What do you think of Trump admin. banning E-cigs?

I wonder if vaping can the real cause of this Trump Derangement Syndrome mental illness?

I'm sure you are amazed, and I'm also sure you are always astonished, astounded, surprised, bewildered, flabbergasted, stupefied, aghast, dumbfounded, dazed, perplexed and confused.

Vaping has caused some serious illness for people that nobody ever knew was going to happen.

Isn't it possible that vaping is the also the cause of the national mental health epidemic of Trump Derangement Syndrome? You know, destroying the mind? Don't you think it is worthwhile to do more studies? You know, for the health of the public? You stupid Moon Bats are always looking for excuses for the government to interfere in our lives so don't you think this is a good candidate to investigate?

Something abnormal is causing the TDS mental illness among you stupid Moon Bats. We should find out if it is the consequence of vaping.

Sanity and reality are just like specks on the horizon from where you are, aren't they?

Vaping has really destroyed your mind, hasn't it?

Come talk to me when you're capable of having a conversation without trying to shoehorn "Liberals!!! Aaaaughhhh!!! Stop attacking TRUMP!!!" into it, Tinfoil Hat.
Sucking crap into your lungs is stupid regardless of the substance.

Banning things because you consider them "stupid" is far more stupid.
Missed the nanny state post did ya?

ETA Well crap, that post isn’t in this thread. ANYWAY, I oppose nanny state interference in how people live their lives. Just pointing out that abusing your lungs is dumb.

Didn't ask, now that you told me without being invited, don't care.

I am aware that you're not a nanny-state guy. Also not overly a fan of people who feel the need to form and express personal opinions about things which haven't been asked, either directly or indirectly. People who vape have not, in fact, asked anyone's fucking input into it, but every-fucking-body feels compelled to weigh in on "Well, I think it's stupid to do that." Okay, I think it's stupid to assume people care what you think.
Ecigs have not been banned. Why not just ban THC vapes. That's what's killing teens.

Nothing has been banned yet and Trump so far is only talking flavored vapes.

So your position is, "Don't get upset until it's too late", and "it's ONLY this one thing, and I think you shouldn't care".

Newflash, DebbieDumber, it's ALL flavored. Did you fucking think there were people out there vaping plain nicotine solution?
That would be impossible to do.....but you don't get less attention from kids with flavors like bubblegum...do ya?....

So what you're telling me is that adults shouldn't be able to get things that they like if kids like them as well? That anything kids like is automatically targeted at them, rather than JUST POSSIBLY targeted at adults with the same tastes?
No...what I'm saying is lets not kid ourselves they are trying to attract young people so they can have lifetime customers....like cigarettes and booze...remember candy cigarettes and boons farm wine?...I never said they should be illegal for adults....but how many adults do you know that suck on bubble gum vapes?....

Who is "they", precisely? That's an awfully vague generalization for such a specific accusation of motive to apply.

Bubble gum flavor is a straw man, since it's not a hugely popular flavor of vape, as far as I know. According to all three of the vape shops I buy from, their two most popular flavors, by far, are Skittles and sour gummies. And all three shops sell only to legal adults; I have seen them card people who look younger than 30 just like the supermarket does, and turn people away who couldn't produce sufficient ID. So I'm gonna say there are a LOT of adults who vape candy flavors.

If you're still unconvinced, try going up to adults who are vaping and asking, "What flavor you using?" Every damned one of them - probably especially the females - is going to say something which would be equally appealing to kids, because - NEWSFLASH! - grownups don't like Brussels sprouts and dogshit-flavored stuff any more than kids do.

LOL they meaning

Who is "they", precisely? That's an awfully vague generalization for such a specific accusation of motive to apply
They = the companies making and selling the vapes....and don't give me "probably" show me one adult that vapes candy flavored vapes....I never said you souldn't be able to buy one but lets not lie to ourselves....candy flavoring is to attract young people...by young people I am including 20 somethings...and why do you go to brussel sprouts?....tobacco flavoring is the desired flavor for adults...brussel sprouts...lmao.....

Yeah, uh, there's a long, wide spectrum in those "companies" you blithely reference. I get that people who know nothing about vaping think it's all those shitty little disposables made mostly by tobacco companies and sold at supermarkets. It's not. Take me, for example. My hardware is made by a company which works exclusively in designing and manufacturing vape mods, and is a subsidiary of a computer company. My e-juice is manufactured and sold by a locally-owned small business. They, too, are among the "those companies" you carelessly make generalizations about.

How am I supposed to "show" you an adult who vapes candy flavors, scan in a picture of one? The only time I said "probably" was when I expressed the opinion the women are more likely to like candy and dessert flavors than men. Everything else was reporting my own actual experiences and those of people who work in this industry. Their customers are all adults, and their best sellers are candy flavors.

If you can't handle the basic common sense of "candy flavors aren't targeting kids because kids aren't the only people who like candy", then that's on you, but don't you fucking DARE to casually call ME a liar on the basis of what you don't want to deal with.

And don't try that "inflate the numbers by casually sliding in adults" BS, either. You said "marketing to kids", and you don't get to try to retroactively make yourself correct by saying, "Oh, I was including people in their 20s".

Tobacco is NOT the "desired flavor for adults". It may be the flavor YOU desire them to have, but it's a pretty niche choice for adults who vape in terms of sales volume.
Good for you...vape away....kill yourself...do you know what nicotine does when it enters your blood stream?...it collects and binds clots together reducing the efficiency of your heart...it can cause heart attacks in relatively young people...think of nicotine as glue flowing through your blood vessels....so knock yourself out...like I said I do not favor making it illegal...I favor giving all the information we have to everyone.....and I don't want this to be an attraction for young people...but you have every right to be a knucklehead....
Ecigs have not been banned. Why not just ban THC vapes. That's what's killing teens.

Nothing has been banned yet and Trump so far is only talking flavored vapes.

So your position is, "Don't get upset until it's too late", and "it's ONLY this one thing, and I think you shouldn't care".

Newflash, DebbieDumber, it's ALL flavored. Did you fucking think there were people out there vaping plain nicotine solution?

No they're not all flavored dip shit.
You do understand that vaping was created to be an alternative to tobacco smoking, and to help people quit doing that, right?
Where did you get that idea? vaping as we know it today (i.e. solid state devices with nicotine added to the consumable) wasn't created to help people quit tobacco smoking, it was created and (very successfully) marketed to expand the market for nicotine delivery devices, why do you think vaping has such a large user base that have never been tobacco smokers? It's was a brilliant product idea to counter the growing anti-tobacco sentiment among consumers, that's why the Big Tobacco companies bought up nearly the entire market, it's their future cash cow.

And it works for a lot of those people where nothing else has. You don't consider quitting smoking to be helpful?

Not when the mechanism is only somewhat less destructive, still as expensive as tobacco and is heavily marketed to children to the point that they mistakenly think that it's "safe", at this point we're still unsure of all the health risks but anecdotal evidence suggests that long term use can lead to serious pulmonary and heart issues.

On balance that isn't "helpful" IMHO, especially given that there are alternative NRT's that have plenty of research to indicate that they're safer as well as effective and the MOST effective treatments for quitting tobacco smoking appear to be low-cost, cold turkey type therapy (i.e. Allen Carr).
Nicotine isn't always added. Many people who vape don't use nicotine at all. I don't. I have not used nicotine in many years.

I did quit cold turkey years ago. I quit for a couple of years. I never liked it and finally just gave up. Cold turkey just wasn't that effective. I don't see any marketing to children of vape products. Where is it?

This reminds me of the idiocy years ago over saccharine. People used saccharine as a sweetner. It kept them away from sugar. To hear the experts tell it, the dead bodies of saccharine users were lining the streets. The product was banned. Then the same experts said it was a mistake saccharine was perfectly safe.

This is just more of the same nonsense.

Some woman made the mistake of lecturing my sister on the "eeeevils" of artificial sweeteners in the supermarket once (my sister is diabetic). My sister looked at her like a piece of dog shit on her shoe and said, "Beats having a foot amputated. Fuck off."
Regarding making vape ILLEGAL....Kids sit around in groups and literally compete to see how much how fast they can throw that shit into their lungs. Kids are idiots and they'll do stupid things until they die, it's a universal truth and always has been.

MONITOR YOUR KIDS' ONLINE AND OFFLINE ACTIVITIES if you want them not to die from something STUPID.

My kids are out of it now, I yanked their asses out of traditional school and took their phones. They hate me for it, I think I saved their lives.

Let me get this straight. You're actually suggesting that parents should be responsible for their own children, rather than simply having the government ban everything until their little savages are totally safe?

No of course not! That would be crazy! How can you entertain even a fleeting thought that people should raise their kids as they like...and the state should keep out of it?
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Ecigs have not been banned. Why not just ban THC vapes. That's what's killing teens.

Nothing has been banned yet and Trump so far is only talking flavored vapes.

So your position is, "Don't get upset until it's too late", and "it's ONLY this one thing, and I think you shouldn't care".

Newflash, DebbieDumber, it's ALL flavored. Did you fucking think there were people out there vaping plain nicotine solution?

No they're not all flavored dip shit.

And now you're going to give me an example of unflavored vape juice.

Or you're going to admit that on this, as on every topic you flap your gums about, you're clueless.

Your choice.
Where did you get that idea? vaping as we know it today (i.e. solid state devices with nicotine added to the consumable) wasn't created to help people quit tobacco smoking, it was created and (very successfully) marketed to expand the market for nicotine delivery devices, why do you think vaping has such a large user base that have never been tobacco smokers? It's was a brilliant product idea to counter the growing anti-tobacco sentiment among consumers, that's why the Big Tobacco companies bought up nearly the entire market, it's their future cash cow.

Not when the mechanism is only somewhat less destructive, still as expensive as tobacco and is heavily marketed to children to the point that they mistakenly think that it's "safe", at this point we're still unsure of all the health risks but anecdotal evidence suggests that long term use can lead to serious pulmonary and heart issues.

On balance that isn't "helpful" IMHO, especially given that there are alternative NRT's that have plenty of research to indicate that they're safer as well as effective and the MOST effective treatments for quitting tobacco smoking appear to be low-cost, cold turkey type therapy (i.e. Allen Carr).
Nicotine isn't always added. Many people who vape don't use nicotine at all. I don't. I have not used nicotine in many years.

I did quit cold turkey years ago. I quit for a couple of years. I never liked it and finally just gave up. Cold turkey just wasn't that effective. I don't see any marketing to children of vape products. Where is it?

This reminds me of the idiocy years ago over saccharine. People used saccharine as a sweetner. It kept them away from sugar. To hear the experts tell it, the dead bodies of saccharine users were lining the streets. The product was banned. Then the same experts said it was a mistake saccharine was perfectly safe.

This is just more of the same nonsense.

Some woman made the mistake of lecturing my sister on the "eeeevils" of artificial sweeteners in the supermarket once (my sister is diabetic). My sister looked at her like a piece of dog shit on her shoe and said, "Beats having a foot amputated. Fuck off."
Regarding making vape ILLEGAL....Kids sit around in groups and literally compete to see how much how fast they can throw that shit into their lungs. Kids are idiots and they'll do stupid things until they die, it's a universal truth and always has been.

MONITOR YOUR KIDS' ONLINE AND OFFLINE ACTIVITIES if you want them not to die from something STUPID.

My kids are out of it now, I yanked their asses out of traditional school and took their phones. They hate me for it, I think I saved their lives.

Let me get this straight. You're actually suggesting that parents should be responsible for their own children, rather than simply having the government ban everything until their little savages are totally safe?

No of course not! That would be crazy! How can you entertain even a fleeting thought that people should raise their kids as they like...and the state should step the hell off?

Crazy talk.
Ecigs have not been banned. Why not just ban THC vapes. That's what's killing teens.

Problem being that, apparently, the people who died didn't buy their product from licensed sellers to start with.

Yes at least one in Oregon did.

You do realize that one can kill oneself with almost any product known to man..if you misuse it.

Never mind, of course you don't. You're a state dependent slug.
Ecigs have not been banned. Why not just ban THC vapes. That's what's killing teens.

Problem being that, apparently, the people who died didn't buy their product from licensed sellers to start with.

Yes at least one in Oregon did.

You do realize that one can kill oneself with almost any product known to man..if you misuse it.

Never mind, of course you don't. You're a state dependent slug.

If we're banning consumer products because of their death counts, we have a looooooong list to get through before we get around to vaping.
The tobacco lobby is powerful.

You're not wrong, and the only way this situation doesn't ultimately benefit Big Tobacco is the one way no one's trying: to conduct serious research and data collection based on the reality of vaping, rather than half-assed perceptions formed by reading Internet headlines and Facebook memes.

We know about what percentage of vaping is with disposables versus rechargeables versus rebuildable mods, but we need each of those categories broken down by the type and source of the product being vaped with them. How much is coming from the poison-mongers in Big Tobacco, versus pre-mixed shit from China that could have anything from lead to arsenic to plutonium for all we know, versus locally-sourced juice? THEN we need to do the studies on health risks and effects based on the individual categories, rather than testing Big Tobaccos crap-assed stuff and then smearing the results across the whole vaping industry as if it's all the same.
Good decision. By a dumb government.
Anyone that inhales smoke needs serious mental help, and we also need to criminalize vaping and smoking in public places....second hand smoking is as bad.

Vapes don't produce smoke.

If you are going to rail against something at least be technically proficient in understanding it.
Aerosol or smoke that has nicotine and other toxins is considered secondhand smoking.
While they're at it ban:

Fucking edibles. I can't believe they make deserts of it. Who else likes desert? dogs, elderly and children. Don't tell me it aint left around the house either. I've seen otherwise. I know adults who think it's a game "oh look what I got, how fun). It's natural to consider candy candy,. Smoke a fucking joint or take a chill-pill, this aint Walt Disney.

All man-made recreational drugs. They're all toxic, can kill and disable.

I'm all for Capitalism, but this crap is lunacy.
Don't ban ANYTHING!!

That's usually where we get into the most trouble.


That's true, next thing you know we'll have a black market for flavored vape capsules being smuggled in from countries where producing them is still legal; because obviously people want them and are willing to shell out significant dollars for them.

Far better to utilize concerted public awareness efforts and to prohibit the sale of these things to minors, it's worked for tobacco without requiring a ban.

While they're at it ban:

Fucking edibles. I can't believe they make deserts of it. Who else likes desert? dogs, elderly and children. Don't tell me it aint left around the house either. I've seen otherwise. I know adults who think it's a game "oh look what I got, how fun). It's natural to consider candy candy,. Smoke a fucking joint or take a chill-pill, this aint Walt Disney.

All man-made recreational drugs. They're all toxic, can kill and disable.

I'm all for Capitalism, but this crap is lunacy.
Don't ban ANYTHING!!

That's usually where we get into the most trouble.


That's true, next thing you know we'll have a black market for flavored vape capsules being smuggled in from countries where producing them is still legal; because obviously people want them and are willing to shell out significant dollars for them.

Far better to utilize concerted public awareness efforts and to prohibit the sale of these things to minors, it's worked for tobacco without requiring a ban.


Naw, I think people are going to move away from vaping. For one thing, the quality has significantly diminished. What you got used to be primarily plant oil...now it's about 50 percent other shit and that's just not acceptable. Big surprise, when you legalize drugs the drug dealers still try to slip you shit that can kill you to increase their own profit.
Naw, I think people are going to move away from vaping. For one thing, the quality has significantly diminished. What you got used to be primarily plant oil...now it's about 50 percent other shit and that's just not acceptable. Big surprise, when you legalize drugs the drug dealers still try to slip you shit that can kill you to increase their own profit.

You could be right, I suspect that we're only seeing the tip of the iceberg as to the health problems that can be caused by vaping. Of course the nicotine industry will just find some other delivery vehicle to sell, nicotine is just far too attractive as a product.

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