What does this mean for New Year's Eve in Times Square?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Now that the maniac has done the unthinkable, the copycats will be coming. How do possibly ensure this won't happen in New York on New Year's Eve? There were around 20,000 thousand people at the concert last night. There were over one million people in Times Square last year. A bomb would be bad enough but snipers with high vantage points overlooking a million sitting ducks who can't move? Jesus.
Actually, because of the prevalence of skyscrapers around Times Square, that is something that they have already thought about and prepared for.

Here...................from the NYC Times Square Alliance.......................

Times Square Alliance : New Year's Eve FAQ

What security procedures are in place?
At the entry points, and at the spectator viewing areas, each person will be searched with a hand-held wand.

  • Knapsacks, large bags and umbrellas are not permitted. All bags will be searched. Persons declining search will not be admitted into the area
  • “Plain clothes” officers will be deployed throughout the event
  • Newspaper/circular type vending machines will be removed prior to the event
  • Manhole covers are to be sealed shut (41st-50th Streets, 6th-8th Avenues)
  • All waste receptacles will be removed on Broadway and 7th Ave. from 34th to 59th streets
  • Sector commanders will survey their posts and direct the removal of accumulated garbage prior to the event
  • Sanitation to remove bagged garbage (bottles, etc) throughout event
  • Request Postal Service to service all mailboxes 34 to 59, on 7th & Broadway
  • Radiation detectors will be deployed for use during the event
  • Mobile Field Forces are available for immediate response if needed
  • Rooftop posts are positioned along the event as well as overseeing the access points
Special instructions will be issued to each post covering the following topics:

  • Suspicious packages
  • Search guidelines
  • Monitoring crowds
  • Escorting Residents / Theater / Dinner Guests
Now that the maniac has done the unthinkable, the copycats will be coming. How do possibly ensure this won't happen in New York on New Year's Eve? There were around 20,000 thousand people at the concert last night. There were over one million people in Times Square last year. A bomb would be bad enough but snipers with high vantage points overlooking a million sitting ducks who can't move? Jesus.
Slow down red alert. There are absolutely no new variables created by this tragedy. There have always been nut balls and there have been guns for a long time.
A wacko is gonna do what a wacko does. Trust me...we have ENOUGH laws on the books.
  • Knapsacks, large bags and umbrellas are not permitted. All bags will be searched. Persons declining search will not be admitted into the area surrender your Constitutional right to privacy or you can't walk in public
  • “Plain clothes” officers will be deployed throughout the event big brother..
  • Newspaper/circular type vending machines will be removed prior to the event so you have to buy overpriced stuff from price gouging vendors
  • Manhole covers are to be sealed shut (41st-50th Streets, 6th-8th Avenues) :lol:
  • All waste receptacles will be removed on Broadway and 7th Ave. from 34th to 59th streets so people will just dump stuff on the ground and get fined by the plain cloths...
  • Sector commanders will survey their posts and direct the removal of accumulated garbage prior to the event
  • Sanitation to remove bagged garbage (bottles, etc) throughout event
  • Request Postal Service to service all mailboxes 34 to 59, on 7th & Broadway
  • Radiation detectors will be deployed for use during the event
  • Mobile Field Forces are available for immediate response if needed
  • Rooftop posts are positioned along the event as well as overseeing the access points

have fun and give up any and all freedoms, the Mericuhn way
Now that the maniac has done the unthinkable, the copycats will be coming. How do possibly ensure this won't happen in New York on New Year's Eve? There were around 20,000 thousand people at the concert last night. There were over one million people in Times Square last year. A bomb would be bad enough but snipers with high vantage points overlooking a million sitting ducks who can't move? Jesus.
Slow down red alert. There are absolutely no new variables created by this tragedy. There have always been nut balls and there have been guns for a long time.
A wacko is gonna do what a wacko does. Trust me...we have ENOUGH laws on the books.

Mike is worried about NYC shooters doing the same thing during New Years, but in post 3, I linked to and posted their procedures, which includes rooftop patrols.

Know what would be really valuable in this situation? Those speakers that are set up that can triangulate where a shot comes from. I'd say that in this kind of open air festival, having those speakers would be a genuine benefit because it took a while for them to find where he was at. He was able to shoot for around 10 min. straight.
Stay in your own home where you're totally safe and never leave it for any reason whatsoever. That's probably your best bet at this point.
Now that the maniac has done the unthinkable, the copycats will be coming. How do possibly ensure this won't happen in New York on New Year's Eve? There were around 20,000 thousand people at the concert last night. There were over one million people in Times Square last year. A bomb would be bad enough but snipers with high vantage points overlooking a million sitting ducks who can't move? Jesus.
Slow down red alert. There are absolutely no new variables created by this tragedy. There have always been nut balls and there have been guns for a long time.
A wacko is gonna do what a wacko does. Trust me...we have ENOUGH laws on the books.

Mike is worried about NYC shooters doing the same thing during New Years, but in post 3, I linked to and posted their procedures, which includes rooftop patrols.

Know what would be really valuable in this situation? Those speakers that are set up that can triangulate where a shot comes from. I'd say that in this kind of open air festival, having those speakers would be a genuine benefit because it took a while for them to find where he was at. He was able to shoot for around 10 min. straight.
Believe you me buddy...NYPD and the feds focus on every angle during that little shindig. A LOT of overtime is paid during that shit show.
Now that the maniac has done the unthinkable, the copycats will be coming. How do possibly ensure this won't happen in New York on New Year's Eve? There were around 20,000 thousand people at the concert last night. There were over one million people in Times Square last year. A bomb would be bad enough but snipers with high vantage points overlooking a million sitting ducks who can't move? Jesus.
The heinous actions of a disturbed individual shouldn't deter anyone from enjoying a long standing tradition.
What's being asked here is similar to what was put out there at another forum that I go to:

Yet another attack on music lovers (Eagles of Death Metal, Ariane Grande) though perhaps not inspired by Isis it's terrorism if the word has any meaning at all. Utterly chilling that hundreds of people have been shot in a matter of minutes by a lone gunmen (? Some people on the ground seem pretty convinced it was multiple). Does this mean the end of music festivals in the U.S where large volumes of people can be mown down quickly? What can be done so this doesn't happen again? This is a very different kind of mass casualty event that could inspire some rotten minds I'm afraid.

The following is my response:

If getting rid of festivals were the answer, we wouldn't be able to go to the movies anymore after what happened at that Colorado movie theater a few years ago. Gun control is what should be focused on instead, but at the end of the day when you really think about it, guns are not the only thing that can be used to create such a horror.

God bless you always!!!

Now that the maniac has done the unthinkable, the copycats will be coming. How do possibly ensure this won't happen in New York on New Year's Eve? There were around 20,000 thousand people at the concert last night. There were over one million people in Times Square last year. A bomb would be bad enough but snipers with high vantage points overlooking a million sitting ducks who can't move? Jesus.
Slow down red alert. There are absolutely no new variables created by this tragedy. There have always been nut balls and there have been guns for a long time.
A wacko is gonna do what a wacko does. Trust me...we have ENOUGH laws on the books.

Mike is worried about NYC shooters doing the same thing during New Years, but in post 3, I linked to and posted their procedures, which includes rooftop patrols.

Know what would be really valuable in this situation? Those speakers that are set up that can triangulate where a shot comes from. I'd say that in this kind of open air festival, having those speakers would be a genuine benefit because it took a while for them to find where he was at. He was able to shoot for around 10 min. straight.
That is good information. But consider that even if they find and stop the shooter(s) within say 2 minutes what about the panicked crowd of one million people stampeding? My concern is the sheer magnitude of the crowd and how packed in they are. You could have hundreds of casualties just from trampling.
New York locks down venues like that like no one else.

But other venues are more vulnerable and there are too many to secure. I've always thought the worst case scenario would be 3-4 or more shooters with AK-47s made fully auto and them at different parts of the venue. They could kill 500-1000 in a very large crowd and wound thousands more before they could be stopped. Thank god these losers haven't done this. Events like New Years and the Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York are entirely locked down, but there are many similar events, smaller in scale but still attended by tens of thousands around the country.

By the way, if every person in the audience last night was armed with a conceal carry it would have made no difference. Close up shooters maybe, but against someone with a full auto AR15? No way.

Venues will have to change security, how things are laid out, escape routes, maybe even 'safe areas' that are resistant to bullets.
Now that the maniac has done the unthinkable, the copycats will be coming. How do possibly ensure this won't happen in New York on New Year's Eve? There were around 20,000 thousand people at the concert last night. There were over one million people in Times Square last year. A bomb would be bad enough but snipers with high vantage points overlooking a million sitting ducks who can't move? Jesus.
Slow down red alert. There are absolutely no new variables created by this tragedy. There have always been nut balls and there have been guns for a long time.
A wacko is gonna do what a wacko does. Trust me...we have ENOUGH laws on the books.

Mike is worried about NYC shooters doing the same thing during New Years, but in post 3, I linked to and posted their procedures, which includes rooftop patrols.

Know what would be really valuable in this situation? Those speakers that are set up that can triangulate where a shot comes from. I'd say that in this kind of open air festival, having those speakers would be a genuine benefit because it took a while for them to find where he was at. He was able to shoot for around 10 min. straight.
That is good information. But consider that even if they find and stop the shooter(s) within say 2 minutes what about the panicked crowd of one million people stampeding? My concern is the sheer magnitude of the crowd and how packed in they are. You could have hundreds of casualties just from trampling.

You're gonna have a bunch of panicked people looking for safety in the first few shots anyway. I think that having a system in place that people know will triangulate their position almost immediately would cut down on the attempts. And, having a SWAT team on site while the festival is going on wouldn't hurt either.

And, ever consider that if they had gotten him in 2 min, instead of letting him shoot for over 10 min, as well as the fact that they didn't find him until 72 minutes after the first 911 call, well.................having that triangulation system in place could cut down on a lot of casualties.
New York locks down venues like that like no one else.

But other venues are more vulnerable and there are too many to secure. I've always thought the worst case scenario would be 3-4 or more shooters with AK-47s made fully auto and them at different parts of the venue. They could kill 500-1000 in a very large crowd and wound thousands more before they could be stopped. Thank god these losers haven't done this. Events like New Years and the Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York are entirely locked down, but there are many similar events, smaller in scale but still attended by tens of thousands around the country.

By the way, if every person in the audience last night was armed with a conceal carry it would have made no difference. Close up shooters maybe, but against someone with a full auto AR15? No way.

Venues will have to change security, how things are laid out, escape routes, maybe even 'safe areas' that are resistant to bullets.

Yeah, this is one instance where someone with a CCL and a handgun is useless. Name me ONE handgun that someone with a CCL carries that can shoot 32 stories into the air, and over several hundred yards? Nope, if someone in the audience (or all of them for that matter) had handguns and shot in his general direction, they wouldn't have had the range to even get close.

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