What Happens If GA Recount Flips State Back to Trump?

What happens if the GA hand recount now underway flips the state back to Trump? I'd say that would put some moral pressure on other close-call states to do manual recounts as well. If the recount shows large-scale miscounting by the Dominion voting software and/or large-scale fraud with mail-in ballots, that will really put pressure on swing states that used the software and that did mail-in ballots.

Trump is legally entitled to request a recount in WI because the margin of victory was less than 1%, but he can't file the paperwork until state officials certify the election results, and so far they are stalling on certification and are taking longer than they have ever taken to do the certification.

Need to keep an eye on the Georgia recount.
Some Never Trump Republicans are apparently trying to conduct the recount in the dark too.
What happens if the GA hand recount now underway flips the state back to Trump? I'd say that would put some moral pressure on other close-call states to do manual recounts as well. If the recount shows large-scale miscounting by the Dominion voting software and/or large-scale fraud with mail-in ballots, that will really put pressure on swing states that used the software and that did mail-in ballots.

Trump is legally entitled to request a recount in WI because the margin of victory was less than 1%, but he can't file the paperwork until state officials certify the election results, and so far they are stalling on certification and are taking longer than they have ever taken to do the certification.

The ongoing fraud-coup against President Donald Trump is/was the democrats' final "soft" solution to prevent his reelection. IF it appears DJT will win the election through legal action, I believe that the democrats, along with China and the deep state and the UN will resort to a "hard" solution, which could involve a truly cataclysmic false flag event, in the form of an EMP burst over "red" areas of America, a foreign invasion to "monitor" the election or, and I would not put it past the democrats, a thermonuclear weapon "accident". As it stands, it looks as if the fraud-coup is going to work—going to drive DJT from office. But with Trump you never know. The man is as predictable as a riptide in a hurricane. We should all cross our fingers in hopes DJT pulls out a last minute victory and the democrats suddenly decide to love their country again.

I'm confused about the "again" part.
What happens if the GA hand recount now underway flips the state back to Trump? I'd say that would put some moral pressure on other close-call states to do manual recounts as well. If the recount shows large-scale miscounting by the Dominion voting software and/or large-scale fraud with mail-in ballots, that will really put pressure on swing states that used the software and that did mail-in ballots.

Trump is legally entitled to request a recount in WI because the margin of victory was less than 1%, but he can't file the paperwork until state officials certify the election results, and so far they are stalling on certification and are taking longer than they have ever taken to do the certification.
Frogs will sprout wings and quit bumping their butts when they hop. Little birdies and naked babies with wings will fly out of trump's ass and entertain all the little trumper devotees. :auiqs.jpg:
What happens if the GA hand recount now underway flips the state back to Trump? I'd say that would put some moral pressure on other close-call states to do manual recounts as well. If the recount shows large-scale miscounting by the Dominion voting software and/or large-scale fraud with mail-in ballots, that will really put pressure on swing states that used the software and that did mail-in ballots.

Trump is legally entitled to request a recount in WI because the margin of victory was less than 1%, but he can't file the paperwork until state officials certify the election results, and so far they are stalling on certification and are taking longer than they have ever taken to do the certification.
Then we're possibly-cum-probably looking at some jiggery-pokery with the tabulation.

This would, IMO, necessitate a hand recount in every state that used the Dominion tabulators....No cherry picking....Let's have a result that everyone can see.

Ah yes, "jiggery-pokery", the John Lennon expression used on producing the "raw" Let it Be album, as in "we'll have none of your jiggery-pokery on this one, George Martin".

Lennon was of course using his characteristic sarcasm, as no one engaged in more sonic jiggery-pokery than Lennon himself, even requesting Martin at one point to make his song "sound like an orange".

I know about this sort of thing, for I am the egg man.
What happens if the GA hand recount now underway flips the state back to Trump? I'd say that would put some moral pressure on other close-call states to do manual recounts as well. If the recount shows large-scale miscounting by the Dominion voting software and/or large-scale fraud with mail-in ballots, that will really put pressure on swing states that used the software and that did mail-in ballots.

Trump is legally entitled to request a recount in WI because the margin of victory was less than 1%, but he can't file the paperwork until state officials certify the election results, and so far they are stalling on certification and are taking longer than they have ever taken to do the certification.

You mean in the unlikely event Donald finds 15,000 fraudulent votes?
Nothing - Biden doesn't need Georgia.
You Trumpettes had better learn how to deal with this.
It's OVER.
Sure. The left told us Trump had no path to 270 in 2016. That was BS. The left flapped a fake Russian dossier(paid for by Hillary) in the face of America trying to impeach Trump. That got exposed as BS.
Seems the left is full of BS
Given that the largest margin of victory prior to a statewide recount in the last 40 years when a the original results were flipped was 400, that only three such raises have been flipped during that time, and Biden is leading by over 14,000 in GA, it's a pipe dream.

If Trump is going to have a recount in WI, he's going to have to pay for it. And the campaign is already in debt. Since Trump is cheap as hell, he's trailing by 20,000 votes, and it'll cost him ~$3 million, I wouldn't be sure that there's going to be a recount in WI.
In my opinion, the response of the left will be violent, destructive, divisive and racial if any state were to flip to Trump. The left is a product of generational entitlement mentalities. Entitled by their parents, by the government and by educators. When a entitled brat doesn't get what they want, they like to destroy everyone else's stuff.

I am really hoping they do come unhinged.

I've just adjusted my scope.

I think a lot of us were prepared for the probability that a party that was okay with conducting a 4 year coup would not leave this election up to legitimating voting.
What happens if the GA hand recount now underway flips the state back to Trump? I'd say that would put some moral pressure on other close-call states to do manual recounts as well. If the recount shows large-scale miscounting by the Dominion voting software and/or large-scale fraud with mail-in ballots, that will really put pressure on swing states that used the software and that did mail-in ballots.

Trump is legally entitled to request a recount in WI because the margin of victory was less than 1%, but he can't file the paperwork until state officials certify the election results, and so far they are stalling on certification and are taking longer than they have ever taken to do the certification.

The ongoing fraud-coup against President Donald Trump is/was the democrats' final "soft" solution to prevent his reelection. IF it appears DJT will win the election through legal action, I believe that the democrats, along with China and the deep state and the UN will resort to a "hard" solution, which could involve a truly cataclysmic false flag event, in the form of an EMP burst over "red" areas of America, a foreign invasion to "monitor" the election or, and I would not put it past the democrats, a thermonuclear weapon "accident". As it stands, it looks as if the fraud-coup is going to work—going to drive DJT from office. But with Trump you never know. The man is as predictable as a riptide in a hurricane. We should all cross our fingers in hopes DJT pulls out a last minute victory and the democrats suddenly decide to love their country again.

I'm confused about the "again" part.

Apologies. I re-watch JFK speeches from time to time. That, and I was a Carter fan. Of course, I was only nine when he left office, but I digress . . .
Georgia difference is 15,000.

AZ difference is 11,000 and slipping.

Actually AP (and everybody) already called AridZona for Biden.

Georgia not so much although the Cook Political Report, the most comprehensive vote total source, has allotted both Georgia (to Biden) and North Cackalackee (to Rump), producing a final total of 306 to 232.

News Agencies don't call elections.

Where have you been ?

The Bubble
Given that the largest margin of victory prior to a statewide recount in the last 40 years when a the original results were flipped was 400, that only three such raises have been flipped during that time, and Biden is leading by over 14,000 in GA, it's a pipe dream.

If Trump is going to have a recount in WI, he's going to have to pay for it. And the campaign is already in debt. Since Trump is cheap as hell, he's trailing by 20,000 votes, and it'll cost him ~$3 million, I wouldn't be sure that there's going to be a recount in WI.
In my opinion, the response of the left will be violent, destructive, divisive and racial if any state were to flip to Trump. The left is a product of generational entitlement mentalities. Entitled by their parents, by the government and by educators. When a entitled brat doesn't get what they want, they like to destroy everyone else's stuff.

I am really hoping they do come unhinged.

I've just adjusted my scope.
Deer season starts tomorrow. I'm dialed in too.

One, count 'em, ONE post after the same wag tried to sell violence as somebody else's thing.

What happens if the GA hand recount now underway flips the state back to Trump? I'd say that would put some moral pressure on other close-call states to do manual recounts as well. If the recount shows large-scale miscounting by the Dominion voting software and/or large-scale fraud with mail-in ballots, that will really put pressure on swing states that used the software and that did mail-in ballots.

Trump is legally entitled to request a recount in WI because the margin of victory was less than 1%, but he can't file the paperwork until state officials certify the election results, and so far they are stalling on certification and are taking longer than they have ever taken to do the certification.

The ongoing fraud-coup against President Donald Trump is/was the democrats' final "soft" solution to prevent his reelection. IF it appears DJT will win the election through legal action, I believe that the democrats, along with China and the deep state and the UN will resort to a "hard" solution, which could involve a truly cataclysmic false flag event, in the form of an EMP burst over "red" areas of America, a foreign invasion to "monitor" the election or, and I would not put it past the democrats, a thermonuclear weapon "accident". As it stands, it looks as if the fraud-coup is going to work—going to drive DJT from office. But with Trump you never know. The man is as predictable as a riptide in a hurricane. We should all cross our fingers in hopes DJT pulls out a last minute victory and the democrats suddenly decide to love their country again.

I'm confused about the "again" part.

Apologies. I re-watch JFK speeches from time to time. That, and I was a Carter fan. Of course, I was only nine when he left office, but I digress . . .

I will give you JFK.
Given that the largest margin of victory prior to a statewide recount in the last 40 years when a the original results were flipped was 400, that only three such raises have been flipped during that time, and Biden is leading by over 14,000 in GA, it's a pipe dream.

If Trump is going to have a recount in WI, he's going to have to pay for it. And the campaign is already in debt. Since Trump is cheap as hell, he's trailing by 20,000 votes, and it'll cost him ~$3 million, I wouldn't be sure that there's going to be a recount in WI.
In my opinion, the response of the left will be violent, destructive, divisive and racial if any state were to flip to Trump. The left is a product of generational entitlement mentalities. Entitled by their parents, by the government and by educators. When a entitled brat doesn't get what they want, they like to destroy everyone else's stuff.

I am really hoping they do come unhinged.

I've just adjusted my scope.
Deer season starts tomorrow. I'm dialed in too.

One, count 'em, ONE post after the same wag tried to sell violence as somebody else's thing.

Oh dear. I've upset you. Killing deer bothers you too?
Given that the largest margin of victory prior to a statewide recount in the last 40 years when a the original results were flipped was 400, that only three such raises have been flipped during that time, and Biden is leading by over 14,000 in GA, it's a pipe dream.

If Trump is going to have a recount in WI, he's going to have to pay for it. And the campaign is already in debt. Since Trump is cheap as hell, he's trailing by 20,000 votes, and it'll cost him ~$3 million, I wouldn't be sure that there's going to be a recount in WI.
In my opinion, the response of the left will be violent, destructive, divisive and racial if any state were to flip to Trump. The left is a product of generational entitlement mentalities. Entitled by their parents, by the government and by educators. When a entitled brat doesn't get what they want, they like to destroy everyone else's stuff.

I am really hoping they do come unhinged.

I've just adjusted my scope.
Deer season starts tomorrow. I'm dialed in too.

One, count 'em, ONE post after the same wag tried to sell violence as somebody else's thing.


Look ass wipe .
to this point all the violence has come from your side -
If you really think that we will simply allow you to do whatever you want into perpetuity you are even dumber than you act.
Given that the largest margin of victory prior to a statewide recount in the last 40 years when a the original results were flipped was 400, that only three such raises have been flipped during that time, and Biden is leading by over 14,000 in GA, it's a pipe dream.

If Trump is going to have a recount in WI, he's going to have to pay for it. And the campaign is already in debt. Since Trump is cheap as hell, he's trailing by 20,000 votes, and it'll cost him ~$3 million, I wouldn't be sure that there's going to be a recount in WI.
In my opinion, the response of the left will be violent, destructive, divisive and racial if any state were to flip to Trump. The left is a product of generational entitlement mentalities. Entitled by their parents, by the government and by educators. When a entitled brat doesn't get what they want, they like to destroy everyone else's stuff.

I am really hoping they do come unhinged.

I've just adjusted my scope.
Deer season starts tomorrow. I'm dialed in too.

One, count 'em, ONE post after the same wag tried to sell violence as somebody else's thing.


Look ass wipe .
to this point all the violence has come from your side -
If you really think that we will simply allow you to do whatever you want into perpetuity you are even dumber than you act.

Number one, my "side" is the United States. What's yours?

And number two asswipe, "asswipe" is one word.
Given that the largest margin of victory prior to a statewide recount in the last 40 years when a the original results were flipped was 400, that only three such raises have been flipped during that time, and Biden is leading by over 14,000 in GA, it's a pipe dream.

If Trump is going to have a recount in WI, he's going to have to pay for it. And the campaign is already in debt. Since Trump is cheap as hell, he's trailing by 20,000 votes, and it'll cost him ~$3 million, I wouldn't be sure that there's going to be a recount in WI.
In my opinion, the response of the left will be violent, destructive, divisive and racial if any state were to flip to Trump. The left is a product of generational entitlement mentalities. Entitled by their parents, by the government and by educators. When a entitled brat doesn't get what they want, they like to destroy everyone else's stuff.

I am really hoping they do come unhinged.

I've just adjusted my scope.
Deer season starts tomorrow. I'm dialed in too.

One, count 'em, ONE post after the same wag tried to sell violence as somebody else's thing.

Oh dear. I've upset you. Killing deer bothers you too?

Please show the class where anything about "bother" was in my post. I simply pointed out the irony of your hypocrisy. Tissue?

Having it both ways: Priceless.
Given that the largest margin of victory prior to a statewide recount in the last 40 years when a the original results were flipped was 400, that only three such raises have been flipped during that time, and Biden is leading by over 14,000 in GA, it's a pipe dream.

If Trump is going to have a recount in WI, he's going to have to pay for it. And the campaign is already in debt. Since Trump is cheap as hell, he's trailing by 20,000 votes, and it'll cost him ~$3 million, I wouldn't be sure that there's going to be a recount in WI.
In my opinion, the response of the left will be violent, destructive, divisive and racial if any state were to flip to Trump. The left is a product of generational entitlement mentalities. Entitled by their parents, by the government and by educators. When a entitled brat doesn't get what they want, they like to destroy everyone else's stuff.

I am really hoping they do come unhinged.

I've just adjusted my scope.
Deer season starts tomorrow. I'm dialed in too.

One, count 'em, ONE post after the same wag tried to sell violence as somebody else's thing.


Look ass wipe .
to this point all the violence has come from your side -
If you really think that we will simply allow you to do whatever you want into perpetuity you are even dumber than you act.

Number one, my "side" is the United States. What's yours?

And number two asswipe, "asswipe" is one word.

Well, you're not all that far from me -
Could I stop by and get an English lesson from you?
What happens if the GA hand recount now underway flips the state back to Trump? I'd say that would put some moral pressure on other close-call states to do manual recounts as well. If the recount shows large-scale miscounting by the Dominion voting software and/or large-scale fraud with mail-in ballots, that will really put pressure on swing states that used the software and that did mail-in ballots.

Trump is legally entitled to request a recount in WI because the margin of victory was less than 1%, but he can't file the paperwork until state officials certify the election results, and so far they are stalling on certification and are taking longer than they have ever taken to do the certification.
Trump and the gop might want to reconsider that law not allowing counting mail in ballots until election day.

Yes, that would give Democrats more time to cheat!
Actually AP (and everybody) already called AridZona for Biden.

They are not authorized to call anything. Just wait like Joe Biden told Chris Wallace he would in the 1st debate for the official state certification of the election.

ANYONE ANYWHERE is entitled to "call" anything they want.

Lemme show you an example:


NOBODY ANYWHERE needs any kind of "authorization" to make a goddam CALL, Dimwit.
Last edited:
Given that the largest margin of victory prior to a statewide recount in the last 40 years when a the original results were flipped was 400, that only three such raises have been flipped during that time, and Biden is leading by over 14,000 in GA, it's a pipe dream.

If Trump is going to have a recount in WI, he's going to have to pay for it. And the campaign is already in debt. Since Trump is cheap as hell, he's trailing by 20,000 votes, and it'll cost him ~$3 million, I wouldn't be sure that there's going to be a recount in WI.
In my opinion, the response of the left will be violent, destructive, divisive and racial if any state were to flip to Trump. The left is a product of generational entitlement mentalities. Entitled by their parents, by the government and by educators. When a entitled brat doesn't get what they want, they like to destroy everyone else's stuff.

I am really hoping they do come unhinged.

I've just adjusted my scope.
Deer season starts tomorrow. I'm dialed in too.

One, count 'em, ONE post after the same wag tried to sell violence as somebody else's thing.


Look ass wipe .
to this point all the violence has come from your side -
If you really think that we will simply allow you to do whatever you want into perpetuity you are even dumber than you act.

Number one, my "side" is the United States. What's yours?

And number two asswipe, "asswipe" is one word.

Well, you're not all that far from me -
Could I stop by and get an English lesson from you?

Well if you can see Alaska from your house, hop over the Bering Strait and it'll only be like another six thousand miles. By the time you get here everything will be certified and we can crack a beer in celebration. Or if you prefer, a borscht.

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