What do you think of Trump admin. banning E-cigs?

Naw, I think people are going to move away from vaping. For one thing, the quality has significantly diminished. What you got used to be primarily plant oil...now it's about 50 percent other shit and that's just not acceptable. Big surprise, when you legalize drugs the drug dealers still try to slip you shit that can kill you to increase their own profit.

You could be right, I suspect that we're only seeing the tip of the iceberg as to the health problems that can be caused by vaping. Of course the nicotine industry will just find some other delivery vehicle to sell, nicotine is just far too attractive as a product.
If the feds would just leave them alone people would still be handrolling and using pipes. But NOOOOOOOO....
While they're at it ban:

Fucking edibles. I can't believe they make deserts of it. Who else likes desert? dogs, elderly and children. Don't tell me it aint left around the house either. I've seen otherwise. I know adults who think it's a game "oh look what I got, how fun). It's natural to consider candy candy,. Smoke a fucking joint or take a chill-pill, this aint Walt Disney.

All man-made recreational drugs. They're all toxic, can kill and disable.

I'm all for Capitalism, but this crap is lunacy.
Don't ban ANYTHING!!

That's usually where we get into the most trouble.


That's true, next thing you know we'll have a black market for flavored vape capsules being smuggled in from countries where producing them is still legal; because obviously people want them and are willing to shell out significant dollars for them.

Far better to utilize concerted public awareness efforts and to prohibit the sale of these things to minors, it's worked for tobacco without requiring a ban.


The flavoring question isn't going to require a black market. The extracts used to flavor e-juice could be used for a lot of other things.

Banning flavored e-juice is just going to apply to premixed bottles of juice. The places I buy my juice from - and this is pretty standard at licensed vape stores, I believe - have the bottles of unflavored nicotine/glycerin solution and they have a variety of flavor extracts. You tell them what flavor or flavor combination you want, and they add the appropriate extract to the nicotine solution and hand it to you.

So two things are gonna happen if flavored e-juice is banned: One, the stores I buy from are just going to sell the unflavored bottles of juice . . . and then sell the flavor extract separately, very carefully marketed as being for any purpose EXCEPT adding to e-juice (wink, wink); two, the dimwits out there who are so dumb, lazy, or cheap that they currently buy the premixed Big Tobacco poison sold at the gas station or the premixed Chinese import poison sold in smoke shops are going to get the bright idea to just add cheap flavor extracts that aren't suitable for vaping, like the stuff in the baking aisle of the supermarket. And a lot MORE people are going to end up sick.
While they're at it ban:

Fucking edibles. I can't believe they make deserts of it. Who else likes desert? dogs, elderly and children. Don't tell me it aint left around the house either. I've seen otherwise. I know adults who think it's a game "oh look what I got, how fun). It's natural to consider candy candy,. Smoke a fucking joint or take a chill-pill, this aint Walt Disney.

All man-made recreational drugs. They're all toxic, can kill and disable.

I'm all for Capitalism, but this crap is lunacy.
Don't ban ANYTHING!!

That's usually where we get into the most trouble.


That's true, next thing you know we'll have a black market for flavored vape capsules being smuggled in from countries where producing them is still legal; because obviously people want them and are willing to shell out significant dollars for them.

Far better to utilize concerted public awareness efforts and to prohibit the sale of these things to minors, it's worked for tobacco without requiring a ban.


Naw, I think people are going to move away from vaping. For one thing, the quality has significantly diminished. What you got used to be primarily plant oil...now it's about 50 percent other shit and that's just not acceptable. Big surprise, when you legalize drugs the drug dealers still try to slip you shit that can kill you to increase their own profit.

Yeah, um, not sure what you're talking about at this point. The quality of the cheap gas station shit might be declining. I have no idea, since I would never buy that garbage.

Licensed, reputable vape shops, on the other hand, have no need or desire to add poisonous shit to their products. Basic e-juice consists of vegetable glycerin, nicotine extract, flavor extract, and possibly something to dilute the thickness of the glycerin, either propylene glycol or distilled water depending on what the customer prefers. With the possible exception of nicotine solution, none of those ingredients are expensive to start with. Which would make their profit margin on a bottle of juice pretty good, since the real thing I'm paying for is knowing and trusting the people making it and the methods they use.

And for the record, all three of the stores I shop at get their nicotine from extracted eggplant leaves. They pride themselves on it.
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