What Do You Think About A Female President?


Active Member
Nov 24, 2014
Do you agree with those, who say that politicians should only be vehicle to put in certain policies and a policy is going to affect your life, not a face? Do you think that anyone who can do the job and is willing to do it is acceptable as a candidate? I'm not talking about Hillary, by the way.
i would love to have a female president..., if one can be found with more brains and beauty than a half ripe tomato. :lmao:
Do you agree with those, who say that politicians should only be vehicle to put in certain policies and a policy is going to affect your life, not a face? Do you think that anyone who can do the job and is willing to do it is acceptable as a candidate? I'm not talking about Hillary, by the way.
It really doesn't matter whether we have a male or a female president, as long as the person is pro-America, honest, of high morals and ethics, and puts America and her citizens FIRST. One that was determined to expose corruption in government, and restore integrity to the political system. One that actually gave a voice to the citizens, and equally, fairly, and justly represented ALL Americans.
Do you agree with those, who say that politicians should only be vehicle to put in certain policies and a policy is going to affect your life, not a face? Do you think that anyone who can do the job and is willing to do it is acceptable as a candidate? I'm not talking about Hillary, by the way.

I am not voting for a female candidate "just because," She has to win my vote the way any candidate does.
Do you agree with those, who say that politicians should only be vehicle to put in certain policies and a policy is going to affect your life, not a face? Do you think that anyone who can do the job and is willing to do it is acceptable as a candidate? I'm not talking about Hillary, by the way.
It really doesn't matter whether we have a male or a female president, as long as the person is pro-America, honest, of high morals and ethics, and puts America and her citizens FIRST. One that was determined to expose corruption in government, and restore integrity to the political system. One that actually gave a voice to the citizens, and equally, fairly, and justly represented ALL Americans.

That last part is not going to happen, because our system of government is not set up to represent everybody. No government is. No government can, in practical terms, represent all its citizens.
I don't believe in voting for someone simply to make history. I would rather have a candidate that has proven to have made executive decisions and has a history of working under a budget, such as a governor. Perhaps we can at least find one that is willing to work hard across the aisle to get things done, to make leadership decisions and suggestions. Who will not use the media to illustrate all their "drama" which only incite further divisions that are counterproductive to getting the job done. Rather they have the natural leadership character and ability to draw opposing views together to bring about solutions.

I would also support a candidate that isn't afraid to stand up against those who kill and continue to threaten Americans abroad. An individual who can make secure strong decisions, rather than finding a way to back themselves out of one. Where tough talk can match that individual's resolve to be respected and taken seriously.

If that person happens to be a man or a woman should not the determining factor we base our decisions on.

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