What happened to the progressive narrative on "open borders"


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The worst month in left-wing history continues. Every false narrative they have has been exposed due to their complete and total meltdown over Donald Trump being elected president.

Here is yet another example. When they thought it would win them an election, they created the false narrative that it was sooooo "humanitarian" to allow anyone in, at any time, from any nation, for any reason (Mexicans, Syrians, etc.). But when they lose an election, the liberal in blue here says (and I quote) "this is about someone coming into our country". Excuse me? "Our country"?!? Since when? You people have spent over a year screaming that anyone has a right to come into the U.S. without restrictions. Progressives have the intellect and maturity of your average 6 year old.

It's like how they were against Vietnam and the cold war but then they were FOR Afghanistan, (for feminism).

Vietnam and the cold war were both won. Afghanistan is lost and feminism will NEVER make it there.
The worst month in left-wing history continues. Every false narrative they have has been exposed due to their complete and total meltdown over Donald Trump being elected president.

Here is yet another example. When they thought it would win them an election, they created the false narrative that it was sooooo "humanitarian" to allow anyone in, at any time, from any nation, for any reason (Mexicans, Syrians, etc.). But when they lose an election, the liberal in blue here says (and I quote) "this is about someone coming into our country". Excuse me? "Our country"?!? Since when? You people have spent over a year screaming that anyone has a right to come into the U.S. without restrictions. Progressives have the intellect and maturity of your average 6 year old.

what lol? do you think people have to immigrate to the US and become citizens before they can hack a computer here?
It's like how they were against Vietnam and the cold war but then they were FOR Afghanistan, (for feminism).

Vietnam and the cold war were both won. Afghanistan is lost and feminism will NEVER make it there.
Wow....not sure I agree with you here. How was Afghanistan "lost"? We obliterated the Taliban, killed Osama Bin Laden, created a sound government, and turned the nation back over to the Afghani people. I would call Afghanistan a resounding success.
I just know if I go to hell, I will have to listen to Joy Behar speak for all eternity.
The worst month in left-wing history continues. Every false narrative they have has been exposed due to their complete and total meltdown over Donald Trump being elected president.

Here is yet another example. When they thought it would win them an election, they created the false narrative that it was sooooo "humanitarian" to allow anyone in, at any time, from any nation, for any reason (Mexicans, Syrians, etc.). But when they lose an election, the liberal in blue here says (and I quote) "this is about someone coming into our country". Excuse me? "Our country"?!? Since when? You people have spent over a year screaming that anyone has a right to come into the U.S. without restrictions. Progressives have the intellect and maturity of your average 6 year old.

what lol? do you think people have to immigrate to the US and become citizens before they can hack a computer here?

What?!? If we are "open" to an invasion from people of other nations, why aren't our computer systems "open" as well? :dunno:

I mean, I know you are a serious left-wing partisan hack - but can we have an honest conversation for just a moment? If you had your choice between a home invasion by criminals or your computer being hacked, which would you choose? Every single rational person in the world would choose to have their pc hacked since it would mean they would remain free from physical harm at least.

So how do you progressives not apply that same logic to your country. If you're ok with an invasion of literally tens of millions of people, surely you couldn't possibly mind if our computer systems are accessed.
The worst month in left-wing history continues. Every false narrative they have has been exposed due to their complete and total meltdown over Donald Trump being elected president.

Here is yet another example. When they thought it would win them an election, they created the false narrative that it was sooooo "humanitarian" to allow anyone in, at any time, from any nation, for any reason (Mexicans, Syrians, etc.). But when they lose an election, the liberal in blue here says (and I quote) "this is about someone coming into our country". Excuse me? "Our country"?!? Since when? You people have spent over a year screaming that anyone has a right to come into the U.S. without restrictions. Progressives have the intellect and maturity of your average 6 year old.

what lol? do you think people have to immigrate to the US and become citizens before they can hack a computer here?

What?!? If we are "open" to an invasion from people of other nations, why aren't our computer systems "open" as well? :dunno:

I mean, I know you are a serious left-wing partisan hack - but can we have an honest conversation for just a moment? If you had your choice between a home invasion by criminals or your computer being hacked, which would you choose? Every single rational person in the world would choose to have their pc hacked since it would mean they would remain free from physical harm at least.

So how do you progressives not apply that same logic to your country. If you're ok with an invasion of literally tens of millions of people, surely you couldn't possibly mind if our computer systems are accessed.

your such a hack you would pay money to gently massage trumps balls
The worst month in left-wing history continues. Every false narrative they have has been exposed due to their complete and total meltdown over Donald Trump being elected president.

Here is yet another example. When they thought it would win them an election, they created the false narrative that it was sooooo "humanitarian" to allow anyone in, at any time, from any nation, for any reason (Mexicans, Syrians, etc.). But when they lose an election, the liberal in blue here says (and I quote) "this is about someone coming into our country". Excuse me? "Our country"?!? Since when? You people have spent over a year screaming that anyone has a right to come into the U.S. without restrictions. Progressives have the intellect and maturity of your average 6 year old.

what lol? do you think people have to immigrate to the US and become citizens before they can hack a computer here?

What?!? If we are "open" to an invasion from people of other nations, why aren't our computer systems "open" as well? :dunno:

I mean, I know you are a serious left-wing partisan hack - but can we have an honest conversation for just a moment? If you had your choice between a home invasion by criminals or your computer being hacked, which would you choose? Every single rational person in the world would choose to have their pc hacked since it would mean they would remain free from physical harm at least.

So how do you progressives not apply that same logic to your country. If you're ok with an invasion of literally tens of millions of people, surely you couldn't possibly mind if our computer systems are accessed.

your such a hack you would pay money to gently massage trumps balls

Ahahahahaha!!! You just got owned and you know it. Seriously, that just made my day. See what I mean folks? The progressive false narratives are imploding on top of themselves faster than we can document them.

Here is a vintage progressive unable to articulate why he supported "open borders" until Hitlery Clinton lost. Now he's furious that Russia allegedly accessed the "open borders" he desired via the internet.
UGH I just don't have the stomach to watch/mostly hear that. I tried...
It's like how they were against Vietnam and the cold war but then they were FOR Afghanistan, (for feminism).

Vietnam and the cold war were both won. Afghanistan is lost and feminism will NEVER make it there.
Wow....not sure I agree with you here. How was Afghanistan "lost"? We obliterated the Taliban, killed Osama Bin Laden, created a sound government, and turned the nation back over to the Afghani people. I would call Afghanistan a resounding success.
Huzzah! three out of three! :D
Dear P@triot:
RE: liberal logic
* trusting immigrants and workers not to cross borders for criminal abuses,
but NOT trusting hackers with computers that don't respect anyone's borders.

That's not so hard to justify compared with:

* trusting govt with the right to control health care insurance choices
but NOT trusting govt with right to choice when it comes to abortion?

* trusting trained militia as the meaning of the Second Amendment right to bear arms,
but NOT trusting police with guns since they abuse power too easily!

* trusting people with the choice to abuse and deal drugs legally "because there's no proof of harm done"
but NOT trusting people with the choice to use guns legally for defense "because of the risk of crime and danger"?

* wanting public rights to express LGBT beliefs and orientation openly (including gay parades and belief in same sex marriage) for govt to endorse policies protecting this,
but NOT tolerating or including "faith based" references to crosses, creation, Christmas (or even spiritual healing that cures people of disease and saves lives)
"because that would be imposing on people through govt who are offended and REJECT Christianity" (which doesn't count as discrimination, while rejecting LGBT beliefs does!)

Next to these other "logic puzzles"
(such as not trusting police with guns, but wanting only police and military to have guns;
and wanting to keep govt out of reproductive choices, but mandating that federal govt control ALL health care??)
I think it is easier to see the difference between
* not wanting to punish well meaning workers and families by treating them the same as criminals,
vs. not wanting ANY hackers to get into private systems especially govt security.

If anything, the CONSERVATIVES who support hacks and leaks are making exceptions for hacking crimes.
So it's the OPPONENTS who argue "ALL illegal immigration is still a crime and shouldn't be tolerated"
who are being inconsistent if they don't treat "ALL HACKING as a crime," regardless what good comes of it!
I think it is easier to see the difference between not wanting to punish well meaning workers and families by treating them the same as criminals, vs. not wanting ANY hackers to get into private systems especially govt security.
But that's a false narrative. No matter how "well meaning", the moment someone illegally crosses our borders they have broken a law. Which means they have instantly become a legitimate criminal.

In addition - how do you know that a hacker is not every bit as "well meaning" as the hypothetical man and his family coming across the border? I consider WikiLeaks to be the most humanitarian organization in the world. They expose corruption and provide the truth to citizens when the government lies to them. That is far more valuable than anything a person does coming over the border.
I think it is easier to see the difference between not wanting to punish well meaning workers and families by treating them the same as criminals, vs. not wanting ANY hackers to get into private systems especially govt security.
But that's a false narrative. No matter how "well meaning", the moment someone illegally crosses our borders they have broken a law. Which means they have instantly become a legitimate criminal.

In addition - how do you know that a hacker is not every bit as "well meaning" as the hypothetical man and his family coming across the border? I consider WikiLeaks to be the most humanitarian organization in the world. They expose corruption and provide the truth to citizens when the government lies to them. That is far more valuable than anything a person does coming over the border.

Yep P@triot
But technically speaking, hacking is still illegal. So it's still a crime.
I think it is easier to see the difference between not wanting to punish well meaning workers and families by treating them the same as criminals, vs. not wanting ANY hackers to get into private systems especially govt security.
But that's a false narrative. No matter how "well meaning", the moment someone illegally crosses our borders they have broken a law. Which means they have instantly become a legitimate criminal.

In addition - how do you know that a hacker is not every bit as "well meaning" as the hypothetical man and his family coming across the border? I consider WikiLeaks to be the most humanitarian organization in the world. They expose corruption and provide the truth to citizens when the government lies to them. That is far more valuable than anything a person does coming over the border.

Yep P@triot
But technically speaking, hacking is still illegal. So it's still a crime.
Yeah. Right. And "technically speaking", coming across our borders without proper permission (visa, citizenship, etc.) is still illegal. So it too is a crime.

So if the left is going to ignore that crime, why are they not ignoring cyber crimes? If they are going to insist that anyone has the right to physically enter the U.S. without permission, why aren't they insisting that anyone has the right to virtually enter the U.S. without permission?

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