What does the Republican Party offer the Middle Class?

Notice the tumbleweeds rolling through this thread? Very telling.
Your saying its the banks fault for loaning students money for overpriced, overrated college education? Not the price those institutions charge?
It doesn't matter what is offered up in this thread, the Libsuckers will dismiss or ignore or shoot it down with the usual rhetoric.

For example..."the Republican party is offering to reduce the size of Government".

And... "the Republican party is offering to create a business climate that will spur job growth, competition, and innovation".

Have at it, idiots.
I guess deanie weenie thinks if you're a conservative you don't want police, firemen or teacher... just more dirty water and air.

Yeah, that makes perfect sense.
It doesn't matter what is offered up in this thread, the Libsuckers will dismiss or ignore or shoot it down with the usual rhetoric.

For example..."the Republican party is offering to reduce the size of Government".

And... "the Republican party is offering to create a business climate that will spur job growth, competition, and innovation".

Have at it, idiots.

Ok go ahead and tell us what the Republicans have to offer for the middle class.
I guess deanie weenie thinks if you're a conservative you don't want police, firemen or teacher... just more dirty water and air.

Yeah, that makes perfect sense.

Two straight posts from you and neither answers the OP. Shocking I tell you.
Romney has already said "Less Police, less firemen and less teachers".

Banks were making 6 billion a year off college loans until Obama stopped it. Romney said he wants to return to that.

USMB GOP can deny it all they want, but during the Bush years, millions of jobs were moved to China. Much of that movement paid for by Bush tax cuts. Many people were only employed because they had to train Chinese workers brought over here to learn American jobs.

So what do Republicans offer the middle class? Every time they say, "Broaden the tax base", they mean move the burden to the middle class and the poor.

When Republicans say, "The rich pay a lot now" it's because they own everything. The can buy politicians who change laws and deregulate so the illegal becomes merely unethical.

So once again, what do Republicans offer the middle class?

So tired of the name calling without any serious answer. It could be it's all they have.

I think that we should get used to expecting less from the government regardless of who wins. Fiscally the entire thing is messed up. Neither side knows what they are doing fiscally and there will be very little change because of the politics.

Just remember that the man who will be president in the next 4 years may get to appoint 1-3 Supreme Court Justices.

Governor Romney has said that he wants Roe overturned. Put aside, for a moment the argument over tax cuts, stimulus, outsourcing, etc... The man will overturn a woman's right to reproductive choice if given the chance to do so.

If you value a woman's choice, you should vote for Obama on that and that alone.
"Incentive" = We're pulling out your safety net.

Nope, the Dems have entirely too many "safety net"s, They have put people on the Government dole for generations, where is their pride?? Why don't many of them want to improve their lives?? Because they've been "organized" into believing government is the answer.

Slavery is not gone, it just evolved.

I just read your post twice and couldn't find anything that told us what the republicans offer the middle class.

I know what they offer them. Andre Bauer said it best:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDr4oQ7KyFw&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=PL1DFDCB90E02FB39E]Lt Gov Andre Bauer: Don't Feed the Poor They'll Breed - YouTube[/ame]

I think he speaks for most Republicans, right?

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