What Happens After a GOP Majority?

Look at what they did when Bush was president and Republicans held both houses.
Republicans should vote as soon as possible to repeal the USAPATRIOT Act in order to cripple Archduke Barack bin Hussein al-Obama's Fascist Sharia Marxist police state.
What Happens After a GOP Majority?
Gop = lower taxes=economy booming,=jobs= jobs, strong military,back in space program, helping israel, world leadership from the front not back,in god we trust!!!
We are going to find out how much the mulatto messiah likes his veto pen.
First of all we will see if obie is going to keep being obie or become more like Clinton. If he keeps being him we will see a lot of common sense laws vetoed at the further detriment of the democrat party. If he does like Clinton we very well may get Clinton like results such as a balanced budget, obiecare taken down a notch and pretty much gutted, the economy will come back to life and we can once again become a country to be proud of. If obie changes his ways, that's the key.
We are going to find out how much the mulatto messiah likes his veto pen.

Or in which bodily orifice it might find a home should He fall victim to a veto-proof majority. Improbable but not impossible.

Not ALL Democrats are totally stupid. Even with just shy of a veto-proof majority overrides may be possible if a few heed the polls and opportunistically decide to cross the aisle on critical issues to enhance their chances of sticking around a bit longer.
It will mean more at the State Level for now and quite frankly, we still have Boehner and McConnell who are Dem-Lites
Look at what they did when Bush was president and Republicans held both houses.

From 2001 to 2003 the dems held the Senate. From 2007 the dems held both houses, remind us again about HOW Bush did everything with 51 Republican senators when the Dems under Obama couldn't do anything with 59.
We are going to find out how much the mulatto messiah likes his veto pen.

Or in which bodily orifice it might find a home should He fall victim to a veto-proof majority. Improbable but not impossible.

Not ALL Democrats are totally stupid. Even with just shy of a veto-proof majority overrides may be possible if a few heed the polls and opportunistically decide to cross the aisle on critical issues to enhance their chances of sticking around a bit longer.

I think maobama is too stuck on stupid to change.
Look at what they did when Bush was president and Republicans held both houses.

From 2001 to 2003 the dems held the Senate. From 2007 the dems held both houses, remind us again about HOW Bush did everything with 51 Republican senators when the Dems under Obama couldn't do anything with 59.

Republicans used reconciliation three times. What did they use it on and how successful were those policies?
Gop = lower taxes=economy booming,=jobs= jobs, strong military,back in space program, helping israel, world leadership from the front not back,in god we trust!!!
Well, that's what they promise.

While the do the opposite.

Can anyone post a vote by the R for lower taxes for the working class? Nope.
How about a time of economic growth? Nope.
Voting FOR America instead of against it? NOPE.

Can someone say why we should believe they would suddenly change?

No. It would be SSDD for the R's. Steal from the poor, give to the rich.

But, yes, they would give lip service to "in god we trust" while behaving in a completely un-christian-like way -- just like GISMYS and the other phony christians here.
Look at what they did when Bush was president and Republicans held both houses.

From 2001 to 2003 the dems held the Senate. From 2007 the dems held both houses, remind us again about HOW Bush did everything with 51 Republican senators when the Dems under Obama couldn't do anything with 59.


That just shows you commies are stuck on stupid, if their bills were more reasonable they wouldn't have been filibustered.
Look at what they did when Bush was president and Republicans held both houses.

From 2001 to 2003 the dems held the Senate. From 2007 the dems held both houses, remind us again about HOW Bush did everything with 51 Republican senators when the Dems under Obama couldn't do anything with 59.


Of those 12 years Republicans held the House Majority, they also held a Senate majority for 10 years. All the disastrous polices lead back to those years. Deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts. Two unpaid for wars. Tens of thousands of American maimed for life in Iraq. Tens of thousands of American factories closed. A deregulated economy that led to the worst recession since the depression. Medical bills becoming the number one cause of bankruptcy. You know these are all GOP policies. Trying to blame them on Democrats is laughable.

In fact, it's like saying the Iraq war was the fault of the Democrats because some of them voted for it. Republicans refuse to let the GOP be responsible for anything. The ONLY thing they want to take responsibility for is taking out Bin Laden. Something they had nothing to do with.

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