What do those who have spent time turning over Roe vs Wade do now they were successful?

What do those who have spent time turning over Roe vs Wade do now they were successful? They should spend time making sure there are good resources to support all children who are not receiving proper resources from family.
Focus must not only on the unborn but on all children.
Those who ignore children once they leave the womb are the worst.

These people have zero interest in helping these children once they leave the womb. The parents who couldn't afford to have the child in the first place are just left on their own to deal with the "consequences" of their behaviour.

Their focus is now on getting a nation wide ban on all abortions. Then they're going to work on gay marriage.
What do those who have spent time turning over Roe vs Wade do now they were successful? They should spend time making sure there are good resources to support all children who are not receiving proper resources from family.
Focus must not only on the unborn but on all children.
Those who ignore children once they leave the womb are the worst.
So this means we totally dismiss with the ideas of personal and parental responsibility?

I'm fine with taking children from bad parents even if that means we go back to having orphanages.

Charity run Orphanages work pretty well.

There's always that nasty ole thing whereby women might just take responsibility for themselves and either not screw around with trash or at least not do so without using contraception.
'It's a done deal...move on' should be the answer. The truth is the decision will have to be defended / protected from every liberal extremist law suit, court packing ploy, and attempt to negate the decision.

Don't worry about the lawyers - they will still make tons of money.
You can't sue the SCOTUS.

Court packing however is something we do have to guard against. The larger you make the court the more prone it is to political influence.
Oh there will be. The very minute the court hands down their decision trigger laws in all the states you would expect instantly go into effect banning abortion outright. Soon after that republicans will start working on banning it at the national level. Keep up.
Is idiocy and panic mongering a full time profession now?

Right now that's a total of 13 states and those outright bans will almost certainly be repealed and replaced with less restrictive abortion law before November.
Maybe we can remind the Libtards that all abortions won't be illegal...

Even "late term" ones!!!

So if they get too distraught, they can feel free to abort themselves!!!
Late term abortion except in cases of emergencies are probably going to be outlawed in a lot of states and should be.
First of all Roe is not overturned, this was just a leaked opinion from 1 justice. IF (operative word) Roe is overturned abortion is NOT banned or illegal or anything like that. Its a matter for the states.
Actually it's a draft majority opinion that was being shared with the other justices so they could concur or for those that voted the other way to help them in drafting their dissents.
Marriage is a states issue. The Supreme Court needs to get back on the porch. Marriage and abortion are state issues.
Marriage historically in the US is the union of one man and one woman, that is what should have been affirmed by the courts.

Civil unions for gays or anyone else would take care of any question of rights and that should be long to the states.
It does not matter about party. ALL CHILDREN should be our priority not just those in the womb. Those who only focus on in the womb are huge hypocrites.
Caring about children though doesn't mean that all of society is responsible for raising them.

That first and foremost is the duty of the parents and has been the bar for most of human history.
I think reversing Griswald would come after outlawing gay marriage. God wants us to procreate.
The world is already overpopulated, I don't think God wants us to keep overpopulating.

Just wait for the famine that is almost certainly going to result from the lack of fertilizer and grains that won't be exported from Ukraine and Russia this year.
My point is focus on all children. Too many anti-abortion advocates ignore the children after they leave the womb. They are hypocrites. As a male I feel, abortion rights are a women's issue. It is sad that old men have such a large say.
There's no truth in this claim.

We don't have group rights either or rights based on sex, we all get to determine what the laws of the country will be. Our constitution forbids such exclusions.
What do those who have spent time turning over Roe vs Wade do now they were successful? They should spend time making sure there are good resources to support all children who are not receiving proper resources from family.
Focus must not only on the unborn but on all children.
Those who ignore children once they leave the womb are the worst.
Are there any life decisions you don’t want everyone else to pay for or take care of? Holy shit.
wants soldiers to die in Ukraine fighting Russia for Zelensky,
They aren't fighting for Zelensky, they are fighting for their lives and the right of self determination.

All we're doing along with our allies is giving them the means to continue doing so for as long as they are willing to fight.
There was for fifty years. Elections will be fun this year.
A complete fabrication of the court because it was never in The Constitution.

There are only very limited privacy rights written into or even alluded to our constitution. The right to abortion was never among them.
There are some like that to be sure. Political hyperbole aside (I will include myself in that) The argument seems to be centering around the defining life from a medical and legal standpoint. When heart and brain activity cease that person is declared legally and medically dead, unless said person is on an artificial life support machine. That being the case should not life begin with heart and brain activity in the fetus? That would be a few weeks after conception if memory serves and that would be what I would define as being on natural life support or something to that effect. Just a thought.
To justify the ruling in Roe the court invented a convoluted definition of "personhood".

They declared that since the unborn are not, "legal persons" they have no rights.

With the overturning of Roe we'll finally be able to address the issue of personhood once and for all.

The court should find a case to accept for the purposes of redefining personhood and when rights apply.

Under Roe there's a very strong argument that we should be able to kill anyone that isn't "conscious" for a prolonged period of time and there have been several big court battles over that point over the years.
And conservatives are the worst.

Overturning Roe is just the start – emboldened, the neo-fascist, authoritarian right will continue to attack the rights of gay and transgender Americans, the voting rights of minorities, and the due process rights of immigrants.

More leftists hysterics. Good stuff!

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