What Drives Scientific Progress?

May 4, 2022

Civil and reasoned conversations of what constitutes science are non partisan, free of taking sides with ideologically based arguments.

Civil and reasoned conversations of what constitutes science are non partisan, free of taking sides with ideologically based arguments.

Indeed. For example, Neil takes the ideological "side" of particle based physics quite seriously. A true, die hard atomist if there ever was one. Remains extremely pissed that Europeans discovered the so-called Higgs boson instead of us. Oh well. Poor fella.
I hate war, but a student of World War II knows that it drove science at a furious pace with all the government money and single minded effort to out do the enemy with novel ways to kill.
What if star link is more than what is internet? The globalized attempt to control us all. We can hide nowhere.
Need drives science ... you children today forget how bad small pox was ... or polio ... and how much money that cost us ...

Maybe I'm just being an American ... but isn't everything measured in money? ...

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