What happened to Syria and can Syria make a come back?


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Syria has been referred to as a prosperous country, well that is before the Syrian Civil War the so-called Civil War that witnessed The rise of ISIL …Isil inclusive of deranged psychopaths from all over the world infiltrating Syria. It also begs the question who was ISIL what was the power behind them?

Anyway, a lot of Middle East Christians have praised Syria as a safe country for Christians again before the rise of ISIL. The following videos says Syria was a wonderful country with a strong economy

Dick Black who was previously a US State senator and is a Vietnam veteran says that Assad protects Christian’s and that the USA made a big big mistake in supporting Syrian “opposition”, which is often filled with criminal Muslims who kill Christians.

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This American YouTuber was visiting a Roman amphitheater that is still in good parts standing in Syria after all these centuries .. while visiting the Colosseum, the American YouTuber randomly saw a Russian armored vehicle and Russian soldiers approached him and basically asked him what he was doing in Syria.

Nervous about the whole situation the YouTuber was able to talk with the Russian soldiers show him his YouTube page and get this eventually the Russian soldiers asked if they could subscribe to his YouTube channel and they took pictures with the guy saying Russia and America are friends and kind of laughed the whole thing off.

I’m sure that the people who hate freedom of speech , who believe everything the mainstream media tells them, who may have a drug addiction Will call me some kind of a Russian troll. I stopped caring about that a long time ago. It feels good to be open-minded and to be free.


Was Syria a wealthy, developed country before the war broke out?

What was living in Syria like before the civil war?

I've read hundreds of posts on here and thoroughly enjoy Quora (thanks to you all), so here's a tiny payback:
I lived in Damascus, Syria, for about two years (during the period 2002-2003, 2005, 2008-9) as a student of Arabic and Qur'anic orthoepy. I was always curious about the culture and the natural anthropologist in me meant I tried to learn about the lives of the people there (as I had already been keeping annual diaries since a child I was almost self-programmed to do so).

1. The thing that most impressed me when I went the first time as a teenager was the remarkable comfort with which people got on with each other. People were not afraid to befriend one another and I loved how Muslims, Christians, Druze and other communities got on remarkably well.

2. For me I found it to be the friendliest, kindest and warm-spirited nation I have ever had the privilege of experiencing (I have visited 20+ countries and lived in 3 others for at least a year). People oozed benevolence and were remarkably graceful. This made me feel very welcome and safe. I broke out of the reticence I had imbibed in England (sorry England, still love you) and gladly brought back the expression of the warm-spirit I had always had

Syria has been referred to as a prosperous country, well that is before the Syrian Civil War the so-called Civil War that witnessed The rise of ISIL …Isil inclusive of deranged psychopaths from all over the world infiltrating Syria. It also begs the question who was ISIL what was the power behind them?

Anyway, a lot of Middle East Christians have praised Syria as a safe country for Christians again before the rise of ISIL. The following videos says Syria was a wonderful country with a strong economy

Dick Black who was previously a US senator and is a Vietnam veteran says that Assad protects Christian’s and that the USA made a big big mistake and supporting Syrian opposition, which is often filled with criminal Muslims who had people kill Christians

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama pretty much started the Syrian civil war. Wikipedia describes it as "popular discontent with the rule of Bashar al-Assad triggered large-scale protests and pro-democracy rallies", but the whole thing stank like a covert CIA operation stir up shit to overthrow Assad.

Hillary Clinton: Removing Assad in Syria is top priority
Syria has been referred to as a prosperous country, well that is before the Syrian Civil War the so-called Civil War that witnessed The rise of ISIL …Isil inclusive of deranged psychopaths from all over the world infiltrating Syria. It also begs the question who was ISIL what was the power behind them?

Anyway, a lot of Middle East Christians have praised Syria as a safe country for Christians again before the rise of ISIL. The following videos says Syria was a wonderful country with a strong economy

Dick Black who was previously a US State senator and is a Vietnam veteran says that Assad protects Christian’s and that the USA made a big big mistake in supporting Syrian “opposition”, which is often filled with criminal Muslims who kill Christians.

Syria? The place where women were sold openly in public markets? Hopefully they NEVER recover. Hopefully its nothing but misery for eternity there.

Do you think that a bunch of armed terrorists, even if there were a million of them, could sell women in US public markets, even if the US military was defeated and unable to help? Fuck no. War in the streets would instantly start over that shit. US civilians would hunt every last one of them down. Not in Syria though. In Syria the men wont do a fucking thing about it.

Syria deserves a nuke.
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Syria? The place where women were sold openly in public markets? Hopefully they NEVER recover. Hopefully its nothing but misery for eternity there.

Do you think that a bunch of armed terrorists, even if there were a million of them, could sell women in US public markets, even if the US military was defeated and unable to help? Fuck no. War in the streets would instantly start over that shit. US civilians would hunt every last one of them down. Not in Syria though. In Syria the men wont do a fucking thing about it.

Syria deserves a nuke.
It wasn’t like that before the rise of isil

If isil took over a part of the USA ..they would have slave markets in their area until confronted

The Syrian and Russian army cleared out Isil.. I think Kurds played a role to
Syria? The place where women were sold openly in public markets? Hopefully they NEVER recover. Hopefully its nothing but misery for eternity there.

Do you think that a bunch of armed terrorists, even if there were a million of them, could sell women in US public markets, even if the US military was defeated and unable to help? Fuck no. War in the streets would instantly start over that shit. US civilians would hunt every last one of them down. Not in Syria though. In Syria the men wont do a fucking thing about it.

Syria deserves a nuke.
AMMONNEWS - In a letter to Bashar Assad, Virginia state Sen. Richard Black called the Syrian president “heroic” and commended him and the country’s armed forces for “exhibit[ing] extraordinary gallantry in the war against terrorists.”

“I write to thank the Syrian Arab Army for its heroic rescue of Christians in the Qalamoun Mountain Range,” the letter begins.
Syria has been referred to as a prosperous country, well that is before the Syrian Civil War the so-called Civil War that witnessed The rise of ISIL …Isil inclusive of deranged psychopaths from all over the world infiltrating Syria. It also begs the question who was ISIL what was the power behind them?

Anyway, a lot of Middle East Christians have praised Syria as a safe country for Christians again before the rise of ISIL. The following videos says Syria was a wonderful country with a strong economy

Dick Black who was previously a US State senator and is a Vietnam veteran says that Assad protects Christian’s and that the USA made a big big mistake in supporting Syrian “opposition”, which is often filled with criminal Muslims who kill Christians.

Syria failed in 2005 from drought, famine, the collapse of the oil sector and sectarian strife.

The author of this tripe doesn't know anything about Syria or its history of assassinations, smuggling and kidnapping.
Syria failed in 2005 from drought, famine, the collapse of the oil sector and sectarian strife.

The author of this tripe doesn't know anything about Syria or its history of assassinations, smuggling and kidnapping.

Tripe huh 🤔.

The point was Syria was much better in the 20th century and in the Middle Ages. Same with Iraq
You sure are ignorant about Syria. You think Bashar is the boss.

Bullshit. You're not as knowledgeable as you think you are.

"As the Syrian conflict has evolved, so have Washington’s policy responses. The United States principally used rhetoric and sanctions against the Syrian government in the first year or so of the conflict, shifting to more active diplomacy in 2012 and 2013. Then it gradually transitioned to covert and then more overt supply and training of rebels in 2013 and 2014."


Like Libya as well? Where the CIA stirred up a violent revolution among the more radical Islamic elements, resulting in four Americans being killed?

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were behind that too, as well as ISIS becoming the most prominent threat in the Middle East.
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Tripe huh 🤔.

The point was Syria was much better in the 20th century and in the Middle Ages. Same with Iraq

Syria has never been better. Hafiz was a cruel butcher...and Mehr Assad is no better. Look at the history of sabotage of tap line, assassinations, drug Smuggling and kidnapping for ransom.
Syria has never been better. Hafiz was a cruel butcher...and Mehr Assad is no better. Look at the history of sabotage of tap line, assassinations, drug Smuggling and kidnapping for ransom.
That is not what many of the people of Syria say …. I have a relative who has been there for 40 years.

My goodness think of the rise of isil

It’s a similar situation with Iraq…almost all the Iraqis I speak with say the country was much better before 2003
That is not what many of the people of Syria say …. I have a relative who has been there for 40 years.

My goodness think of the rise of isil

It’s a similar situation with Iraq…almost all the Iraqis I speak with say the country was much better before 2003

Isil or ISIS came out of Iraq in 2004. Iraq was better before the US invasion but Syria failed in 2005 when agriculture and the oil sector collapsed.

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