What does it say about republicans when the top polling candidate has nothing to talk about...

...besides Mexicans, his wealth, and dramatically insulting other politicians?

They are morons.

What about the hillary? Lies, deceitful, corrupt, dishonest. What does it say about dems?
She HAS a 40 year history. Where were you?
From Whitewater to Benghazi A Clinton Scandal Primer - Yahoo News
Lol just because republicans make scandals, it doesn't actually mean they should be scandals. There was never a scandal with Benghazi. I'm sure you believe anything Fox News or republicans say about Benghazi but they are literally the only ones saying it. Don't you think that says something about these issues?
So you are CONFIRMING the fact you are an idiot and unable to read. Even gave you links. You need a coloring book?
...besides Mexicans, his wealth, and dramatically insulting other politicians?

They are morons.

Because they are socialist lemmings who need a new Stalin and they've found it in trump. He talks like they think - they want to have the power to tell other people to do what they want.

Unfortunately that doesn't work in a democracy so they are out of luck. But the GOP socialists need a snake oil salesman barking through a loud speaker to make them feel powerful.

Let him soothe their painful minds.
...besides Mexicans, his wealth, and dramatically insulting other politicians?

They are morons.

What about the hillary? Lies, deceitful, corrupt, dishonest. What does it say about dems?
She HAS a 40 year history. Where were you?
From Whitewater to Benghazi A Clinton Scandal Primer - Yahoo News
Lol just because republicans make scandals, it doesn't actually mean they should be scandals. There was never a scandal with Benghazi. I'm sure you believe anything Fox News or republicans say about Benghazi but they are literally the only ones saying it. Don't you think that says something about these issues?
So you are CONFIRMING the fact you are an idiot and unable to read. Even gave you links. You need a coloring book?
All you did was give a list of scandals. It's not like Yahoo is taking some kind of position on these issues. They are just rehashing what republicans bitch about. Look, I don't doubt that some of these issues have validity. There are two sides to every story. Hillary probably has done questionable things in the past. However, if you actually think that Benghazi was a real scandal then I feel sorry for you because you are brainwashed by the propaganda factory known as Fox News.
...besides Mexicans, his wealth, and dramatically insulting other politicians? They are morons.

Apparently you've never watched any of Trump's speeches. In every speech, he talks about restoring the economy, reducing our national debt, saving Social Security and Medicare, balancing the budget, securing our Southern border, getting better trade deals, protecting American jobs, etc., etc. I wouldn't call that "nothing."

And what does it say about the Democratic Party that your leading candidate is a compulsive liar who has been caught telling whopping lies more times than anyone cares to count, who clearly engaged in selling influence as Secretary of State, and whose incompetence as Secretary of State directly contributed to the deaths of four Americans in Libya?
...besides Mexicans, his wealth, and dramatically insulting other politicians?

They are morons.
Can you believe their top candidate is a birther?

If he buys into that nonsense what else will he believe?
What does it say about Democrats when their top polling candidate doesn't talk period?
what does it say when left-wing losers only talk about the candidates from the other Party and not their own candidates?
...besides Mexicans, his wealth, and dramatically insulting other politicians?

They are morons.

Billy Derp Derp the OP: "What does it say about republicans when the top polling candidate has nothing to talk about except all of the things he has been talking about? Derp derp derp!"
...besides Mexicans, his wealth, and dramatically insulting other politicians?

They are morons.

Yo, it`s funny? Neither are the "Socialist Progressive Democrats" except for the same broken record they have been repeating for the last fifty years!!!

Might want to look at this Conservative Republican?
View attachment 45633
He's not a natural born Citizen. Learn the original founding laws regarding what the founders wanted as a Constitutional Article 2 Section 1 president. Cruz doesn't qualify

Natural-born-citizen clause
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is part of a series on the
Constitution of the
United States of America

Preamble and Articles
of the Constitution

Status as a natural-born citizen of the United States is one of the eligibility requirements established in the United States Constitutionfor election to the office of President or Vice President. This requirement was intended to protect the nation from foreign influence.[1]

The Constitution does not define the phrase natural-born citizen, and various opinions have been offered over time regarding its precise meaning. The consensus of early 21st-century constitutional and legal scholarship, together with relevant case law, is that "natural born" comprises all people born subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, including, generally, those born in the United States, those born to U.S. citizen parents in foreign countries, and those born in other situations meeting the legal requirements for U.S. citizenship "at birth."[2]

View attachment 45636
Common sense tells you the founders did not intend anyone born in a foreign country to be president of the U.S., especially after fighting a war for their independence. They wanted a person who was born with sole allegiance to America. How was that achieved in the eyes of the founders after the revolution? Born to two U.S. citizen parents.

Yo, read this?
Ted Cruz s Presidential Eligibility

Getty_032315_TedCruz2016 (1).jpg
...besides Mexicans, his wealth, and dramatically insulting other politicians?

They are morons.

What about the hillary? Lies, deceitful, corrupt, dishonest. What does it say about dems?
She HAS a 40 year history. Where were you?
From Whitewater to Benghazi A Clinton Scandal Primer - Yahoo News
Benghazi is a made up scandal.

Republicans spent over 40,000,000.00 on White Water and what did they get? Even a tard understands that the Clintons were going to be making the big bucks, and they did, to the tune of over a hundred million, why go after peanuts.

Every Clinton "scandal" was something Republicans made up and hoped to make stick. And the only thing that suck, I mean stuck was Monica's pearl necklace.

This is why Republicans are ridiculous. Try to figure out why.
this is why left-wing losers irrelevant

libs lie to themselves

clinton was in fact playng hide the havanna when sudan MADE 3 OFFERS TO HAND OVER OSAMA BIN LADEN
I believe the 3 former navy seals and special forces guys who say they were told to "stand down" in the benghazi attack more than i believe an unhinged loser like rdean

call me crazy

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