What does whomever wins this election need to do

It did however, convey the thought.

Which is what it was supposed to do, but some people have to divert attention from their own insipid bullshit by nit picking someone else's means of saying the same fuckin thing.

Not sure who or why some of them are mods but we have a good balance between right and stupid without Unkotare's inclination to argue on the "side" of wrong so often.

If you don't like being embarrassed, stop trying.

Oh yeah...I'm totally fuckin embartrased you chode. Not sure why though, but you're so phuckin smart you're gonna tell me right?

Eat shit you pseudo-intellectual douchebag.

I agree it's been brewing a long time and this election is like the perfect storm - symbolic of the deep unrest amongst us.

But I do think there are things that the winner can do to aim us towards a reconciliation. I hope so anyway.

If Hillary wins - Republicans will put her through hell with obstruction and possible impeachment attempts.

If Trump wins - We are fucked.
and this is why we will never get along ever again.

unless the cons kneel before hillary, we are obstructionist.

you morons really bought into that party of no bullshit
to unite this country?

If Hillary wins - what should she do to bring us together?

If Trump wins - what should he do to bring us together?
If Hillary and Ryan can agree on points in common, then with the Senate's cooperation some things might get done.

For example, both sides agree that the corporate tax rate needs to come down from 35% to 25% at least.

But neither can agree how to make up the deficit in revenues.

Both sides agree that Apple Inc and similar companies who stash cash and profits overseas are corrupt and should pay.

But neither can agree on how to make Apple and others pay their fair share.

Both sides agree that some kind of immigration reform and enforcement needs to be made.

But neither can agree on what to do about those who have been here a long time and had kids here.

I think Ryan will be the key to any cooperation in the coming 4 years.

Hopefully he will do a better job of it than the lame azz Boehner did.
I agree it's been brewing a long time and this election is like the perfect storm - symbolic of the deep unrest amongst us.

But I do think there are things that the winner can do to aim us towards a reconciliation. I hope so anyway.

If Hillary wins - Republicans will put her through hell with obstruction and possible impeachment attempts.

If Trump wins - We are fucked.
and this is why we will never get along ever again.

unless the cons kneel before hillary, we are obstructionist.

you morons really bought into that party of no bullshit
Hillary is no more corrupt than Nixon was.

Hopefully Hillary is not as stupid as Nixon was.

Nixon was GOP.

Corruption is not owned by either party. Both major parties contain a lot of corruption.

W was the most inept POTUS since Carter. So both parties have put forth inept candidates and now Trump is taking the prize for ineptitude.
She like the great pretender will declare she will reach across party lines and move the country forward, just another lie from the lie'r in chief. Wait until the middle class gets a dose of her new tax and economic policy and they discover that not the 2% that pay but themselves. It aught to be interesting to say the least.
No more corrupt then Nixon? spin on that comment for a round or two. Nixon was a pantywaist compared to the clinton machine.
Oh she is smarter than tricky Dick, she erased her emails and wiped her server clean, then like Dick lied about everything else.
One can silence one's opposition with facts and examples. Milton Friedman exposed the difficulty in doing so when the media and government have control of the issues. Yet with that said even the USSR collapsed when reality came knocking at the door. Cronyism replaced communism in the USSR and now that is beginning to show signs of eventual collapse.

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