What do these Dems have against god?


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
These people are unreal. I hope she gets crushed on Nov 2

:under g-d was inserted into the pledge during the mccarthy era to weed out 'commies'.

why do you care?

and why do idiots think dems have anything against g-d?

Congresswoman condemns radical right-wing agenda of hate, intolerance and racism
St. Paul, MN -- Congresswoman Betty McCollum honors and respects the Pledge of Allegiance and believes the United States is one Nation under God. She has led the Pledge of Allegiance on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives numerous times as can be seen in these video links.

Conservatives are using an eight year old video clip to incite hate, racism, and intolerance among Tea Party Republicans. This right-wing effort to call into question Congresswoman McCollum's Christian faith, her belief in God, and her patriotism is blatantly anti-American and all too similar to the extremists who earlier this year mailed a soiled American flag to her Congressional office and threatened the Congresswoman with violence.

Congresswoman McCollum rejects this radical agenda and condemns the extremist tactics behind this poisonous political exploitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.

oh...and she's 30 points over her opponent and has been given a 100% chance of a win by fivethirtyeight.com

FiveThirtyEight House Election Forecasts and Polls - Election 2010 - The New York Times
October 26, 2010 -- McCollum Honors Pledge of Allegiance and ?One Nation Under God?
:under g-d was inserted into the pledge during the mccarthy era to weed out 'commies'.

why do you care?

and why do idiots think dems have anything against g-d?

Congresswoman condemns radical right-wing agenda of hate, intolerance and racism
St. Paul, MN -- Congresswoman Betty McCollum honors and respects the Pledge of Allegiance and believes the United States is one Nation under God. She has led the Pledge of Allegiance on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives numerous times as can be seen in these video links.

Conservatives are using an eight year old video clip to incite hate, racism, and intolerance among Tea Party Republicans. This right-wing effort to call into question Congresswoman McCollum's Christian faith, her belief in God, and her patriotism is blatantly anti-American and all too similar to the extremists who earlier this year mailed a soiled American flag to her Congressional office and threatened the Congresswoman with violence.

Congresswoman McCollum rejects this radical agenda and condemns the extremist tactics behind this poisonous political exploitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.

oh...and she's 30 points over her opponent and has been given a 100% chance of a win by fivethirtyeight.com

FiveThirtyEight House Election Forecasts and Polls - Election 2010 - The New York Times
October 26, 2010 -- McCollum Honors Pledge of Allegiance and ?One Nation Under God?

I care becouse part of the problem in Amerian society today is the attacks by the libs on the Judeo Christian moral values this country was founded on.. But I guess in the liberal mind thats all fine and dandy:cuckoo:
I care becouse part of the problem in Amerian society today is the attacks by the libs on the Judeo Christian moral values this country was founded on.. But I guess in the liberal mind thats all fine and dandy:cuckoo:

we were founded on many different POLITICAL philosophies.

some of the least moral people i've ever seen claim to be religious.

and btw.. . i believe in G-d... i'm not an atheist... and i really don't want people imposing their g-d on me and mine.

i also don't believe in false issues... like whether someone says 'under g-d'... or whether they stand at attention or put their hand over their heart.

i don't do fauxrage.
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I care becouse part of the problem in Amerian society today is the attacks by the libs on the Judeo Christian moral values this country was founded on.. But I guess in the liberal mind thats all fine and dandy:cuckoo:

we were founded on many different POLITICAL philosophies.

some of the least moral people i've ever seen claim to be religious.

and btw.. . i believe in G-d... i'm not an atheist... and i really don't want people imposing their g-d on me and mine.

i also don't believe in false issues... like whether someone says 'under g-d'... or whether they stand at attention or put their hand over their heart.

i don't do fauxrage.

Wrong we were founded by Christians, Based on Judeo Christian moral values and the premis of "God given rights "not rights granted by the government. Read the Constitution and the ferderalist papers.
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Congresswoman McCollum has led the Pledge of Allegiance on the House floor several times before. Check out her official website. It’s all there.
:under g-d was inserted into the pledge during the mccarthy era to weed out 'commies'.

why do you care?

and why do idiots think dems have anything against g-d?

Congresswoman condemns radical right-wing agenda of hate, intolerance and racism
St. Paul, MN -- Congresswoman Betty McCollum honors and respects the Pledge of Allegiance and believes the United States is one Nation under God. She has led the Pledge of Allegiance on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives numerous times as can be seen in these video links.

Conservatives are using an eight year old video clip to incite hate, racism, and intolerance among Tea Party Republicans. This right-wing effort to call into question Congresswoman McCollum's Christian faith, her belief in God, and her patriotism is blatantly anti-American and all too similar to the extremists who earlier this year mailed a soiled American flag to her Congressional office and threatened the Congresswoman with violence.

Congresswoman McCollum rejects this radical agenda and condemns the extremist tactics behind this poisonous political exploitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.
oh...and she's 30 points over her opponent and has been given a 100% chance of a win by fivethirtyeight.com

FiveThirtyEight House Election Forecasts and Polls - Election 2010 - The New York Times
October 26, 2010 -- McCollum Honors Pledge of Allegiance and ?One Nation Under God?

I care becouse part of the problem in Amerian society today is the attacks by the libs on the Judeo Christian moral values this country was founded on.. But I guess in the liberal mind thats all fine and dandy:cuckoo:
Actually, it was founded on Liberal values

You know, Locke, Hume, Jefferson...
I care becouse part of the problem in Amerian society today is the attacks by the libs on the Judeo Christian moral values this country was founded on.. But I guess in the liberal mind thats all fine and dandy:cuckoo:

we were founded on many different POLITICAL philosophies.

some of the least moral people i've ever seen claim to be religious.

and btw.. . i believe in G-d... i'm not an atheist... and i really don't want people imposing their g-d on me and mine.

i also don't believe in false issues... like whether someone says 'under g-d'... or whether they stand at attention or put their hand over their heart.

i don't do fauxrage.

Wrong we were founded by Christians, Based on Judeo Christian moral values and the premis of "God given rights "not rights granted by the government. Read the Constitution and the ferderalist papers.
what are the ferderalist papers?
:under g-d was inserted into the pledge during the mccarthy era to weed out 'commies'.

why do you care?

and why do idiots think dems have anything against g-d?

Congresswoman condemns radical right-wing agenda of hate, intolerance and racism
St. Paul, MN -- Congresswoman Betty McCollum honors and respects the Pledge of Allegiance and believes the United States is one Nation under God. She has led the Pledge of Allegiance on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives numerous times as can be seen in these video links.

Conservatives are using an eight year old video clip to incite hate, racism, and intolerance among Tea Party Republicans. This right-wing effort to call into question Congresswoman McCollum's Christian faith, her belief in God, and her patriotism is blatantly anti-American and all too similar to the extremists who earlier this year mailed a soiled American flag to her Congressional office and threatened the Congresswoman with violence.

Congresswoman McCollum rejects this radical agenda and condemns the extremist tactics behind this poisonous political exploitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.

oh...and she's 30 points over her opponent and has been given a 100% chance of a win by fivethirtyeight.com

FiveThirtyEight House Election Forecasts and Polls - Election 2010 - The New York Times
October 26, 2010 -- McCollum Honors Pledge of Allegiance and ?One Nation Under God?

I care becouse part of the problem in Amerian society today is the attacks by the libs on the Judeo Christian moral values this country was founded on.. But I guess in the liberal mind thats all fine and dandy:cuckoo:

Yeah, yeah yeah. Praise God, use His name a lot, hate 'em gays, preserve the fetus until he's out of the womb, then tell the mother to get a damn job and stop leeching off the taxpayers since we have corporations to feed. I read your "morals."
we were founded on many different POLITICAL philosophies.

some of the least moral people i've ever seen claim to be religious.

and btw.. . i believe in G-d... i'm not an atheist... and i really don't want people imposing their g-d on me and mine.

i also don't believe in false issues... like whether someone says 'under g-d'... or whether they stand at attention or put their hand over their heart.

i don't do fauxrage.

Wrong we were founded by Christians, Based on Judeo Christian moral values and the premis of "God given rights "not rights granted by the government. Read the Constitution and the ferderalist papers.
what are the ferderalist papers?

Perhaps the scrawlings of a man with a vision of green fields choking our landscape. Lots of deep, rich green fields. Or maybe the precedent to Hitler's doctrine. Not sure what.
:under g-d was inserted into the pledge during the mccarthy era to weed out 'commies'.

why do you care?

and why do idiots think dems have anything against g-d?

oh...and she's 30 points over her opponent and has been given a 100% chance of a win by fivethirtyeight.com

FiveThirtyEight House Election Forecasts and Polls - Election 2010 - The New York Times
October 26, 2010 -- McCollum Honors Pledge of Allegiance and ?One Nation Under God?

I care becouse part of the problem in Amerian society today is the attacks by the libs on the Judeo Christian moral values this country was founded on.. But I guess in the liberal mind thats all fine and dandy:cuckoo:

Yeah, yeah yeah. Praise God, use His name a lot, hate 'em gays, preserve the fetus until he's out of the womb, then tell the mother to get a damn job and stop leeching off the taxpayers since we have corporations to feed. I read your "morals."
they need live babies so they can grow up to be dead soldiers
I care becouse part of the problem in Amerian society today is the attacks by the libs on the Judeo Christian moral values this country was founded on.. But I guess in the liberal mind thats all fine and dandy:cuckoo:

we were founded on many different POLITICAL philosophies.

some of the least moral people i've ever seen claim to be religious.

and btw.. . i believe in G-d... i'm not an atheist... and i really don't want people imposing their g-d on me and mine.

i also don't believe in false issues... like whether someone says 'under g-d'... or whether they stand at attention or put their hand over their heart.

i don't do fauxrage.

Wrong we were founded by Christians, Based on Judeo Christian moral values and the premis of "God given rights "not rights granted by the government. Read the Constitution and the ferderalist papers.

not 'wrong'. but i'll be sure to take your declaration that i am for what it's worth.

we were founded by some christians... mostly deists.

and none of them wanted christianity to govern this country.

but if you were a student of political philosophy, you'd know exactly where they derived the concepts on which the country was founded.

the federalists papers are political philosophy like anything else... and have no binding authority as law.

i've read the constitution a few times... they pretty much required that when i went to law school.

and there is nothing...zero... zilch... nada... in the constitution that indicates we are a 'christian' society.

thanks though.
Thank God we're not a xtian nation. Xtians are the most violent people in all of history.

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