What Does the Left Stand For?

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
Trump has fully exposed the left. Here we see what they DON'T stand for. Thank you president Trump!

"In less melodramatic terms, we are watching a rare revolutionary phase in American politics as leftists have devoured Democrats. Progressives ate liberals. And progressives are now being devoured by socialists, and soon no doubt socialists will be eaten by hard leftists, Communists, anarchists, and nihilists. In such revolutionary logic, perhaps only Antifa will emerge as pure."
-Victor Davis Hanson
Does anyone actually know what AOC and pals were trying to point out by dressing like Nurse Ratchet?
Does anyone actually know what AOC and pals were trying to point out by dressing like Nurse Ratchet?

Probably for the "Special Wimmins-Only Role Play Hoopdedoo" after the speech.

What is the point of a protest if no one knows what you're protesting about?

It all seems a bit esoteric.

Well, they were celebrating the suffragettes, or something like that.

They must have been a bit put out when President Trump praised the nearly 100 years of female suffrage and the record number of women in Congress.
Does anyone actually know what AOC and pals were trying to point out by dressing like Nurse Ratchet?

Probably for the "Special Wimmins-Only Role Play Hoopdedoo" after the speech.

What is the point of a protest if no one knows what you're protesting about?

It all seems a bit esoteric.

Well, they were celebrating the suffragettes, or something like that.

They must have been a bit put out when President Trump praised the nearly 100 years of female suffrage and the record number of women in Congress.

Careful. Don't use the term "put out" around them. Could mean trouble.

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