What do we take for the granted the most?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2017
Pittsburgh, PA
My Sr. year in high school went by faster then any other year of school.
My favorite teacher was Mr. Lawrence, He was my Law and economic teacher.
My last day all The Seniors decided to leave early, I was on probation and was hesitant to leave not knowing how my probation officer would react.

When I decided I was going to leave with the rest of my class, I was little late so I was the only one in the halls on my way out the door. I ran into Mr. Lawrence to say goodbye, and I asked him, "Mr. Lawrence, do you have any last advice for me?". He said, "You are one of the brightest kids I have ever taught, I taught you everything I know, you even taught me things this year. All I have left to say is, the older you get the more people start to die." I looked at him, "are you serious?". I wasn't expecting that response. He then said, "High school is full of memories and adventure. You make friends, you learn, and you begin to develop into the person you are going to be. Some of your favorite memories were made during high school. You met some people you will know for the rest of your life. People that were once your friend, you may never see again. You don't think to much about death during these years, and as time goes on and the older you get, the more people that you know will start to die." I never thought of it that way.

When we are young we don't think about death that often. Throughout the years of school some might loose a grand parent, an uncle, or an aunt, maybe even a parent. Every so often, on a rare occasion there might be a kid you go to school with dies.

For the most part, death is In the back of our minds. We tend to take our parents and loved ones for granted, and don't realize they can be here today and gone tomorrow. Time is taken granted the most.

My teacher was right, the older I got, more and more people that I knew or knew at some point started to die. ! day after graduation a friend of mine died in a motorcycle accident. The 12 years after graduation I lost 4 buddies due to motorcycle accidents. There were several people that I went to school with that has died within the 12 years since graduation. I'm sure there are more that have passed away that I am aware of.

Loved ones also begin to die. I have lost My grandma and my great aunt her sister that have been in my life forever.

I am 30 years old now, when I was 25 I had a bit of a scare and reality hit me dead on in the face. My mother had a massive tumor extending off her ovaries and she needed immediate surgery. At the same time My dad fell and fractured a vertebrate. The whole time I thought I was going to loose my mother. The day we found out that the tumor was benign and she will be fine, we found out my dad had stage 4 kidney cancer and died 3 months later. During those 3 months the doctor had us all thinking that if the medicine they were trying to get his insurance to approve, he will have another 5 years, if the medicine didn't get approved he would have 2-3 years. So the whole time he was in a nursing home to rehabilitate. we think hes coming home. well he didn't.

I didn't have the best relationship with my father and when we found out that he may only have 2-3 years left, I decided I will make up all those years we weren't close and build a bond and relationship with him. Well I was to late and never got the chance to.

In my late teens and early 20s I knew I shouldn't of treated him the way I did and put him through everything I did. No matter how bad I treated him, no matter what I put him through, he was always there and had my back. I always wanted to say sorry for everything and have that father son bond. But I always put it off, thinking I had time. Never Thought about my dad dying, I thought he had many years. Well I didn't. You never think it will happen to you.

Now I live everyday regretting not fixing things with my father. He didn't deserve the way I treated him. He made sure there was a roof over our head, food on the table, clothes on our back, and always had my back when I got in trouble.

So I think we take for granted to most, is our parents and time.
This board is another one. Trust me on that. I went on walkabout this past week. Found a couple of places I really liked. I thought. Wrong. So...I came back. The members of this board need to thank staff and FF for their leniency in what they allow. Which is why the Pinked always tries to sneak back in. There IS no other place.
My Sr. year in high school went by faster then any other year of school.
As goes the rapidity with which years pass, get used to it. As one ages, each year becomes increasingly brief. That phenomenon is part of why it's essential to live each day as though it might be one's last.
My last day all The Seniors decided to leave early, I was on probation and was hesitant to leave not knowing how my probation officer would react....I decided I was going to leave with the rest of my class.
Wow! I don't have anything to say about your having as a high schooler been on probation. I'm just surprised that your "better judgment" was telling you skipping out was probably not a good idea and that wasn't enough to spur you to "get over" the prospect of doing it.

I don't particularly want to know anything about the circumstances of your probation or your skipping out or what your probation officer thought/said about it. I'm merely observing how different yours and my and my kids frames of mind were at that point in our respective lives. When I was in "hot water" and knew it, there was no way I'd toy with notions of exacerbating the situation. I simply would not have entertained the idea of skipping out of school were I to have been on the sort of probation that has a probation officer. I know that because when I was in less official, shall we say, form of "hot water," I didn't entertain such risks.

All I have left to say is, the older you get the more people start to die." I looked at him, "are you serious?". I wasn't expecting that response.

Yeah, well, I too wasn't expecting that turn of topic when I encountered it in your OP. LOL
I think we take for granted to most, is our parents and time.
Time? Most certainly. Parents? I don't know. I think at some points in our lives we do, but I think too that most folks move on to appreciate them before it's too late. On occasion, however, I've encountered some parents who are scum there's really little to nothing to appreciate about them.
My last day all The Seniors decided to leave early, I was on probation and was hesitant to leave not knowing how my probation officer would react....I decided I was going to leave with the rest of my class.
Wow! I don't have anything to say about your having as a high schooler been on probation. I'm just surprised that your "better judgment" was telling you skipping out was probably not a good idea and that wasn't enough to spur you to "get over" the prospect of doing it.

I don't particularly want to know anything about the circumstances of your probation or your skipping out or what your probation officer thought/said about it. I'm merely observing how different yours and my and my kids frames of mind were at that point in our respective lives. When I was in "hot water" and knew it, there was no way I'd toy with notions of exacerbating the situation. I simply would not have entertained the idea of skipping out of school were I to have been on the sort of probation that has a probation officer. I know that because when I was in less official, shall we say, form of "hot water," I didn't entertain such risks.

All I have left to say is, the older you get the more people start to die." I looked at him, "are you serious?". I wasn't expecting that response.

Yeah, well, I too wasn't expecting that turn of topic when I encountered it in your OP. LOL
When I turned 13 I was introduced to many things. I began to smoke cigarettes, weed, alcohol, and lost my virginity at the age of 13. I guess you can say I fell victim to peer pressure. I hung out with the wrong crowd. Me and few kids my age hung out with older kids and had friends that were over the age of 21. I also had girlfriends who their mother or father would get us a bottle alcohol if I bought them 1.
When I was 16 I started to smoke weed and cigarettes daily, I would drink more then a couple times a week. I started to get in more and more trouble.
Well at the age of 17 I committed a crime that landed 3 felony 1s 3 misdemeanor 1s on my record. The nature of the crime was so violent and since I was 17 I got certified as an adult. I eventually was able to get a lawyer to get me back in the juvenile court. As an adult I would have been sentenced 7-14 years, as a juvenile I did 21 months in a boot camp.
And honestly that was the best thing to ever happen to me. If I never would of got caught, especially at the age before there is a huge difference in punishments for your actions, I might of ended up dead or is prison for a very long time. I might not of graduated high school, for the fact I got kicked out of school and had to go to an alternative school.
I learned so much during those 21 months that I may have never known. That was for sure a reality check. I got a second chance, and the ability to stand up for myself and not worry about being accepted by kids, the wrong kids at that.
I also got in the best shape of my life.
But I am grateful to get a second chance at life, and I believe if I never got that chance I wouldn't be where I am and who I am today.
I got out of the boot camp right at the beginning of my SR. year and had to complete a year and a half of probation
My Sr. year in high school went by faster then any other year of school.
As goes the rapidity with which years pass, get used to it. As one ages, each year becomes increasingly brief. That phenomenon is part of why it's essential to live each day as though it might be one's last.
O I know. The seconds, minutes, hours, days, and weeks go slow. Months and years go by fast, and it seem each year went by faster then the last.
This board is another one. Trust me on that. I went on walkabout this past week. Found a couple of places I really liked. I thought. Wrong. So...I came back. The members of this board need to thank staff and FF for their leniency in what they allow. Which is why the Pinked always tries to sneak back in. There IS no other place.
For what it's worth, Gracie, I'm glad you're here.

And you're right, the mods give us a lot of slack. That's the best part of hanging out here, imo.

Yay, Mods !!
Thank you, Monk. Seeing nice things said to me for a change is always welcome. It makes my heart happy. Which is rare nowadays. :)

And yes. This place is better now that I did my walkabout and know that no other board allows what USMB staff lets slide.
Hey there Gracie! I'm pretty new to this site. Just a little over a month now. I heard talk about walkabouts but never really looked into it. Do you mind if I ask how was your experience on the walkabout you adventured on? What was your purpose? Did you learn or find what you are seeking?
"The only people who think there's a time limit for grief,
have never lost a piece of their heart.

Take all the time you need."
Hey there Gracie! I'm pretty new to this site. Just a little over a month now. I heard talk about walkabouts but never really looked into it. Do you mind if I ask how was your experience on the walkabout you adventured on? What was your purpose? Did you learn or find what you are seeking?
It was fun hunting. Kept me occupied for a few days. Was looking for a place similar to this board but with no cess pit. I found three. Two I am still at periodically, one I left permanently.
I learned that staff here is much more lenient and more fair when it comes to the rules. The rules are clear and precise and easy to understand here...where the one I left permanently was just WEIRD.
I came back because I have friends here and I missed them. I just had to make adjustments on what I would tolerate and what I would not. If I don't hang out with low lifes in real life, why would I give them my attention on a message board? So...I put a shitload on iggie.
I'm a happy camper now. And I appreciate staff more for what they do here what with all the bullshit they have to deal with..and the abuse heaped on them.
There is no other board out there like this one.
The two I still wander to now and then...one is great, but very quiet. The other is ok, but I don't consider it "home".

Hope that answered your questions. :)

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