What do those who have spent time turning over Roe vs Wade do now they were successful?

The difference is Democrats want to murder children in the womb.
While the Republicans believe children have value both inside and outside the womb.
You show your stupidity with every post. All Republicans are not anti-abortion and all Democrats are not pro-abortion. 30% of each party do not agree with their party on the issue.

You posted a very simple, stupid statement that is not true. If you have a simple mind it should be expected.
You show your stupidity with every post. All Republicans are not anti-abortion and all Democrats are not pro-abortion. 30% of each party do not agree with their party on the issue.

You posted a very simple, stupid statement that is not true. If you have a simple mind it should be expected.
Link to your 30% source please.
You show your stupidity with every post. All Republicans are not anti-abortion and all Democrats are not pro-abortion. 30% of each party do not agree with their party on the issue.

You posted a very simple, stupid statement that is not true. If you have a simple mind it should be expected.
My point is focus on all children. Too many anti-abortion advocates ignore the children after they leave the womb. They are hypocrites. As a male I feel, abortion rights are a women's issue. It is sad that old men have such a large say.
There are some like that to be sure. Political hyperbole aside (I will include myself in that) The argument seems to be centering around the defining life from a medical and legal standpoint. When heart and brain activity cease that person is declared legally and medically dead, unless said person is on an artificial life support machine. That being the case should not life begin with heart and brain activity in the fetus? That would be a few weeks after conception if memory serves and that would be what I would define as being on natural life support or something to that effect. Just a thought.
This is a classic example in civics, constitutional law, and states rights, furthermore, discloses the ignorance of voters, and how propaganda works. Let me help some of you, prior to 1971
R v W 20 states approved abortions, 30 did not. Federal funding for abortions did not exist. States, as well independent foundations, did provide family planning financial assistance, however, most people personally paid the expense. Post 1971 abortion became institutionalized thanks to political and government support. Margaret Sanger firmly believed abortion was the cure for controlling feeble minded segments of the population, in short a racist. Only during and shortly after the 1930 depression, which witnessed many well educated segments of the population forced into marginalized employment did the myth and premise of her theory evaporate.
So it’s a return to states, thus the electorate within that state, to decide.
What do those who have spent time turning over Roe vs Wade do now they were successful? They should spend time making sure there are good resources to support all children who are not receiving proper resources from family.
Focus must not only on the unborn but on all children.
Those who ignore children once they leave the womb are the worst.
Actually now is the time to reinforce the notion of personal responsibility for the outcomes of one's choices. Rather than the Marxist notion of hoisting the burdens of bad decision makers onto the shoulders of those who make better decisions.
Actually now is the time to reinforce the notion of personal responsibility for the outcomes of one's choices. Rather than the Marxist notion of hoisting the burdens of bad decision makers onto the shoulders of those who make better decisions.
I agree. If you're not married the sperm donors are castrated. No right to privacy, government can do what it wants.
If Liberals aren't killing children they are selling them off in sex trafficking or having sex with them on pedo billionaire private islands, it seems.

The Liberal attitude towards children has typically been," Fuck the children". And even in the interpretation of that mantra they remain quite Liberal..
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Resources? The left wing logic is that we could continue to slaughter the unborn because of lack of resources for the parents? O.K. then, nobody who earns a decent salary should be qualified for an abortion.
I agree. If you're not married the sperm donors are castrated. No right to privacy, government can do what it wants.
Again... In typical Liberal fashion, you want to put the responsibility for your bad decisions, on someone else's shoulders. Typical really. It's at the core of every policy modern feminists push. So much for all that stunning, and brave, "don't need no man, just equality", full independent agency. Turns out it was a disposable notion after all; and they do need men to be their care takers, and take responsibility for them. Hmmm
Like children. Large dangerous children...
I wouldn't let a large dangerous child vote. Would you?

Again... In typical Liberal fashion, you want to put the responsibility for your bad decisions, on someone else's shoulders. Typical really. It's at the core of every policy modern feminists push. So much for all that stunning, and brave, "don't need no man, just equality", full independent agency. Turns out it was a disposable notion after all; and they do need men to be their care takers, and take responsibility for them. Hmmm
Like children. Large dangerous children...
I wouldn't let a large dangerous child vote. Would you?

Sounds like you're scared you can't control yourself.
Those who ignore children once they leave the womb are the worst.
And conservatives are the worst.

Overturning Roe is just the start – emboldened, the neo-fascist, authoritarian right will continue to attack the rights of gay and transgender Americans, the voting rights of minorities, and the due process rights of immigrants.
Anyone who thinks the law of the land will be that 'all abortions are illegal' for very long?
Is staggeringly ignorant and probably stupid to boot.

Some abortions should be illegal.
And some should be legal.
That is the way it should be.
And that is - one day - how it will be.
What do those who have spent time turning over Roe vs Wade do now they were successful? They should spend time making sure there are good resources to support all children who are not receiving proper resources from family.
Focus must not only on the unborn but on all children.
Those who ignore children once they leave the womb are the worst.
Overturning roe doesn't make abortion illegal. It will let states decide. There will always be a place one can go for an abortion, and if you're worried about cost, I promise, if this goes through, there will be no shortage of leftist groups raising money to fly people who want abortions to states where abortions are legal.

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