What does Obama plan to do about the border?

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzDlN7VLmXQ&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Brewer to Obama: Warning Signs Are Not Enough[/ame]
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Obama has now appointed Harold Hurtt, Director for the ICE Office of State and Local Coordination starting July 6. He is a strong proponent of sanctuary cities for the illegals and is known for failing to enforce federal immigration laws.

Joslyn Johnson, has filed a lawsuit against him because her husband, (a police officer) was killed by an illegal. She claims her husband would be alive today if the city had bothered to check up on the gunman's immigration status.

Just how many illegals do you think ICE is going to deport now?
They'd cancel the Little League season, make the kids play soccer where score was not kept, make crappy cookies, and then force all the parents to buy the cookies for $10/each.
What does Obama plan to do about the border?

Diddly squat.
The key elements of the immigration bill have been published. It's what you might expect, a national id card, probably your driver's licences or state id, more money to the border patrol and INS, more technology, addition regulations for employers, a path to citizenship. That's all I remember. There is quite a bit more.
What does Obama plan to do about the border?
Diddly squat.
The key elements of the immigration bill have been published. It's what you might expect, a national id card, probably your driver's licences or state id, more money to the border patrol and INS, more technology, addition regulations for employers, a path to citizenship. That's all I remember. There is quite a bit more.

Sounds just like what Bush was trying to pass.

This is what he really wants to do---:lol::lol:

$Immigration reform that Obama would support.jpg
Not a damned thing just like Bush did. None of them want to close the border.
Not a damned thing just like Bush did. None of them want to close the border.

Pretty much. The political capital spending would be astronomical.

Thing is that if Obama does an Arizona-style immigration reform bill like the majority of the xenophobe American public wants, half his party would go up in flames and the "leftier" elements, the Hispanics, and the party core would pretty much give up voting on the next election - he'd get pulverized. If he does a sensible long-term policy that takes into account the fact that illegal immigrants are human beings, it'd be 6 months of empty rhetoric and congressional deadlock, the media would go insane ("Obama sells out the country"), his approval rating would definitely go below 40% and - well, - he'd get pulverized.

So he's just not going to do it. But if he does, you know its going to be a shit show.

(Note: one can change the descriptions that I give for each type of 'reform' above; the point is that the result would be the same)
The DHS Will Deploy a Drone to Texas in June

An unmanned aerial drone will begin patrolling Texas’ border with Mexico next month. The Federal Aviation Administration today approved a June 1 start date for the project following months of pleading by Texas lawmakers, including Gov. Rick Perry and U.S. Sens. Kay Bailey Hutchison and John Cornyn.

“This is progress, but we have much more work to do to secure our borders. The American people are terribly upset, scared, and angry with the Federal Government, and they don’t understand why we aren’t doing more,” Cornyn said in a statement released today.

As recently as yesterday, Cornyn argued with Department of Homeland Security officials that, given the dire situation in northern Mexico and the very real possibility of violence creeping into Texas, at least one of the five Predator drones used by Customs and Border Protection should be redirected to Texas.

The DHS Will Deploy a Drone to Texas in June — Texas-Mexico border | The Texas Tribune

Not cheap but could work at some point.
The DHS Will Deploy a Drone to Texas in June

An unmanned aerial drone will begin patrolling Texas’ border with Mexico next month. The Federal Aviation Administration today approved a June 1 start date for the project following months of pleading by Texas lawmakers, including Gov. Rick Perry and U.S. Sens. Kay Bailey Hutchison and John Cornyn.

“This is progress, but we have much more work to do to secure our borders. The American people are terribly upset, scared, and angry with the Federal Government, and they don’t understand why we aren’t doing more,” Cornyn said in a statement released today.

As recently as yesterday, Cornyn argued with Department of Homeland Security officials that, given the dire situation in northern Mexico and the very real possibility of violence creeping into Texas, at least one of the five Predator drones used by Customs and Border Protection should be redirected to Texas.

The DHS Will Deploy a Drone to Texas in June — Texas-Mexico border | The Texas Tribune

Not cheap but could work at some point.

Be nice if they were armed.
Three words for y'all:

North American Union

I'm afraid it's a deal that has already been signed ...

Expanding the border?

Open borders, essentially. kinda like the EU

North American Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't think anything is signed.

I read about the premise some years ago. I'm for amnesty so it doesn't seem like a conspiracy to me. Close neighbors should find a way to co-exist and that should be a priority.

Drug issues are preventing us from any forward movement on this but Mexico also has a stake in getting that under control.

It's a tough issue.
Expanding the border?

Open borders, essentially. kinda like the EU

North American Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't think anything is signed.

I read about the premise some years ago. I'm for amnesty so it doesn't seem like a conspiracy to me. Close neighbors should find a way to co-exist and that should be a priority.

Drug issues are preventing us from any forward movement on this but Mexico also has a stake in getting that under control.

It's a tough issue.

I'm for common sense

1. close the border
2. amnesty - but its not really amnesty b/c they'd have to pay a hefty fine
3. no more anchor babies
4. bill Mexico for expenses incurred by illegals

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