"What Do You Want Me To Say About Slavery"? Bye Nikki

States left the Union because of slavery but the civil war wasnt over slavery. It was about the economy.
Lincoln said so. That tyrant piece of shit even said he would back a slavery amendment to the constitution.
Come on people. Fuck.
Even Prager University doesn't try to push the bullshit you're spewing.



More at the link.
It's hard to understand why anyone in this so called great nation thought owning another human being was in some way ok. That thinking came from ignorance, stupidity, and for a nation we are told was founded on Judea Christian values, slavery was as anti Christian as it gets. Any founding father who was ok with slavery has zero respect in my world.
Most if not all of them were. Every single one of them signed the declaration of independence. The original form of which condoned slavery.
Even Prager University doesn't try to push the bullshit you're spewing.

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More at the link.

Lincoln blockaded the ports over MONEY. He said so. He didnt give two shits about the blacks. He wanted the Souths exports.
Again, he supported an amendment to the Constitution that made slavery legal forever.
Goddamn, you people are fucking ignorant.
Nikki Haley on Wednesday was asked about the cause of the Civil War, and her reply went viral in the worst way.

Hey Nikki, repeat after me: It - Was - About - Slavery
That's an elementary school view of history. I know, because that's how I learned it in HISD's Will Rogers Elementary School. Then in middle school, High School, and college, I learned the more sophisticated and more truthful versions.

From your link:

Just as a reminder to her, there’s a little something called “The South Carolina Declaration of Secession” from 1860. It’s easily googled (even by Nikki Haley; it’s former governor). It’s all about slavery and how the northern states and the newly elected president were about to suppress South Carolina’s freedom to continue to have slavery as an institution.

But so what? Suppose the South Carolina Declaration of Secession stated firmly that it was about slavery and nothing else, period. Suppose all of the seceding states said the same thing. That would prove that the secessions were about slavery, not that the war was about slavery.

In truth, the sucessions were in part about slavery, but they were in large part about the fact that Lincoln was elected president without even being on the ballot in many southern states. That and the superior numbers the northers states had on congress. Those states saw control of the nation being centered in the northern states, with themselves soon to be subjegated to them.

That could have cause the secessions even without the issue of slavery, such as if several northern states also had slavery - which they did.

The war was about ending the secessions and returning the country to it's borders as before the secessions. Slavery was not an issue to those who chose to invade the Confederate States of America, or as they called it, "the states in rebellion." They would have invaded the seceded states to bring them back to the union, regardless of any disagreement over slavery.

How do I know this? Why, from Abraham (Ol' Satan) Lincoln hisself:


Great question. It should be asked over and over again to all of the candidates, so the country can watch them cringe as they answer ir it wrong.

Do you see slavery in the Antebellum South as a key issue facing executives, lawmakers, and judges in 2025 and 2026? How will it come up, exactly?

Or are you just desperately hoping for news stories to distract from Bidenomics, Bidenborder, Bidencrime, Bidinflation, Bidenforiegnpol, and Bidentax?
Slavery was part of the reason but not the only one for it something more people would know if they were actually interested in the whole story instead of just a snippet of it.
Nikki Haley on Wednesday was asked about the cause of the Civil War, and her reply went viral in the worst way.

Hey Nikki, repeat after me: It - Was - About - Slavery

Great question. It should be asked over and over again to all of the candidates, so the country can watch them cringe as they answer ir it wrong.
Lincoln himself would have said that it was about preserving the Union. There is a very interesting letter from President Lincoln to the editor of the New York Tribune where he states that he would free the slaves or not free them if it preserved the Union.

If you could ask my dirt poor Scottish immigrant many times great Grandfather who fought for the South he would have likely said it was about State Rights.He did not own slaves. The slave owners would have also said the same with the hidden agenda of preserving slavery. Other than a few abolitionist most of the people in the North would have said the war was about preserving the Union.

We have a terrible tendency to judge the past by modern standards of morality and try to find simple answers to very complex issues. As a modern man I believe slavery is a disgusting institution and should be stamped out, but I do not use my opinions to vilify the past. Every culture in history has had slavery in one form or another.
There was a massive labor pool back then yet people had to resort to slavery? How pathetic.
So the moonbats at Daily Kooks and their dutiful spambot stooge OP, who would never ever vote for Haley under any circumstance, are now going to double-secret super-duper never ever vote for her.

Most white men aren't attracted to black women. Sorry to have to tell you this.
lololol every slaveowner screwed his slaves. most did, anyway, women could't tell these pigs "no" until 1866.

that "most men are not attracted to black women" explains the enduring popularity of the kardasians, diesn't it?
Lincoln himself would have said that it was about preserving the Union. There is a very interesting letter from President Lincoln to the editor of the New York Tribune where he states that he would free the slaves or not free them if it preserved the Union.

If you could ask my dirt poor Scottish immigrant many times great Grandfather who fought for the South would have likely said it was about State Rights.He did not own slaves. The slave owners would have also said the same with the hidden agenda of preserving slavery. Other than a few abolitionist most of the people in the North would have said the war was about preserving the Union.

We have a terrible tendency to judge the past by modern standards of morality and try to find simple answers to very complex issues. As a modern man I believe slavery is a disgusting institution and should be stamped out, but I do not use my opinions to vilify the past. Every culture in history has had slavery in one form or another.
I see your point. But they knew slavery was wrong. I think they tended to be cheap and lazy. How about paying a good wage. Force plantation owners to compete for workers by having to increase wages. Cheap labor was not necessary.
I see your point. But they knew slavery was wrong. I think they tended to be cheap and lazy. How about paying a good wage. Force plantation owners to compete for workers by having to increase wages. Cheap labor was not necessary.
You are judging the past by your modern form of morality. You opinion on cheap labor wouldn't apply until the industrial revolution.
You are judging the past by your modern form of morality. You opinion on cheap labor wouldn't apply until the industrial revolution.
Then why were slaves used? Why not just hire them? Hire them, pay them. The industrial revolution was another issue of pure abuse of workers. Alot of those workers didn't need to work so hard. That was wrong as well. The theme I guess is cheap labor from cheapskate immoral and ignorant owners. Some people even complain about labor costs today in a time where it's beyond easy to find a great worker.
Welcome to the party Nikki!!

You finally got the attention of the MSM!!

The correct answer to trick questions is "I don't answer hypotheticals" next question.
Everyone knows it was about a state's right to leave the Union.

A Union held together at the point of a bayonet by the threat of invasion is just a hostage situation.
It was about the states rights TO OWN SLAVES.

Lincoln was anti-slavery and his election was the impetus for those states trying to leave the Union

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