What does this mean to you when Cuomo basically said 1% of New Yakers pay 50% of the budget per year?

The only citation for this claim I could find was right here ... USMB is Google's only hit ...

33% of $100,000 is a bigger burden than 5% of $1 billion ... even if $50 million is more than $33,000 ... math seems a lost art these days ...
Didn't look too hard, did you???

ALBANY — Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been begging rich people to return to New York City from their second-home retreats so they can pay taxes to help offset the state’s growing coronavirus-related revenue shortfall.

“I literally talk to people all day long who are now in their Hamptons house who also lived here, or in their Hudson Valley house, or in their Connecticut weekend house, and I say, ‘You got to come back! We’ll go to dinner! I’ll buy you a drink! Come over, I’ll cook!’” the Democratic governor said Monday.

“They’re not coming back right now. And you know what else they’re thinking? ‘If I stay there, I’ll pay a lower income tax,’ because they don’t pay the New York City surcharge,” he added, noting the wealthiest 1 percent of the Empire State’s population picks up roughly 50 percent of the state’s tax burden.
New York City is demanding the Fed step in and save them their $30 billion deficit for the past 2 years. :laughing0301:

New York City....suck my asshole. Why should my taxes bail out your mismanaged and corrupt city? Fuck you. You vote for DiBlasio. Deal with it.
No citation needed. IT IS FACT. Sorry to give you reality. No matter what you say, 1% pays 50%

Every Shop Rat slaving to a boss in a gulag like job for eternity does not realize they pay little to get all these services.

Good ... then you fully admit you made this all up on your own ... just to stir up hatred between the economic classes ... because you want Americans killing each other ... the only question is do you work for the Russia trying to get The Donald re-elected, the Chinese to get Biden elected, or the Iranians just to get Americans to kill each other ...

If it's a fact, then show me the math ...

I did find a citation, and Cuomo wants to add a surtax to second homes valued over $3m ... Learjets ... etc etc etc ... strictly luxury items ... and it will be the Onepercenters in the legislature who decide this ... they get free stuff too ... who are you to tell the Rich how much tax they want to spend? ... or better, [giggle], how do you think these budget shortfalls should be handled, and start with your own State ... lay off the police, shut down schools, stuff the Rich don't use? ...

ha ha ha ... Oregon has a flat 9% tax on all income ... problem solved ... unless you're Rich ...

How bad is it here? ... Oregon ran a budget surplus during FY 2018-19 ... by law, this surplus has to be returned to the taxpayers as a rebate check (or "kicker") ... even though FY 2019-20 is showing a massive deficit, everybody's getting kicker checks ... too funny ... a few years ago I calculated that Portland School District received 28% of all discretionary tax revenue collected in the entire State ... some union there eh? ...
Why do people who have apparently never filled out a tax return seem to think they know all about them?

Rolling interest income into capital then drawing it out as capital gains subject to the first $750,000 exemption ... that's actually an Obama era rule ...
New York is a failed city. Thanks to their stupid fucking residents who voted for a communist mayor.

Dont come to the rest of the country to bail your dumb asses out. Fuck you.

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