What Happens If GA Recount Flips State Back to Trump?

What happens if the GA hand recount now underway flips the state back to Trump? I'd say that would put some moral pressure on other close-call states to do manual recounts as well. If the recount shows large-scale miscounting by the Dominion voting software and/or large-scale fraud with mail-in ballots, that will really put pressure on swing states that used the software and that did mail-in ballots.

Trump is legally entitled to request a recount in WI because the margin of victory was less than 1%, but he can't file the paperwork until state officials certify the election results, and so far they are stalling on certification and are taking longer than they have ever taken to do the certification.
A. It won't. Recounts usually move the needle by a couple of hundred votes at the most.
B. It doesn't matter, he still won't have 270, but Biden still will.

C. Time to join reality and let this tRumpling hallucination go.
Georgia difference is 15,000.

AZ difference is 11,000 and slipping.

Actually AP (and everybody) already called AridZona for Biden.

Georgia not so much although the Cook Political Report, the most comprehensive vote total source, has allotted both Georgia (to Biden) and North Cackalackee (to Rump), producing a final total of 306 to 232.

News Agencies don't call elections.

Where have you been ?

Sorry, I've been in a place called the United States, where news agencies ALWAYS call elections.

Because --- well, because it's NEWS. The public wants to know who won and who the next POTUS is. And now, they do.

News agencies project who they think won the state.

They are not the final say.

BTW: Calling anything a "news agency" these days is speculation at best.

Several states set it up so the public would not know on November 3rd and now, despite your stupidity, we are waiting...and waiting.
Trump lost.
What happens if the GA hand recount now underway flips the state back to Trump? I'd say that would put some moral pressure on other close-call states to do manual recounts as well. If the recount shows large-scale miscounting by the Dominion voting software and/or large-scale fraud with mail-in ballots, that will really put pressure on swing states that used the software and that did mail-in ballots.

Trump is legally entitled to request a recount in WI because the margin of victory was less than 1%, but he can't file the paperwork until state officials certify the election results, and so far they are stalling on certification and are taking longer than they have ever taken to do the certification.
Then we're possibly-cum-probably looking at some jiggery-pokery with the tabulation.

This would, IMO, necessitate a hand recount in every state that used the Dominion tabulators....No cherry picking....Let's have a result that everyone can see.

Ah yes, "jiggery-pokery", the John Lennon expression used on producing the "raw" Let it Be album, as in "we'll have none of your jiggery-pokery on this one, George Martin".

Lennon was of course using his characteristic sarcasm, as no one engaged in more sonic jiggery-pokery than Lennon himself, even requesting Martin at one point to make his song "sound like an orange".

I know about this sort of thing, for I am the egg man.

And I am the Walrus.

The Walrus was Paul.

John, who wrote the song, said that upon later examination of the poem he took the walrus from, the walrus was actually the bad guy, and he should have said "I am the Carpenter."

Harry Nilsson wrote a song about that poem too IIRC, or at least referring to it.
And Lennon named Nilsson at one point as his favourite songwriter, not that it's necessarily related.
What happens if the GA hand recount now underway flips the state back to Trump? I'd say that would put some moral pressure on other close-call states to do manual recounts as well. If the recount shows large-scale miscounting by the Dominion voting software and/or large-scale fraud with mail-in ballots, that will really put pressure on swing states that used the software and that did mail-in ballots.

Trump is legally entitled to request a recount in WI because the margin of victory was less than 1%, but he can't file the paperwork until state officials certify the election results, and so far they are stalling on certification and are taking longer than they have ever taken to do the certification.
A. It won't. Recounts usually move the needle by a couple of hundred votes at the most.
B. It doesn't matter, he still won't have 270, but Biden still will.

C. Time to join reality and let this tRumpling hallucination go.
point a, btw, is one of the key differences to the 2000 election.

but trumptards don't care. they will cite anything to deflect and muddy the waters. probably because they really want to make america great again.
What happens if the GA hand recount now underway flips the state back to Trump? I'd say that would put some moral pressure on other close-call states to do manual recounts as well. If the recount shows large-scale miscounting by the Dominion voting software and/or large-scale fraud with mail-in ballots, that will really put pressure on swing states that used the software and that did mail-in ballots.

Trump is legally entitled to request a recount in WI because the margin of victory was less than 1%, but he can't file the paperwork until state officials certify the election results, and so far they are stalling on certification and are taking longer than they have ever taken to do the certification.

"What if" you just accepted the reality that Trump has lost the election - BIGLY???

Recounts nearly always turn out in favour the original winner, especially when more than 1000 votes separate the candidates. This is always the case in jurisdictions where there were no issues with the original count, which is the case in Georgia.

The State of Georgia has been at the centre of serious scrutiny over their egrious efforts at voter suppression in the 2018 midterms. I have no doubt that there are no problems with the count and Georgia is now, in fact, a blue state. Further problems were identified in the primaries, and corrected in time for November 3rd.

The truly delicious irony here is that had Stacey Abrahms been elected governor, she would have been far too busy leading the State's battle against covid19, she wouldn't have had the time or the motivate to create a grass roots voters' rights group to register minority voters in Georgia, and then to turn out those voters to hand the state over to the Democratic Party. I hope she can do it again for the Senate run-offs.

Living well truly is the best revenge.

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