What do you think?

Well, the woman seems unbalanced, stressed, etc. Elan, on the other hand, went a bit overboard telling her to eat his dick and contributing to her "weirdness". So in my opinion, the dick is Elan and no, Diane didn't eat it. He did. And showed he is a huge asshole as well. Which makes sense since they are in the general vicinity of each other.

If the airline crew were handling it, he should have stayed out of it like everyone else was. Maybe he had too many vodkas. If he worked for me, I'd fire him. Concerning Diane? I just hope she gets her xanax soon.
Well, the woman seems unbalanced, stressed, etc. Elan, on the other hand, went a bit overboard telling her to eat his dick and contributing to her "weirdness". So in my opinion, the dick is Elan and no, Diane didn't eat it. He did. And showed he is a huge asshole as well. Which makes sense since they are in the general vicinity of each other.

If the airline crew were handling it, he should have stayed out of it like everyone else was. Maybe he had too many vodkas. If he worked for me, I'd fire him. Concerning Diane? I just hope she gets her xanax soon.
I think they were both dicks.


Yup. It started off with one woman having a crappy holiday, then insisting on crapping on everyone else's holiday. Then Elan gets in on it and gets slapped for his troubles.

What's really funny is how he played the "Don't you know who I am?!" card...when all he is is a crap reality show producer. :lmao:

I don't condone the woman getting violent...but I sure do understand it.
I think they were both dicks.


Yup. It started off with one woman having a crappy holiday, then insisting on crapping on everyone else's holiday. Then Elan gets in on it and gets slapped for his troubles.

What's really funny is how he played the "Don't you know who I am?!" card...when all he is is a crap reality show producer. :lmao:

I don't condone the woman getting violent...but I sure do understand it.

I would feel like slapping him too, but I wouldn't. You just can't do shit like that anymore, especially not at an airport with security people all over the place. Slapping men is something they used to do in 50s and 60s movies, though I doubt it was done much in real life. These days you get arrested for assault, no matter how much someone (man or woman) may deserve it.
Just as I figured. He's a huge dick he likes to gobble himself.

People get frustrated during the holidays. This guy? He was looking for shit to happen and found his patsy. I am glad she slapped him. I would have fallen forward, accidentally kneeing him then being profoundly sorry as he writhed on the floor. Then I'd buy him a drink and leave it next to him as he held his groin.

Once the judge sees how he was egging her on...pretty sure he will get a bitchslap from Mr. Judge as well.
I don't have a twitter, nor plan to have one, but hopefully he will get some advice on how to grow a pair...then stop waving that pair all over the place in front of stressed people, then egging said persons on, then complaining with a lawsuit the results he obviously wanted to achieve.

Yup. It started off with one woman having a crappy holiday, then insisting on crapping on everyone else's holiday. Then Elan gets in on it and gets slapped for his troubles.

What's really funny is how he played the "Don't you know who I am?!" card...when all he is is a crap reality show producer. :lmao:

I don't condone the woman getting violent...but I sure do understand it.

I would feel like slapping him too, but I wouldn't. You just can't do shit like that anymore, especially not at an airport with security people all over the place. Slapping men is something they used to do in 50s and 60s movies, though I doubt it was done much in real life. These days you get arrested for assault, no matter how much someone (man or woman) may deserve it.

Maybe we're too sensitive on that these days. Some men could use a good slap in the face. So could some women.
Diane needs Klonipin and elan needs more mirrors and for someone to give him his Klondike Bar


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