What happens to the Dow if Sanders is the nominee?

The economy really runs on the perception of the public and businesses.
Sanders will open the door for class warfare again and those with money will quit investing and expanding or hiring expecting a punitive policy pushed by the Executive Branch.
The literal minute Trump was elected you could almost taste and feel the perception of a President friendly to business. Folks started buying again, consumer confidence felt a boost and the trend has continued with record low unemployment.

Sanders promises to punish the wealthy with envy politics and that really hurts us all in the end.

Actually the literal minute Rump was elected, markets took a nose dive. I remember it.
literally? at 8:00PM? doesn't it close around 3:00pm EST? literally? too fking funny. exaggeration is so much fun. Did you literally see jobs numbers go up on his inauguration?

The markets clearly dislike Warren and Sanders is even worse. My clients are already pulling back a little as they are not convinced Trump will win a 2nd term and that a moderate like a Klobuchar would be the alternative. They are not thrilled with the likes of Sanders, Mayor Pete, or Warren. Sanders openly vilifies Wall Street and anyone who is "rich" by his obtuse definition. Despite some differences most Democrats and Republicans are capitalists and don't want to see their retirement savings and investments evaporate.

I welcome your thoughts.

Ah but you didn't take into account that the moon was in sesquiquincunx to Uranus that day, plus it rained in Tierra del Fuego --- these, in combination with the fact that the numerological palm readings of "Sanders" and "Warren", divided by their average shoe size, is exactly 0.23589 of the maximum speed of a swallow, is what made it happen.

Short version here.

The .23589 number is the combined iq of Sanders and Warren. Just wanted you to be aware of that correction before you start adding more numbers to your decoder ring.
they scored that well?

The markets clearly dislike Warren and Sanders is even worse. My clients are already pulling back a little as they are not convinced Trump will win a 2nd term and that a moderate like a Klobuchar would be the alternative. They are not thrilled with the likes of Sanders, Mayor Pete, or Warren. Sanders openly vilifies Wall Street and anyone who is "rich" by his obtuse definition. Despite some differences most Democrats and Republicans are capitalists and don't want to see their retirement savings and investments evaporate.

I welcome your thoughts.
Boom boom
out go the lights..

In my own personal opinion we were overdue for a correction as it is ...main street america had other ideas as they piled on wall st when trump won

Bernie wins cash out city , optimism levels plummet ,and preemptively layoffs will happen just like companies did when obama got elected

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