marriage in economic threads, military and everything else. They equate blacks getting lynched and shot with water canons to gays not getting tax breaks. You'd think this is the greatest issue that ever faced mankind

I get that this is a sarcastic thread, but I still want to answer it honestly.

I can't speak for all Democratic voters, but I completely agree that the greatest dangers to America are middle eastern threats.

I agree partially with what the Democratic leadership is saying when they tell us things like "Christians were just as bad at one time" and what not.
I mean, in my opinion, it is stupid to treat the religion 'Islam' as our enemy. 'Islam' isn't our enemy, the extremists are the enemy.
Same with the Crusades example. 'Christianity' wasn't the enemy. The people using Christianity to push their evil agenda was the enemy.

The more we treat 'Islam the religion' like it's the enemy, the less focused our actions will be on the people who actually are the enemy. That's just simple pragmatism. It's a lot easier to destroy a group of people than a 1,400 year old religion.

They shudder at the thought of having to point out that the people that want to kill us subscribe to Islamic beliefs.
I hate that PC bullshit.

Now as far as Gay Marriage goes, I don't see why it's even a political issue.
Government should have NOTHING to do with marriage, gay or straight.
But because government does have a hand in marriage, gay couples should be privileged to everything straight couples are.

Just my opinions.
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And you guys just "embrace" people with whom you disagree, right? :lol:

The right follows the ideals of Voltaire "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight to the death to defend your right to say it."

The left follows the ideals of Hitlaire "I don't agree with what you have to say, so I will fight to the death to silence you."

Yeah, just like these right wingers:
Free Speech American Civil Liberties Union

right wing book burnings - Google Search

Are you Truth Matters?

Inquiring minds want to know...
What is "Truth Matters"? Is that like "Media Matters" or something like that?
... free chics not knowing the difference between an easy store and a convenience store--they are such amateurs.
So with Islamic Extremists, liberals keep trying to defuse and blame religious extremism in general or even Christians who did the Crusades centuries ago. They bring up McVeigh who wasn't a Christian and didn't do it for religion as an endless counter example. The liberal media tries to hide the Muslim names of every Islamic nut job who murders or tries to murder more people. And they still want our border open even though Al Qaeda can fly to Mexico City and walk across our border.

Yet gay marriage, hat's their obsession in any gay thread, that and the right to force bakers to make them cakes for their ... gay weddings. They bring up gay marriage in economic threads, military and everything else. They equate blacks getting lynched and shot with water canons to gays not getting tax breaks. You'd think this is the greatest issue that ever faced mankind

I get that this is a sarcastic thread, but I still want to answer it honestly.

I can't speak for all Democratic voters, but I completely agree that the greatest dangers to America are middle eastern threats.

I agree partially with what the Democratic leadership is saying when they tell us things like "Christians were just as bad at one time" and what not.
I mean, in my opinion, it is stupid to treat the religion 'Islam' as our enemy. 'Islam' isn't our enemy, the extremists are the enemy.
Same with the Crusades example. 'Christianity' wasn't the enemy. The people using Christianity to push their evil agenda was the enemy.

The more we treat 'Islam the religion' like it's the enemy, the less focused our actions will be on the people who actually are the enemy. That's just simple pragmatism. It's a lot easier to destroy a group of people than a 1,400 year old religion.

They shudder at the thought of having to point out that the people that want to kill us subscribe to Islamic beliefs.
I hate that PC bullshit.

Now as far as Gay Marriage goes, I don't see why it's even a political issue.
Government should have NOTHING to do with marriage, gay or straight.
But because government does have a hand in marriage, gay couples should be privileged to everything straight couples are.

Just my opinions.

Thanked you for the first line. You are the first liberal who got it! I mean it was butt obvious, but they just don't.

I have a lot of other agreement with your post as well. Your point on marriage not being government at all I totally agree with.

With Christianity certainly I agree wibut the one part Christians have killed a lot of people too, and you acknowledged that was the past. You also said "partially." But I know of no time in history where Christians just intentionally murdered random civilians. Since you did say "partially" we may be saying the same thing
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What "idiocy" is that? My support of Freedom, Civil Liberties, the Bill of Rights, an intelligent primarily non-interventionist policy where we encourage friendly relations and trade? :)

Your filthy party is in an open and hot war to crush civil rights. One cannot support the Bill of Rights AND Barack Obama, it is an "either/or" situation. From using the IRS to intimated and harass political opponents, to using the criminal DOJ under Capo Holder to silence the "Little Sisters of the Poor," this administration has waged untold battles to deprive Americans of free speech, freedom of religion, and the right to be secure in their homes.

And just WHERE the fuck was the ACLU? Nowhere, because they are more interested in promoting party goals than defending liberty. Thank god for the ACLJ and REAL defenders of civil rights.

You DO grasp that civil rights accrue to all - not just to members of groups currently in the favor of the party, right?
So with Islamic Extremists, liberals keep trying to defuse and blame religious extremism in general or even Christians who did the Crusades centuries ago. They bring up McVeigh who wasn't a Christian and didn't do it for religion as an endless counter example. The liberal media tries to hide the Muslim names of every Islamic nut job who murders or tries to murder more people. And they still want our border open even though Al Qaeda can fly to Mexico City and walk across our border.

Yet gay marriage, hat's their obsession in any gay thread, that and the right to force bakers to make them cakes for their ... gay weddings. They bring up gay marriage in economic threads, military and everything else. They equate blacks getting lynched and shot with water canons to gays not getting tax breaks. You'd think this is the greatest issue that ever faced mankind

I get that this is a sarcastic thread, but I still want to answer it honestly.

I can't speak for all Democratic voters, but I completely agree that the greatest dangers to America are middle eastern threats.

I agree partially with what the Democratic leadership is saying when they tell us things like "Christians were just as bad at one time" and what not.
I mean, in my opinion, it is stupid to treat the religion 'Islam' as our enemy. 'Islam' isn't our enemy, the extremists are the enemy.
Same with the Crusades example. 'Christianity' wasn't the enemy. The people using Christianity to push their evil agenda was the enemy.

The more we treat 'Islam the religion' like it's the enemy, the less focused our actions will be on the people who actually are the enemy. That's just simple pragmatism. It's a lot easier to destroy a group of people than a 1,400 year old religion.

They shudder at the thought of having to point out that the people that want to kill us subscribe to Islamic beliefs.
I hate that PC bullshit.

Now as far as Gay Marriage goes, I don't see why it's even a political issue.
Government should have NOTHING to do with marriage, gay or straight.
But because government does have a hand in marriage, gay couples should be privileged to everything straight couples are.

Just my opinions.

Thanked you for the first line. You are the first liberal who got it! I mean it was butt obvious, but they just don't.

I have a lot of other agreement with your post as well. Your point on marriage not being government at all I totally agree with.

With Christianity certainly I agree wibut the one part Christians have killed a lot of people too, and you acknowledged that was the past. You also said "partially." But I know of no time in history where Christians just intentionally murdered random civilians. Since you did say "partially" we may be saying the same thing

Glad to see we agree on so much here! And I didn't read through the thread, but interesting! I thought everybody would catch the sarcasm haha

Yep, we are saying the same thing there as well. The 'partially' specifically was there because I definitely do not equate Islam at its worst with Christianity at its. I don't claim to know everything on the subject, but like you said, I personally know of NO point in history where the goal of a very large portion of Christians was to kill millions of random innocent civilians for their religion.
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